ECG, the European Association for Vehicle Logistics, has
called for a transitional period in the application of the guidelines
VDI 2700 guide for load securing in the
road transport of goods. The guidelines have been developed
VDI, the association of German engineers, which at the first time
version of the VDI 2700 was followed by several others in
consideration of very different fixing methods
with respect to different types of loads. In particular, the last first
September Sheets 8, 8.1 and 8.2 of the lines
VDI 2700 guide with detailed technical specifications for the
road transport of vehicles, with the Verein Deutscher association
Ingenieure which has decided not to introduce transitional periods
in their application.
ECG explained that transporters of vehicles passing by or
are uploaded or unloaded in Germany are subject to new
guidelines on vehicle lashing on car transporters and, if
the driver is unable to prove that his truck is
fully compliant, there may be fines or it may be
The loading of a truck in a plant is prohibited. Many thousands
of car transporters must be certified and, according to the manufacturers of
trailers - ECG announced - so far less than half of the
Truck has received certification.
On Tuesday, ECG organized a webinar with over 200
participants to discuss the rules and to facilitate questions to
VDI, the certification company TÜV Süd and the
specialist trailer manufacturers Kässbohrer, Lohr, RIMO and
Rolf. "During the webinar," explained Frank Schnelle,
ECG's Executive Director Designate – it was evident
that the time available to our members to comply
to the new VDI guidelines is insufficient. We urge both the
police authorities that OEM manufacturers to take in
consideration this aspect. A guideline that has been
proven valid for 15 years cannot suddenly be
considered incorrect from one day to the next and constitute a danger to
road traffic. Therefore, a period of
transition for all parties involved in order to avoid that half of the
of the European haulier fleet is excluded from the market
Remembering that the VDI guidelines are not legally
ECG noted that, however, given that the Code of Ethics
German road reflects the most advanced technologies and knowledge
on vehicle lashing on car transporters, these
guidelines can be interpreted as the most
recent in the sector.