Today at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, at the
presence of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister Matteo Salvini,
an agreement has been signed to delegate to the
of the verification and certification services of
Italian flag, for maritime security purposes, with the Command
General of the Port Authorities - Coast Guard.
Each Italian ship, following construction, carries out a
first visit for the issuance of an international certificate,
called International Ship Security Certificate, which certifies the
compliance with international legislation on
safety. The release procedure provided that an inspector
Coast Guard specialist went on board the ship
wherever she was, with a long stay of the same in the port
and the staff in charge of the visit. In order to simplify the
procedure, the General Command, as the national authority
for maritime safety, on behalf of the Ministry of Maritime Safety,
Infrastructure and Transport, has launched a measure of
delegation to specially accredited bodies that will be able to
carry out inspection and certification activities by reducing
times and costs of issuing certificates.