On the occasion of today's assembly in Rome of
Federlogistica-Conftrasporto the outgoing president of the
federation, Luigi Merlo, who today passed the baton to his
successor Davide Falteri, highlighted the role of logistics
as a driver of the national economic system, stressing that it is not
There is only one logistics, but many logistics capable of standing up to
problem solver of issues often prisoners of apparatuses
and lack of application of innovation. Exist-
explained - a logistics of infrastructure, a logistics of the
Freight transport, mobility logistics in city centres
warehouse logistics, distribution logistics, and many
"Logistics - agreed in his speech the
president of Confcommercio, Carlo Sangalli - is the main
and the only keystone, not a keystone, but a turning point, for the development of
markets and companies. If the country wants and must grow - he
Survey - Digitalisation and innovation projects
focused on logistics and therefore on mobility
of goods and people, represent a determining factor and
essential". "Logistics," Sangalli added
is a crucial element in "connecting" economies and
Territories. And I am also thinking of ports that today are not just ports of call
but energy hubs, digital crossroads and key hubs for the
mobility and tourism, increasingly central to the
our country. Get the right product, at the price and at the
right time, exactly to the right customer, is a challenge
really complex". According to the president of Confcommercio,
"Digitalisation does not mark a decrease in importance
of logistics. Digitalisation and technologies
of artificial intelligence - he said - can be the
tools to speed up processes in terms of organization and
potential to the sector. Digitalization means
Optimize processes, reduce waste, anticipate needs
of the market. All the more so in a time like ours,
characterized by the continuous alternation of crisis after crisis, which
they require prediction, speed and precision in responses."
Referring to new technologies, Merlo noted that, in order to
Italy, artificial intelligence could prove essential
in the next five or six years in which, as has already happened for
the motorway sector (and it still happens today) the large
transport and mobility infrastructures for goods and people
will go under stress for hundreds of open construction sites, finalized
to the construction of the new works partly envisaged in the PNRR. And
In this, as in other cases - specified the outgoing president
by Federlogistica - the central theme becomes how to build the
models to which AI will have to provide answers by predicting
operational indications.