The port of Gioia Tauro is preparing to close 2022 with a Container traffic approaching an all-time record of 3.47 millions of teu enlivened in 2008. Today, in fact, the president dell'Autorità di Sistema Portuale dei Mari Tirreno Southern and Ionian, Andrea Agostinelli, announced that the Terminal for containers of the Calabrian airport, in concession to Medcenter Container Terminal (MCT), archives are scheduled per year in progress with an increase in container traffic of more than +7% on 2021, the year in which traffic was 3,146,533 TEU. The traffic of 2022, therefore, should stand at 100mla Teu less than the historical record of 2008.
Agostinelli highlighted that 2022 was Especially the year of the extraordinary rebirth of the terminal cars, managed by Automar, which has carried out a recovery of traffic that, in percentage terms compared to last year, has exceeded +243%. In addition, Agostinelli stressed that "a Gioia Tauro the year that is about to end has been, also, what made full intermodality structural of the airport, animated by the intense traffic arriving and departing from the railway gateway, connected with the hubs of Padua, Bologna, Bari and Nola, and the establishment of two fast corridors, (Gioia Tauro/Bologna and Gioia Tauro/Padua) initiated by the Agenzia delle Customs and Monopolies, the first and only ones in Southern Italy».