The Port System Authority of the Tyrrhenian Seas
Southern and Ionian has announced that the Superior Council of the
Public Works has approved the functional technical adaptation to the
Master plan of the port of Gioia Tauro aimed at
renovation of the quay in section E and the construction of
a mooring tooth along the quay on the north side serving the
Ro-Ro and Ro-Pax vessels. The port authority specified that within the
of the ATF have been defined as a number of non-substantial changes which,
by their nature, they do not involve a "variation" to the Plan
Port Regulator but which affect the pursuit of specific
objectives, in order to increase the competitiveness of the port of
Gioia Tauro adapting it to the new market demands, the new
navigation needs and the changing size of the fleet
global. In particular, the PSA specified, the intervention was carried out in
made necessary because, at present, the quay intended for the
At the docking of the Ro-Ro ships it is equipped with three chutes of 25
meters in length that are no longer suitable for the dimensions
of the latest generation of ro-ro and ro-pax ships calling at the port
The work will therefore aim to adapt the size of the
slides placed along the quay, serving the doors of the
from the current 25 to 35 metres in order to
facilitate the loading and disembarking of cars.
At the same time, a new mooring tooth will be built with
an open quay founded on poles 35 meters long.