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Fedespedi, not to the extension "briefly" of the exceptions to the normative antitrust for the consortia between marine companies
The EU commission - Confetra agrees - cannot stave off to its task of arbitrator of the market
December 20, 2018
Fedespedi, the national federation of the Italian shipment houses, has expressed contrarietà in principle to the extension "briefly" beyond the previewed term of the current exceptions to the normative antitrust for the consortia between the navigation companies, regime of which in 2014 the EU commission has fixed the expiration on April 25, 2020(on 25 June 2014).
Remembering that such position is supported by Confetra on a national level and the CLECAT to European level, Fedespedi has explained to consider more rather "than the EU commission it must define as soon as possible lines guides clear and transparent and systems of monitoring and effective control for the field, because they are avoided and behaviors get discouraged potentially colluded to you and oligopolistici, to discapito of the efficiency of the supply chain. On the other hand, the European norms (art. 81 par.3 of the constituent of European Community and next Treaty art. 101 of the Treaty on the Operation of the European Union) - the federation of the shippers has remembered - already admit the possibility to create to agreements or practical coordinates, on condition that they contribute "to improve the production or the distribution of the produced ones or to promote the technical or economic progress"".
Fedespedi has evidenced that in the past decade the market of the marine transport deeply is changed, with the abolition of the conference, the failure of great marine companies, the race to naval gigantism and the recent formation of three great shipowning alliances that - it has emphasized - "they have, in fact, returned the current regulations of exemption for the Consortia obsolete ((EC) n. 906/2009, famous as "Consortia Block Exemption Regulation") and created a strong contractual loss of balance in favor of the navigation companies, to the detriment of ports, terminalisti and logistics in general terms".
"A tight market to little great players - the president of Fedespedi has denounced, Roberto Alberti - cannot be synonymous neither of competition, neither of contractual freedom. The last evolution of the market of the shipping, with the creation of three alliances that act, in the substance, as oligopolies, has created an indefensible situation; to pay of the higher price it is the goods, with an always smaller chosen possibility of and a lowland service often quality in terms of tempistiche, flexibility and efficiency. The EU must supervise and guarantee a real competition in the field of the shipping".
"The EU commission - it has agreed the president of Confetra, Nereo Marcucci - cannot stave off to its task of arbitrator of the market: it must guarantee of pluralism and it must eliminate every inequality of application of the normative antitrusts in the logistic field. We are not prejudicially against the delay - it has specified Marcucci - always that obviously the benefits for the market that give it would be gushed are demonstrated and measured. We are, instead, against a delay "without conditions", than therefore the problem is not set to avoid that the great alliances between shipping linens can use such exception to the communitarian norm antitrust in order to reproduce side earth the same oligopolistiche conditions that today record side sea. We integrally share therefore the conclusions and the recommendations of Relationship ITF OCSE".
Fedespedi has remembered that own the International Transport Forum of the OCSE, in its last relationship on the impact of the alliances on the transport container, in fact, has denounced a process of verticalizzazione of the great shipowners, which stretch to take advantage of own dominant and less bound position in order to control every ring of the logistic chain, in sea and to earth(on 2 November 2018). Pack-saddles to think for example, - it has found Fedespedi - to as the search of economies of scale in the marine transport (with I use it of the mega-ships) has created diseconomie in infrastructures to earth (overload of the great ports, which hogged from the container, and abandonment of the ports - the majority - not suitable, for dimensions, to this new type of ships) or to the tendency of the great companies to offer and to manage services and strategic infrastructures to earth.
Today the term of the consultation expires on Regolamento of exemption for category for the consortia of containerized marine companies promoted 27th September 2018 from the EU commission(on 27 September 2018). Fedespedi, Confetra and CLECAT have participated to the consultation giving to seem negative to the hypothesis of "an unconditioned" delay of Regolamento. Fedespedi has specified that, moreover, in these months the Italian federation of the shippers has contributed to define in European center - working together with the CLECAT, than soon will publish a position paper on this argument - the position of the category of the freight forwarders.
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