With a sentence published yesterday, the Administrative Court
Regional for Lazio upheld the appeals supported
by the Italian Association of Port Terminal Operators (Assiteminal) and by
Asso.N.A.T. - National Association of Tourist Ports and Marinas and
proposed against Istat increases in concession fees
maritime state property relating to the year 2023 and the criteria for
definition of fee updates.
Assonat-Confcommercio expressed great satisfaction with the
ruling of the Regional Administrative Court annulling the decree of the Ministry of Economy and Finance,
of 10 December 2023, which provided for a
Istat increase of 25.15% on fees for state concessions
based - specified Assonat - on an index that is not
provided for by current legislation: "the Administrative Court
- explained the association - noted that this increase was
calculated using an alternative method, which does not comply with
what is established by the legislator (Article 04, paragraph 1, of the
Decree-Law no. 400/1993), in violation of the principle of legality.
In particular, the TAR pointed out that the index applied by the
Ministry differed from the one expected, i.e. the average of the indices
Istat on consumer prices for blue-collar and blue-collar households
and values for the wholesale market".
"This decision - underlined the president of
Assonat, Luciano Serra - represents an important recognition
of the requests brought forward by Assonat to protect the concessionaires and
reiterates the importance of public administration dialogue
with users".
The director of Assiterminal, Alessandro Ferrari, noted
which "is now up to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport
adapt its measures established by decree, to the Authorities
Port System to make adjustments, or to find forms of
compensation for all concessionaires - including terminals
cruises -, and solve a debated and contrasted issue also by
Assiterminal for at least two years in the interest of the entire cluster
of ports".