Referring to the hypothesis formulated by an employers' association
of the road haulage sector, which has once again proposed a new
Operational model for Ligurian ports imagining
the use of "24-hour workforce and truck services",
Filt Cgil Genova underlined that "issues on work
so delicate, that they involve entire categories of
workers, upset their rhythms and increase risks, require
a careful and serious discussion table with the organizations
and not unilateral declarations that leave the time that
they find".
"The work of the drivers - highlighted Marco Gallo and
Leonardo Cafuoti of the Union's Freight and Logistics Department -
deserves a broader and more accurate evaluation that must be
seriously addressing starting from the working conditions, the
remuneration, rights and safety. That is why the
Filt considers these proposals substantially ineffective in the
solution of sectoral criticalities as well as
worsening of the health and safety conditions of personnel
destructuring of the guarantees and protections of the
workers established by the national labour contract, by the laws
and the EC Regulation. The Filt Cgil Freight Transport sector
- they added - makes bargaining a value and is
willing to negotiate when workers' rights are
respected and when through comparison it is possible
improve the operating conditions of staff and
the economy of the sector. Do not meet the requirements, intents and
statements that do not take these elements into account".