Nell'anno finanziario conclusosi lo scorso 30 giugno il traffico container registrato dalla Sydney Ports Corporation è stato pari a 991.000 teu, con un calo del 2,5% rispetto a 1.016.000 teu del precedente anno. La flessione è stata determinata dalla diminuzione delle importazioni, mentre l'export containerizzato è risultato in crescita del 3,6%. Tale andamento negativo si è accentuato nel quadrimestre luglio-ottobre di quest'anno, nel corso del quale sono stati movimentati 341.544 teu, con una diminuzione del 5% rispetto al corrispondente periodo del 2000.
«Nel breve termine - ha detto però il presidente di Sydney Ports Corporation, David Field - le prospettive di traffico per l'anno 2001-02 rimangono stabili nonostante il recente rallentamento dell'economia internazionale associato con la flessione delle importazioni in container. Tuttavia nel 2020 si prevede che Port botany raggiunta una movimentazione tra 2,5 e 3 milioni di teu». |
Sydney Ports Corporation Trade Statistics
(Source: Sydney Ports Corporation)
2001/2002 Sydney Container Trade - 4 Months to October 2001
2001/2002 TEUs
| July |
Aug | Sept
| Oct | Nov
| Dec | Jan
| Feb | Mar
| Apr | May
| Jun | Cumulative Total
Exports | 38,295
| 39,905 | 42,003
| 35,668 | | | | | | | | | 155,871
Imports | 44,475
| 46,999 | 47,150
| 47,049 | | | | | | | | | 185,673
Total 2001/2002
| 82,770 |
86,904 | 89,153
| 82,717 |
| | | | | | | | 341,544 |
Total 2000/2001
| 92,491 |
93,413 | 83,032
| 90,888 |
89,963 | 86,503
| 78,066 |
72,321 | 79,831
| 70,700 |
77,327 | 76,119
| 990,654 |
Total 1999/2000
| 80,934 |
84,168 | 80,952
| 95,035 |
95,358 | 90,249
| 84,241 |
79,787 | 81,886
| 79,011 |
82,477 | 82,303
| 1,016,401
Container Trade By Country
TEUs 4 Months to October 2001
| Imports 2001/2002
| Export 2001/2002
| Total Trade
Country | Full
| Empty | Total
| Full | Empty
| Total | 2001/2002**
| % Change over 2000/2001
China*** | 39,543
| 480 | 40,023
| 11,813 | 10,091
| 21,904 | 61,927
| -9.0% |
New Zealand | 13,001
| 1,476 | 14,477
| 15,005 | 4,006
| 19,011 | 33,488
| -6.4% |
United States | 16,363
| 1,764 | 18,127
| 7,654 | 325
| 7,979 | 26,106
| -18.5% |
Japan | 8,512
| 454 | 8,966
| 10,450 | 2,332
| 12,782 | 21,748
| -14.0% |
Singapore | 7,730
| 163 | 7,893
| 3,949 | 5,725
| 9,674 | 17,567
| -24.0% |
South Korea | 8,533
| 172 | 8,705
| 4,693 | 2,928
| 7,621 | 16,326
| -13.5% |
Australian Coastal
| 1,414 | 333
| 1,747 | 5,490
| 9,031 | 14,521
| 16,268 | -16.3%
Malaysia | 7,913
| 75 | 7,988
| 2,730 | 3,308
| 6,038 | 14,026
| -17.5% |
Indonesia | 6,207
| 0 | 6,207
| 5,773 | 897
| 6,670 | 12,877
| -2.4% |
Taiwan | 5,399
| 162 | 5,561
| 2,337 | 1,630
| 3,967 | 9,528
| -37.2% |
Thailand | 6,157
| 0 | 6,157
| 3,263 | 38
| 3,301 | 9,458
| -3.8% |
Italy | 6,059
| 0 | 6,059
| 1,930 | 462
| 2,392 | 8,451
| -15.4% |
Great Britain | 4,828
| 13 | 4,841
| 2,477 | 11
| 2,488 | 7,329
| -7.1% |
Germany | 6,381
| 2 | 6,383
| 891 | 27
| 918 | 7,301
| -17.6% |
Netherlands | 6,014
| 56 | 6,070
| 518 | 24
| 542 | 6,612
| -12.8% |
South Africa | 2,536
| 540 | 3,076
| 2,104 | 148
| 2,252 | 5,328
| -19.3% |
Other | 30,905
| 2,488 | 33,393
| 29,377 | 4,434
| 33,811 | 67,204
| 63.7% |
TOTAL | 177,495
| 8,178 | 185,673
| 110,454 | 45,417
| 155,871 | 341,544
| -5.1% |
** include empty TEUs ***Includes Hong Kong
Sydney Ports Container Trade - 4 Months To October 2001
Top 10 Imports
| Top 10 Exports
Product |
Mass tonnes |
Product | Mass tonnes
Manufactures |
270,530 | Cereals
| 148,486 |
Chemicals | 248,992
| Non Ferrous Metals
| 146,703 |
Paper Products |
187,688 | Cotton
| 144,427 |
Machinery | 174,445
| Chemicals | 129,302
Food Preparations
| 81,376 | Manufactures
| 97,675 |
Non Metallic Minerals
| 81,292 | Food Preparations
| 88,972 |
Beverages | 59,965
| Meat | 88,845
Iron & Steel
| 54,824 | Iron & Steel
| 86,152 |
Timber | 36,991
| Animal Foods |
69,893 |
Textiles | 30,846
| Paper Products |
65,195 |
Sydney's annual container trade - TEU from 1992/93 to 2001/2002*
Fin.Year |
1992/93 | 1993/94
| 1994/95/B>
| 1995/96 |
1996/97 | 1997/98
| 1998/99 |
1999/00 | 2000/2001
| 2001/2002*
Imports | 300,329
| 320,909 | 363,555
| 367,520 | 392,589
| 420,447 | 459,836
| 540,214 | 512,867
| 185,673 |
Exports | 261,382
| 272,381 | 306,114
| 331,398 | 337,857
| 380,331 | 419,343
| 476,187 | 477,787
| 155,871 |
561,711 | 593,290
| 669,669 |
698,918 | 730,446
| 800,778 |
879,179 | 1,016,401
| 990,654 |
341,544 |
*Cumulative trade to October 2001
Number of lines and monthly sailings on major routes
| Number of shipping lines*
| Number of sailing per month*
| 22 | 27
Middle East/West Coast India
| 24 | 13
South East Asia/East Coast India
| 27 | 24
China/Japan/Far East
| 21 | 21
New Zealand |
11 | 13
PNG/Pacific Islands
| 17 | 23
US/Canada/West Coast
| 16 | 14
US/Canada/East Coast
| 18 | 15
South/Central America
| 13 | 12
Africa | 14
| 10 |
*As at October 2001