The Port System Authority of the Adriatic Sea
Centrale has published the notice for a new concession application
presented by the MSC shipowner group to manage areas, quays and
cruise traffic in the port of Ancona, including the construction of
and the management of a maritime station. The duration of the concession
proposed by MSC is 35 years old. The first application submitted for
operate terminal activities by MSC Cruises, the company
cruise ship of the MSC group, dates back to 2021 and provided for a duration of
of the 25-year concession
May 2021). Following the observations submitted by the
Fincantieri shipbuilding group and the notice of opposition
presented by the Anek shipping company, which subsequently
has become part of the Greek shipowning group Attica
Holdings, had led the port authority to claim the
Design and construction of the passenger terminal at the quay
No 15 (subject to a first transitional phase of the proposal
presented by MSC Cruises). Subsequently, last April, the
MSC group had presented additions to update the
technical-economic, timing and project documentation
of the new maritime station that MSC intends to design,
to build and manage.
In particular, the new instance provides for a transitional phase,
with effect proposed from 2026 or in any case from the availability
of the terminal that will be built by the port authority and the
duration not exceeding seven years from the date of subscription
of the concession, relating to an area of about 3,630 square meters
at pier 15 of Molo XXIX Settembre and an area of about
1,730 square meters currently occupied by the tensile structure
used as a cruise terminal that will be redeveloped to
by the Port System Authority, replacing the current
tensile structure with a new terminal, also the subject of the
concession. In the transitional phase, the quay area will be
consented to on a non-exclusive basis and therefore will be used by the
concessionaire limited to cruise ship calls. It is
there is also an obligation to ensure access to passengers in
waiting for boarding on board the ferries to the structure intended for
terminal on quay 15 which will be built by
of the Port Authority.
The application then provides for a definitive phase starting from
delivery of the state-owned areas and appurtenances of the pier to be
carried out by and at the expense of the Port Authority on the external front of the pier
Clementino, whose completion is currently estimated at 31
December 2031. The final phase relates to an area of
about 7,400 square meters on which the construction of
a maritime station with financing from the company
relating to the design and construction of the
itself for an area of about 2,600 square meters, according to
the project that MSC reserves the right to attach in order to
improvement of the investigation process, also in relation to the
concomitant infrastructural interventions envisaged in the
programming of the Port Authority.
The fee offered by the applicant company is
consisting of a fixed part of 50 thousand euros per year and a
variable part equal to 0.30 euros per embarking passenger,
disembarking or in transit. In addition, there is a mechanism for
compensation of the operating costs to be incurred by the
Concessionaire for Cruise Terminal Availability
present on pier 15 in the months of July and August in favor of the
passengers waiting to board ferries with reduction,
in the transitional phase, of the annual rent envisaged.
Any competing questions and comments must be
submitted by 18 March.
Announcing the submission of the application, the president
of the Port Authority of the Central Adriatic Sea, Vincenzo Garofalo,
highlighted that "The cruise traffic of the port of Ancona and the
project for the quayside of the external front of the Clementino Pier
continue to garner interest and commitment to an investment
of the main cruise operator in the Mediterranean. One
proposal for the expansion of the sector in the airport that favors a
path of qualitative and organizational improvement of the offer
towards passengers, a further element to support the strategy
regional tourism development as an opportunity for
growth, knowledge and openness of the territory".