Quotidiano indipendente di economia e politica dei trasporti
06:19 GMT+1
ANNO XXXVI - Numero 31 MAGGIO 2018
Changes in the cyber security industry
A recent set of attacks against critical infrastructure
entities, such as oil and gas pipeline operators, utilities and even
some city and state governments reveal new motives and methods.
The attackers were not out to steal data but were looking to
disrupt services.
The attackers used a new attack vector that has not been seen
Instead of attacking their primary targets directly, they
attacked less secure vendors that those targets use.
We will be looking at how they did this and then how it can be
Step one - Reconnaissance
Before launching an attack, hackers first identify a vulnerable
target and explore the best ways to exploit it.
The initial target can be anyone in an organization.
The attackers simply need a single point of entrance to get
Targeted phishing emails are common in this step, as an
effective method of distributing malware.
The whole point of this phase is getting to know the target.
The questions that hackers are answering at this stage are:
Who are the important people in the company?
This can be
answered by looking at the company web site or LinkedIn.
Who do they do business with?
For this they may be able
to use social engineering, by make a few "sales calls" to
the company.
The other way is good old-fashioned dumpster
What public data is available about the company?
collect IP address information and run scans to determine what
hardware and software they are using.
They check the ICAAN
web registry database.
The more time hackers spend gaining information about the people
and systems at the company, the more successful the hacking attempt
will be.
Step two - Weaponization
In this phase, the hacker uses the information that they
gathered in the previous phase to create the things they will need
to get into the network.
This could be creating believable Spear Phishing e-mails.
These would look like e-mails that they could potentially
receive from a known vendor or other business contact.
The next is creating Watering Holes, or fake web pages.
These web pages will look identical to a vendor's web page or
even a bank's web page.
But the sole purpose is to capture your user name and password,
or to offer you a free download of a document or something else of
The final thing the attacker will do in this stage is to collect
the tools that they plan to use once they gain access to the network
so that they can successfully exploit any vulnerabilities that they
Step three - Delivery
Now the attack starts.
Phishing e-mails are sent, Watering Hole web pages are posted to
the Internet and the attacker waits for all the data they need to
start rolling in.
If the Phishing e-mail contains a weaponized attachment, then
the attacker waits for someone to open the attachment and for the
malware to call home.
Step four - Exploitation
Now the 'fun' begins for the hacker.
As user names and passwords arrive, the hacker tries them
against web-based e-mail systems or VPN connections to the company
If malware-laced attachments were sent, then the attacker
remotely accesses the infected computers.
The attacker explores the network and gains a better idea of the
traffic flow on the network, what systems are connected to the
network and how they can be exploited.
Step five - Installation
In this phase the attacker makes sure that they continue to have
access to the network.
They will install a persistent backdoor, create Admin accounts
on the network, disable firewall rules and perhaps even activate
remote desktop access on servers and other systems on the network.
The intent at this point is to make sure that the attacker can
stay in the system as long as they need to.
Step six - Command and control
Now they have access to the network, administrator accounts, all
the needed tools are in place.
They now have unfettered access to the entire network.
They can look at anything, impersonate any user on the network,
and even send e-mails from the CEO to all employees.
At this point they are in control.
They can lock you out of your entire network if they want to.
Step seven - Action on objective
Now that they have total control, they can achieve their
This could be stealing information on employees, customers,
product designs, etc. or they can start messing with the operations
of the company.
Remember, not all hackers are after monetizable data, some are
out to just mess things up.
If you take online orders, they could shut down your
order-taking system or delete orders from the system.
They could even create orders and have them shipped to your
If you have an Industrial Control System and they gain access to
it, they could shut down equipment, enter new set points, and
disable alarms.
Not all hackers want to steal your money, sell your information
or post your incriminating e-mails on WikiLeaks, some hackers just
want to cause you pain.
Prepare for the attack
So, what now?
What can you do to protect your network, your company, even your
You need to prepare for the attack.
Let's face it, sooner or later the hackers will come for you.
Don't let yourself think that you don't have anything that they
Trust me, you do. (from:
hellenicshippingnews.com/dnvgl.com, May 14th 2018)
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Direttore responsabile Bruno Bellio Vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale, senza l'esplicito consenso dell'editore