Mario Mattioli was unanimously confirmed yesterday as vicar regent with full powers throughout 2023 of Confitarma from the year-end assembly of the Italian Confederation Shipowners who have implemented the specific resolution of the Council. 'The 2022 - commented President Mattioli in his speech - has demonstrated that the national sea transport industry, A driving component of the entire maritime cluster, it is a strategic mobile infrastructure capable of networking and support the development of the country's economy. Trade world maritime not only worth 70% of the total value and the About 90% in volume, but the pandemic crisis has highlighted the its crucial importance in ensuring the needs and needs of the peoples of the world, as well as the development of markets. Confitarma - he added - has long been engaged in "awakening" of Italy's maritime culture and wants do it with a more modern, leaner and more streamlined spirit open, to talk about the sea at 360 ° and spread the strength strategic of the Economy of the Sea for Italy».
"We expect - concluded Mattioli - a 2023 full of challenges, especially in terms of ecological transition and regulatory simplification. Transposition of the Decision Community on the extension of the International Register, pillar of the national maritime industry, is a goal important, but it must be accompanied, if not even preceded by a concrete action to streamline the legal system of sector. Confitarma will continue to work to put the center of our country the sea, its ships and the cluster seafarer'.
At the end of the day Mattioli was received by the Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, with whom Competitiveness was addressed of the domestic maritime industry.