9.00-9.30 |
Welcome discurso |
Alessandro Cosimi Mayor of Lvorno |
Giorgio Kutufà Presidente Provincia Livorno |
9.30-10.30 |
Opening sesiones Challenges ahead fuero Mediterranean puertos and puerto cooperación potentialities |
Giuliano Gallanti Presidente of Livorno PORT Autoridad |
Nadia Laraki General Director. Agencia Nacional de los PuertosMorocco |
Caterina Bertolini Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
Santiago García Milà Presidente ESPO |
Enrico Rossi Presidente of Región Toscana |
10.30-11.00 |
Keynote discurso Mediterranean Puertos: how to take advantage of the développement of the Motorways of the Sea and face the "méga-Containerships phenomenon"
Peter W.de Langen Technische Universiteit Eindhoven |
11.30-13.30 |
- Roundtable
- The extension of Motorways of the Sea to Southern Mediterranean Countries: towards new à euro Mediterranean perspective
Presidente Renato Midoro Director Central Italiano Eccellenza Logistica Completar - de los CIELOS |
Contributors |
Nadia Laraki General Directoc, Agencia Nacional de los Puertos Morocco |
Moroccan Puertos Representativas |
José Anselmo European Commission, MOS Coordinator Advisor, TEN-t EA |
Francesco Benevolo Director Operativo, Red Autopistas del Mar - RAM EPA |
Ramón Gómez ˜Ferrer Valencia PORT General Jefe |
Enrico Maria Pujia General Director Marítimo and Inland Transporte, MTI |
Antonella Querci Director of Port Développement and Innovation, APL |
Luìs Valente de Oliveira European Comisión, MOS Coordinator, TEN-t EA |
Victor Schoenmakers Director European & Internationai Affairs, Port of Rotterdam |
13.30-15.00 |
Almuerzo aparador |
15.00-17.30 |
Roundtable Mediterranean Ports to cope with méga containerships: the view of Port Authorities and the view of the Shipping industry
Presidente Hercules Haralambides Erasmus University Rotterdam - Presidente Brindis PORT Autoridad |
Contributors |
Nadia Laraki General Jefe Agencia Nacional de los Puertos Morocco |
Moroccan Puertos Representativas |
José Anselmo European Commission, MOS Coordinator Advisorm, TEN-t EA |
Ennio Cascetta University Federico II, Nápoles |
Giuliano Gallanti Presidente of Livorno PORT Autoridad |
Ramàn Gómez-Calzar Valencia PORT General Jefe |
Manuel Grimaldi Presidente of Confitarma |
Nereo Marcucci Presidente of Confetra |
Enrico Maria Pujia General Director Marítimo and Inland Transporte, MTI |
17.30-18.30 |
Debate and Conclusions |