09.00-09.30 |
Registration and welcome coffee |
09.30-10.00 |
Welcome Address |
President of USCLAC - Capt. Claudio Tomei |
President of CESMA - Capt. Dimitar Dimitrov |
Authorities |
Mayor of Genoa - Marco Bucci |
Regione Liguria president - Giovanni Toti (invited) |
“Ports of Genoa” Port Authority System president - Paolo Emilio Signorini (invited) |
Coast Guard - Liguria Maritime Director - Adm. Sergio Liardo |
10.15 |
Italian Shipping Academy, president - Eugenio Massolo “The Academy's role and its offer for students” (presentation by Paola Strata) |
10.30-11.30 |
Seminar 1 |
“Unmanned vessels: master ashore? The masters' responsibility” |
Moderator: Riccardo Masnata (journalist) |
Michele Martelli (University of Genoa - DITEN, Dept. of Naval Architecture, Electric, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering) “The current research on autonomous vessels”
Andrea Leboffe (Rina, Italy Naval ship centre manager) “Regulatory framework, master role and responsibility” |
Leendert Bal (European Maritime Safety Agency - Head of Safety, Security and Surveillance) |
Giacomo Gavarone (Confitarma, President of Human Resources and Industrial Relations Technical Group) “Unmanned vessels: the role of the human factor” |
11.30-12.00 |
Discussion |
12.00-13.00 |
Lunch |
13.00-14.00 |
Seminar 2 |
“LNG powered ships, what future and safety? |
Stefano Messina (Assarmatori, president) “The LNG solution: from transition tool to strategic fuel” |
Alberto Bottarel (Coast Guard, Genoa Harbour Master Office) “The use of LNG as a fuel on board - The international rules in force” |
Massimo Garbarino (shipmaster) “Managing a LNG powered ship. My personal experience” |
Giampiero De Cubellis (Wartsila, Head of Strategic Account Management, Marine Business) “From LNG ships to future fuels and autonomous ships” |
Massimo Figari (University of Genoa - DITEN - Marine Engineering) “Regulations and human factor” |
14.15-14.45 |
discussion |
CESMA Annual General Assembly |
CESMA Annual General Assembly Meeting |