Der 30 Oktober im handels Hafen von Augusta folgend mich Erde "der Blue Day", internationales Laboratorium auf dem Wachstum in Mittelmeer von der Hafen Autorität von Augusta mit dem Ministerium von den Agrarpolitiken, Forst Nahrungsmittel, Marina Militare Italiana und die Generaldirektion von, Blau organisiert, den Maritimen Affären und dem Fischfang (DG Meer) von der Europäischen und verwirklicht Kommission von dem Halbjahr von dem italienischen Präsidentschaft von dem Rat von der EU im rahmen.
- Wird "der Blue Day" die Gelegenheit für einen Austausch von den Meinungen europaweit auf Mittelmeer und auf den problematischen befestigt Vorgesetztern zu der maritimen Wirtschaft sein, mit einer sonderbaren Aufmerksamkeit zu dem nachhaltigen Gebrauch von den see Ressourcen zu, zu, zu, der Energieeinsparung, die Suche, die Innovation im Sektor, und Hafenarbeiter, mit dem Ziel eine integriert Strategie bauen. Das Ereignis wird seinen zentralen Moment von der maritimen Nationalmannschaft dem Europäer und in sehen cluster und, die internationalen Mitglieder der Kommission, Minister, Parlamentarier, Vertretungen, zu Europäisch welch teilnehmen werden.
- Es ist für zu der Begegnung notwendig teilnehmen sich obligatorisch zu der Adresse Internet zu akkreditieren.

- Programme
09:00 - 09:30 |
Registration (coffee) |
09:30 - 11:00 |
Opening session |
Moderator: Mr Giorgio Dell ' Goldschmied, "Il Sole", "24 Stunden |
Speakers: |
Welcome Adm address by. Giuseppe De Giorgi, Chief, Italian Navy, of Belegschaft. |
Introductory Mr remarks by. Maurizio Martina, Minister, Republic Italy, for Agriculture, of |
Ms. Lowri Evans, director_-_General Affairs Fisheries, European Commission for Maritime and |
Mr. Alain Cadec, President Committee Fisheries, European Parliament, of the on, |
Mr. Joseph Mizzi, Ministers Transport, Mörtel, for, |
Mr. Árni Mathiesen, Assistant director_-_General Fisheries Aquaculture Department, FAO, and, |
11:00 - 11:30 |
Coffee Break |
11:30 - 13:00 |
Sustainable fisheries for food security |
Chairperson: Mr Riccardo Rigillo, Director General Fisheries Aquaculture, Ministry Agriculture Forestry, Republic Italy for Maritime and of and of |
Panelists: |
Mr. Fabrizio Donatella, Acting Director Mediterranean Black Sea, DG Affairs Fisheries, European Commission Maritime, for and, and: Management zu main plans as tool for the conservation of shared stocks |
Mr. Stefano Cataudella, President GFCM, of the: The need to deploy common Management in Mediterranean for shared stocks the |
Mr. Giampaolo Buonfiglio, President MEDAC, of the: Cooperation between stakeholders. Involvement im Management Mediterranean Advisory Council of stakeholders fisheries through the or through other types of cooperation. |
Mr. Pascal Savouret, Director European Fisheries Control Agency, of the: Perspectives IUU in Mediterranean for konkret cooperation to combat the |
Mr. Othman Jarboui, SAC Chairperson, Scientific Advisory Committee: Scientific Cooperation in Mediterranean the |
Ms. Federica Mastracci, Vice-President Product Development Programs - GEOS S.p.A for &: Space Info Solutions GFCM based technologies and at work for. Innovativ tools to support zu maritime sustainable development of resources in Mediterranean the |
Mr. Enrico Arneri, Project Coordinator MedSudMed/AdriaMed Fisheries Aquaculture Department, FIRF, FAO, and: Régional Cooperation in Mediterranean the |
Mr Luigi Giannini, Vice-President Federpesca, of |
13:00 - 14:30 |
Lunch |
14:30 - 16:30 |
What Blue Growth MED paths for the? Sea King MED zu maritime Perspective basin cooperation from. |
Chairperson: Ms Beate Gminder, Head Unit Policy DG Affairs Fisheries, European Commission of Maritime in the Mediterranean Black Sea, and Maritime and |
Panelists: |
Mr. Patrick Baraona, Managing Director, Pôle, France, Mi Mediterranée, |
Mr. Mario Dogliani, Head Corporate Project Financing, RINA, Italy, of, |
Mr Godwin Sant, Chief Policy, Ministry For Energy Health, Mörtel, officer, and, |
Mr. Michele Sferrazza, Behörde Member, Bezirk NAVTEC Director R&D Rodriguez Cantieri Navali, Italy, and, |
Ms. Mathilde Konstantopoulou, Responsible Blue Growth Territorial Dimension, Ministry Development, Greece, for and, for, |
Mr Luigi Grossi, Scientific Director, DLTM La Spezia, Italy, |
Mr. Ennio Massolo, President Italian Academy Foundation Merchant Navy Coordinator RottaPolare, Italy, of of the and of, |
Mr Ivan Sammut Ships, Ministry Transport, Mörtel Registrieren of, for, |
Ms. Laura Giuliano, Mediterranean Science Commission - CIESM, |
16:30 - 17:00 |
Closing remarks |
Admiral Giuseppe De Giorgi, Chief Italian Navy, Republic Italy, of the Belegschaft "Mare Nostrum Operation", of |
Mr. Fabrizio Donatella, Acting Director Mediterranean Black Sea, DG Affairs Fisheries, European Commission Maritime, for and, and, |
Mr Enrico Puja, Directore General Transport Ports Administration, Ministry Infrastructure Transport, Republic Italy for Maritime and of and of |
Mr Luca Bianchi, Chief Department DIQPI Ministry Agriculture Forestry, Republic Italy, of, of and, of |
Final Hon address by. Giuseppe Castiglione, Undersecretary, of werden Fisheries Blue Economy Gewesen delegated to and to the Ministry Agriculture Forestry, Republic Italy of and, of |