The precipitous decrement of the financial performance of the French CMA CGM CMA Group, which started after the record results recorded in the July-September period of 2022, continued and became accentuated in the second quarter of this year, period in which revenues totaled 12.29 billion, with a -36.9% decline on the same quarter of 2022. The reduction in gross operating margin also amounted to 2.59 billion euros (-73.0%), as well as that of net profit which amounted to 1.33 billion (-82.5%).
The negative trend is entirely due to the trend of the group's activity in the containerized maritime transport sector, which is the main operations segment of CMA CGM and which concluded the second quarter of 2023 with revenues equal to 8.35 billion (-47.9%) and with a gross operating margin of 2.19 billion (-76.0%). This in the face of volumes of containerized loads carried by the fleet that were found to have been stable since being equal to 5.60 million teu (-0.3%). The French company said the volumes transported remained sustained on the north-south routes, while the eventful volumes on the transpacified routes and those between Asia and Europe were affected by the reduction in consumer demand and of the decrease in stocks put in place by distributors. The average revenue per teu container transported was 1,491 (-10.3%).
Best the group's performance in the logistics segment, thanks also to the effect of the new acquisitions of Ingram CLS, Gefco and Colis Privé realized in the second quarter of this year. The sector posted revenues of 3.78 billion (0%) and an EBITDA of 356 million (+ 4.7%) and in the near future it will be further and significantly boosted by the acquisition, if it goes into port, of the logistics activities of the Bollore group. ( of the April 18 and May 9 2023).
The other activities of CMA CGM, focused primarily on the port terminals that charge the group and the CMA CGM Air Cargo air subsidiary, closed the April-June period of 203 with revenues of 474 million (-5.3%) and with a gross operating margin of 50 million, with a decrease of -61.9% percent which-the French company said-was mainly determined by the smaller volumes of traffic handled by port terminals and a less lively freight air freight market.
In the entire first half of 2023, the group's revenues stood at 25.01 billion, with a -33.7% percent contraction in the first half of last year and with a 17.22 billion input from the containerized shipping segment. (-44.2%) and of 7.64 billion from logistics (+ 6.6%). The gross operating margin amounted to 6.03 billion (-67.4%), with a contribution of 5.23 billion from the container fleet activity (-70.4%) and 699 million from logistics activities (+ 18.5%). Net profit was 3.34 billion (-77.4%).
In the first six months of this year the fleet transported a total of 10.62 million containers (-2.7%).