It is published in the "European Journal" by a ban from the Port System Authority of the Central Adriatic Sea for the construction of the cold-ironing infrastructure that will involve six benches of the historic port of Ancona used for traffic ferries. The estimate of the expected power supply of the system as a whole is 9 MW. The plant will have to be carried out by June 2026. Bids for its construction will have to arrive by November 6 next year.
The planned investment in the port of Ancona is seven million Euros financed with the funds of the National Investment Plan complementary to the National Reformation Plan and Resilience of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. The project was curated by Sogesid, the "in-house" company of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, with which the AdSP signed in September 2022 an actuative convection for the cold-ironing design.
The infrastructure for the electricity grid of benches 8, 9, 11, dedicated to ro-pax traffic for Albania, and benches 13, 15, 16, used for traffic to and from Greece and Croatia, will be dedicated solely to the feeding of the ships from land in cold-ironing. They will, therefore, be independent of the electricity grid used for the general services of the Port of Port Authority of the Port System Authority. At the quay 17, in recent months, a power supply system for "platform supply vessels" has been installed, support vessels for platform operations, as well as has long been a similar system to the Pier Rizzo used in the dock. from tugboats in service in the dorsal stopover.
The electrification of the quays, in addition to the port of Ancona, will also affect the ports of Pesaro, San Benedetto del Tronto in the Marche, Ortona and Pescara in Abruzzo, with a total investment of 11 million euros. For the electrification of the banks of the ports of Pesaro and San Benedetto del Tronto del Tronto the AdSP is proceeding with a negotiated procedure for the request for supply from the economic operators already enrolled in the albo of the suppliers of the institution that will have to reach by November 6. The intervention for each of the ports will have an investment of 500mila euros intended for the realization of the cold-ironing infrastructure studied on the specific needs of the scallots.