In 2024, the Port of Singapore handled 622.7 million
tons of goods, a volume that represents an increase of +5.2%
on 2023 and is only lower than the all-time record of 630.1
million tons established in 2018 and the traffic handled
in 2017 and 2019. If last year the total traffic was not
risen to a new historical peak, in 2024 a volume never reached
previously it was reached both by goods
containerized and non-oil bulk cargo. The new record
in the container sector has been achieved with a traffic of
369.5 million tons (+5.1%), a record that is also
in terms of twenty-foot containers handled that are
Results of over 41.1 million TEUs (+5.4%). The new record
of non-oil bulk is 30.9 million tons
(+37,0%). In addition, last year in the Asian port were
195.1 million tons of oil bulk handled
(+1.6%) and 27.1 million tons of conventional goods (+4.2%).
In the fourth quarter of last year alone, traffic
total of goods in the port of call amounted to
153.5 million tons, with a growth of +1.3% on the same
period of 2023, of which 90.0 million tonnes of goods
containerized (-0.1%) made with a handling of
containers equal to 10.4 million TEUs (+3.8%), 7.5 million TEUs
tonnes of conventional goods (+17.9%), 47.8 million tonnes of
tonnes of oil bulk (-2.0%) and 8.2 million tonnes of
tons of other bulk cargo (+29.6%).