The generalized levelling of construction costs and
operation of the vessel (refuelling, tax and social security charges,
etc.) combined with the imminent extension of the benefits under the
International Register to EU/EEA flags make it urgent today
the administrative and bureaucratic simplification of the legal system
Italian seafarer. This was highlighted today by Nicola Coccia,
coordinator of the Rules and Competitiveness Committee of
Confitarma, during a hearing at the Commission
Environment, ecological transition, energy, public works,
communications, technological innovation of the Senate in the field of
of the consideration of Senator Malan's Bill No. 673 in
amendments to the administrative system of the
Shipping and Maritime Work
September 2023).
"For a long time now," Coccia explained, "all the subjects
stakeholders, both public and private, are aware of this
urgency. This is evidenced by the various bills in terms of
simplification of the sector presented over the years in Parliament but
also the important work of comparison carried out in the context of the
"Sea Table", established by the then MIMS at the end of 2021.
Unfortunately, however, these valuable initiatives have not seen a significant impact on the
the light. The time has come for good intentions to turn from
Let's move on to concrete facts if we don't want to see the flagging out
of the Italian fleet towards more
The representative of the Italian Shipowners' Confederation
pointed out that the measures contained in the Malan Bill, in addition to not
In most cases, additional burdens will be borne by the
are common-sense measures, aimed, among other things, at
modernising maritime legislation in relation to the digital age in which
and to adapt the relevant legislation to the context of the
European institution. In the age of digitalisation, he pointed out
Coccia - it is anachronistic not to allow ships operating
in foreign ports and for long periods (even up to
three months) do not find a consulate willing to regularise the
enlistment contracts (as non-existent or for
incompatibility of schedules or as an honorary consulate
without the necessary functions) cannot make use of the
also incurring the risk of sanctions by the
Harbour Master's Office upon their arrival in the Italian port. Thus
as it is a contradiction that, due to the lack of updating
of the relevant legislation, the temporary divestment procedure
flag (so-called bareboat out) to the EU flag - as
equivalent to a definitive decommissioning to a non-EU flag -
is much stricter than that envisaged for the decommissioning
to a Member State's registry, which requires
instead only the submission of a simple application in
Harbour Master's Office.
"There are also other proposals that we have been promoting for some time
to the competent institutional bodies in order to make our
more competitive companies," added Coccia
referring to the simplification of the training process to achieve
the certification of crew cook and amendments to the Code
of the Navigation on the subject of mortgage advertising
and mortgage consolidation.
"We are confident - concluded Nicola Coccia - that the bill
No 673 will be rapidly and effectively implemented as
Very important first step to relaunch the Italian flag -
to which we are deeply attached and which we try to bring with us
pride at the stern of our ships - and continue to count, as
country, in international institutional forums'.