Total resources amounted to €48.0 million available for the dredging of Apulian ports, interventions that however They are partly at risk. Speaking at the conference on Wednesday "The dredging of the Apulian ports. Guidelines for simplification of the approval process" organized by the Region Puglia, Asset and Arpa, the Councillor for Transport and Mobility sustainable of the Puglia Region, Anita Maurodinoia, presented the Results of Action 7.4 "Interventions for competitiveness of the port and interport system" - Axis VII of the ROP Puglia 2014-2020 which has precisely this financial allocation from allocate to dredging and sediment management extracts.
The councilor recalled that at the moment they were considered 12 project proposals eligible and eligible for funding, for an amount of requested contributions of €41.0 million, including €5.3 million required by the Port System Authority of the Sea Southern Adriatic for the dredging of the port of Barletta as part of a project worth six million euros. Between these 12 projects, the works in the port of Barletta have already been delivered, while in the port of Molfetta the war reclamation of the site preparatory to the delivery of the works. All the subsidized projects - it has specified - have in fact started design activities and are discounting the environmental administrative process for the purpose of hiring authorisations necessary for the approval of the executive project, functional to the activation of tender procedures for the assignment of the works.
Remembering also that the schedule provides for the start of the tender procedures by 2023, with completion of the works in a time span ranging from a minimum of four months to a maximum of 18 months, Maurodinoia explained that precisely on these deadlines Problems are registered: "Waiting for the deadline of 31 December 2023 for funding from EU programming - has Specified the councilor - It would emerge from now the need a cost-covering financial reprogramming effort investment, with the aim of safeguarding selected dredging interventions, representative of a manifesto regional interest in port needs local. The works of dredging of the seabed are, in fact, fundamental maintenance interventions for the efficiency of regional port infrastructures (from small ports to vocation yachting to large commercial ports), which guarantee accessibility and safe seaworthiness to their internal. I believe - said the councilor - is in everyone's interest the actors of the system work on simplifying the process approval for dredging, deepen the regulations that underlie the characterization of the extracted sediments and areas where to deposit the dredged material, and spread the knowledge of innovative eco-sustainable technologies and systems».