Quotidiano indipendente di economia e politica dei trasporti
12:18 GMT+1
ANNO XXXII - Numero 15 FEBBRAIO 2014
6th Intermodal Asia 2014 Intercontinental Melbourne
The Rialto, Australia Thursday 27 and Friday 28 February 2014
Cool Logistics Africa Cape Town, South Africa 4-6
March 2014
12th Intermodal Africa 2014 Lagos Oriental Hotel,
Lagos, Nigeria Thursday 27 and Friday 28 March 2014
Intermodal Asia 2014 Shanghai, P.R. China 1-3 April
Intermodal South America 2014 São Paulo,
Brazil 1-3 April 2014
TOC CSC: Asia 2014 Singapore 8-9 April 2014
2nd Med Ports 2014 Kenzi Farah Hotel, Marrakech,
Morocco Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 April 2014
10th Trans Middle East 2014 InterContinental Doha The
City, Qatar Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22 May 2014
SIL 2014 Barcelona, Spain 3-5 June 2014
12th ASEAN Ports and Shipping 2014 JW Marriott,
Jakarta, Indonesia Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 June 2014
TOC CSC Europe 2014 London, U.K. 24-26 June 2014
RORO 2014 ExCeL, London, UK 24-26 June 2014
Cool Logistics Global Rotterdam, The Netherlands 30
September - 2 October 2014
3rd Black Sea Ports and Shipping 2014 Istanbul
Marriott Hotel Asia, Istanbul, Turkey Wednesday 03 and Thursday
04 September 2014
12th Intermodal Africa South 2014 International
Convention Centre Durban, South Africa Thursday 23 and Friday 24
October 2014
Intermodal Europe 2014 AHOY, Rotterdam, The
Netherlands 11-13 November 2014
9th Southern Asia Ports, Logistics and Shipping 2014 ITC
Grand Chola Chennai, India Thursday 27 and Friday 28 November
9th Indian Ocean Ports and Logistics 2015 Maputo,
Mozambique Thursday 22 and Friday 23 January 2015
8th Philippine Ports and Shipping 2015 Manila, The
Philippines Thursday 12 and Friday 13 February 2015
13th Intermodal Africa North 2015 Lagos Oriental
Hotel, Lagos, Nigeria Thursday 26 and Friday 27 March 2015
11th Trans Middle East 2015 Kuwait Wednesday 29 and
Thursday 30 April 2015
4th Black Sea Ports & Shipping 2015 Constanta,
Romania Thursday 28 and Friday 29 May 2015
13th ASEAN Ports and Shipping 2015 JW Marriott,
Jakarta, Indonesia Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 June 2015
10th Southern Asia Ports, Logistics & Shipping
2015 Mumbai, India Thursday 17 and Friday 18 September
13th Intermodal Africa South 2015 Mulungushi
International Conference Centre, Lusaka, Zambia Thursday 29 and
Friday 30 October 2015
3rd MED Ports 2015 Civitavecchia (Rome),
Italy Thursday 26 and Friday 27 November 2015
La Segreteria del C.I.S.Co. è in grado di comunicare
notizie dettagliate sui programmi di tutte le manifestazioni nonché
sulle modalità di partecipazione.
- Via Raffaele Paolucci 17r/19r - 16129 Genova - ITALIA
tel.: 010.2462122, fax: 010.2516768, e-mail
Partita iva: 03532950106
Registrazione Stampa 33/96 Tribunale di Genova
Direttore responsabile Bruno Bellio Vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale, senza l'esplicito consenso dell'editore