This morning, Rear Admiral Antonio Ranieri, appointed commissioner
of the Port System Authority of the Strait
by decree of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport,
installed in his new position. "It's for me," he said.
Ranieri said - it is an honour to hold this position so
prestigious and strategic for the territory. I'm aware
of the commitment that the new role entrusted to me will imply in the
coming months and I am ready, driven by the work done and the
numerous projects already underway, to work for the
enhancement and development of the ports of the Strait in flood
synergy with institutions and all stakeholders
The inauguration took place after the usual passage of
with the outgoing president Mario Mega. The latter has
A long message has been entrusted today to social channels in which he outlines a
of his term of office, which ended "after four intense years
- he explained - in which I had the honour of leading the sixteenth
Italian Port Authority, the latest to be created after the 2016 reform, for the management of
of the ports of Messina and Reggio overlooking the Strait of Messina
as well as the port of Milazzo and most recently that of Saline Joniche. A
mandate," Mega added, taking off some of the evidently
a lot of pebbles in the shoes - which, according to some, would not be
had to be even started, since the Conte I government had to
pass my nomination to the Council of Ministers in order to overcome the
opposition from the Regions of Calabria and Sicily; then that it would be
had to be interrupted as a result of the annulment of the rule
establishment of the PSA, contested by the Calabria Region, then
rejected by the Constitutional Court; Finally, that I shouldn't have
to complete the appeal to the Regional Administrative Court, which has never been discussed to date,
proposed by the Region of Sicily, which objected to the lack of
Requirements for the assignment. But, Mega lamented, it's not
That's all. Throughout the mandate it has been clear and never
The opposition of some Messina operators who did not
missed the opportunity to undermine the activity of the PSA
spreading poison and trying to get the ministry to intervene
vigilante, invoking, without any result, powers
without any legitimate reason'.
Illustrating the initiatives carried out and those launched to
the revival of the port of the Strait, Mega has
declared that he was "satisfied with all the work done and
for having been able to complete the mandate, despite all the
adversity, with serenity of mind and
peace of mind for those who are certain to be on the side
if only for the dozens and dozens of attestations of
esteem and solidarity received from ordinary citizens but also from
institutional representatives at all levels during the