On the occasion of the second edition of the Sea Resource Forum, in
held today and tomorrow in Palermo, TEHA Group, a company
controlled by The European House - Ambrosetti which organizes
the event in collaboration with the Minister for Civil Protection
and Sea Policies and with the patronage of the Presidency of the
Council of Ministers, presented some proposals to stimulate
greater competitiveness of the Made In maritime industry
Italy, starting with an acceleration in the simplification process
of the National Naval Register, already started with
the Malan bill
September 2023).
He then noted that the maritime industry is also
strongly impacted by the decarbonisation targets and
electrification of fleets and that, if LNG ships in Europe are
Italy, is lagging behind due to shortages in the
storage infrastructure, the need for
accelerate the path of infrastructure of ports so that
private investments in fleet electrification can
determine significant changes in the achievement of targets
sustainability. TEHA Group reminds you that to this end, the Plan
National Recovery and Resilience Fund allocates 500 million euros to the
sustainable fleet renewal by 2026, but to date only 186
million have been allocated and, of these, only 49 million spent, and
This is mainly due to several critical issues of the
notice, considered "limiting" as it is limited to
shipyards and projects planned only and exclusively in the countries
EU with a potential 'cost disadvantage' compared to
non-EU construction sites. In addition, the implementation times of the
interventions are considered too ambitious and ships are excluded
and those used on routes that involve the call of
a single European port, thus circumscribing the perimeter of the tender.
TEHA Group specifies that the Ministry of Infrastructure and
Trasporti, responsible for the measure, has been working in recent months
to a review of the PNRR project.
Finally, the need to win in the
the challenge of hiring seafarers and the
creation of an adequate critical mass of workers to support
the competitiveness and operability of sectors such as
shipbuilding and cruise industry. In particular,
notes the need for access to and attractiveness to
so-called "trades of the sea" enter the debate of
collaboration between the public and private sectors,
optimizing the economic resources available, which are currently limited.
According to TEHA Group, to reverse this trend, it is necessary to act on the
training of workers with dedicated skills through
an Academy of the Trades of the Sea and involving the Technical Institutes
High Schools and Nautical Institutes in upskilling projects and
reskilling of workforce.