In 2024, the port terminals of the COSCO Shipping Ports group,
which is controlled by the Chinese shipping group COSCO
Shipping Holdings Co., have handled container traffic
record of almost 111.9 million TEUs, with an increase of
+5.7% on 2023. The record was achieved thanks to both the
Historical peak of traffic handled in the Group's terminals in the
Chinese ports, which amounted to 77.6 million TEUs (+6.3%),
and the historical peak of traffic in the group's foreign terminals,
amounted to 34.2 million TEUs (+4.5%).
Even in the fourth quarter of 2024 alone,
recorded a new historical record of quarterly traffic being
more than 28.7 million vehicles were handled
TEU, up +2.7% on the same quarter of the year
previous. Also in relation to this period, the new record is
state both in Chinese ports, where they were handled
19.8 million TEUs (+1.4%), and in foreign ports, where traffic
amounted to 8.9 million TEUs (+5.8%).