"We need stronger collaboration and
interaction between the public and private sectors, both at the level of investment and
(within the scope of the concession instrument) and at the level of the
governance of the Port System Authorities; We
need for a national direction within the Ministry of Justice.
Infrastructure and Transport to become the control room
operational framework for PSAs, which ensures their efficiency and coordination,
harmonisation of rules for fair competition, and
cooperation between PSAs, especially at this time when the
the phenomenon of verticalization is becoming more and more pronounced,
able to identify and eliminate overlapping competences (ART,
AGCM, ANAC, MIT), ensure standard regulatory pathways for
recurrent procedures, e.g. all authorisation procedures
interface, interface with the Interministerial Committee for
Policies of the Sea in a two-way way for the implementation of the
Sea Plan for the port part'. He has
said today the president of Federagenti, Alessandro Santi,
illustrating the recipe of Italian shipping agents for the
governance of the national ports on the occasion of the
of the Federation's assembly on the theme "Porto Italia in the
changing world" held this morning in Taranto.