testata inforMARE
21 January 2025 - Year XXIX
Independent journal on economy and transport policy
08:24 GMT+1
News File
July 2017

31/07/2017the Antitrust invites to a flood and realizes application of the communitarian principles on the liberalization of the marine cabotage
the exhortation is turned to Ministry of Infrastructures and the Transports, Authority of Regulation of the Transports, Sardinia Region and Sicily Region

31/07/2017In the first half of this year the port of Amsterdam has enlivened 42,2 million tons of goods (+6.9%)
It disembarks +8.7%; it embarks +4.1%

31/07/2017Comforts have entered to take part of the Board of Directors of the Group Harbour Investments
Gioia Ghezzi is named senior advisor of the company

31/07/2017improvement of the results of the Japanese "K" Linens, MOL and NYK
In rise the performances also in the segment of the container

31/07/2017In increase the orders to the KHI in the naval field, while they are down those to the MHOS
the two Japanese companies have introduced the results of the trimester April-june

31/07/2017Probable I renew triennial of the contract of the workers of the 29 ports of West Coast the USA
Delegated 67% of the eighty-eight one of the ILWU met to San Francisco have voted to favor

31/07/2017Agreement between the Polish port of Danzica and that Rumanian of Constanta in order to develop the intermodal transport
the understanding is signed also by the railway group and logistic Pole PKP Cargo and by railway society Rumanian CFR Marfa

31/07/2017Seaspan Corporation clearly has archived item the second trimester of 2017 with a profit of 28,3 million dollars (- 22.4%)
the revenues have been pairs to 204,6 million dollars (- 8.8%)

28/07/2017Under consideration the modalities and the actions in order to extend the customs bonded area of Marghera Port
Started a technical table near the Ministry of the Economy and Finances

28/07/2017of Friend International Shipping it depends on a next improvement of the reference market
According to trimester 2017 it has been archived item with a net loss of -8,0 million dollars

28/07/2017OOCL, fort increment of the containerized volumes and the revenues of the transpacifici services and Asia-Europe
In according to trimester of this year fleet of the company it has transported 1,6 million teu (+6.6%)

28/07/2017Confitarma has met the summits of the Italian Bank Association
Grimaldi: necessary to monitor constantly the not performing loans of the shipping in order to safeguard asset and know-how-how of the shipowning field

28/07/2017CAI International anota un crecimiento significativo en la demanda de contenedores en China y el resto de Asia
La compañía estadounidense cerró el segundo trimestre con un beneficio neto de 12,6 millones (+ 240,3%)

28/07/2017Unblocked the deep ones for the new Marine harbour railway station of La Spezia
Roncallo: for the next week the public sitting for the opening of the economic offers has already been fixed

28/07/2017Bureau Veritas records turned out positive with the exception of the Offshore segment Marine &
In the field the new orders have been pairs to 2,9 million tons of tonnage (1,3 million tsl in the first semester of 2016)

27/07/2017Padoan and Calenda: serious and incomprehensible the decision of the government of Paris on STX France
Nationalism and protectionism - they have emphasized the two Italian ministers - are not acceptable bases on which regulating the relationships between two great European countries

27/07/2017the port of New York establishes the own new semiannual record of containerized trade
In the first six months of this year 3.229.675 teu (+6.2% are enlivened)

27/07/2017the International Propeller Clubs is anticipated to the marine-harbour operators of Ancona
Morandi: I hope that today it is a first important step towards the foundation of a Club also in our city

27/07/2017New record of semiannual traffic of the container marked from the port of Genoa
the organic one of the CULMV has been fixed in 930 units; stabilized 82 special associates

27/07/2017enlivened Hupac traffic volumes record, but complains that the yards penalize the arranged transport
Kunz: devoid international coordination and insufficient resources hinder the activity

27/07/2017the French government will nationalize STX France temporary, but the negotiations with Rome will continue
the decision to exercise the preemptive right - the French minister has said the Maire - will give time in order to negotiate in the best possible conditions the participation of Fincantieri to the ship yards of Saint-Nazaire

27/07/2017Brussels renews the exhortation to France and Belgium to abolish the tax exemptions for the ports
From next 1° January it will have to be applied general the fiscal regime exclusively on the societies

27/07/2017Proposal of the EU commission in order to improve the protection of the marine ones in case of desertion of a ship in ports foreign countries
Previewed the recepimento in the right of the EU of the specific which signed agreement to end 2016 from social parts (ECSA and ETF)

27/07/2017Finnlines celebrates a first semester and according to trimester a record
Grimaldi: the volumes of the exports and imports of Finland are remarkablly increasing month after month

27/07/2017Signed the contract that assigns to the management of the container terminal of Kribi to the consortium formed from CMA CGM, Bolloré and CHEC
the agreement has a duration 25-year-old

27/07/2017To May 2017 the port of Genoa has enlivened 4,6 million tons of goods (+5.3%)
Calo of the -27,9% of the passengers

27/07/2017the acquisition of the MHPS has given an impulse to the economic performances of the Konecranes
In the first six months of the 2017 value of the new orders has grown of +68.4%

26/07/2017First reunion of the Organism of partnership of the resource sea of the AdSP of the Central Adriatic
the organ has advisory function exclusively

26/07/2017Tomorrow to Gioia Tauro the Agency of administration of the harbour job will be constituted
Gioia Tauro Port Agency will be called and will have lasted triennial

26/07/2017Padoan: not there is no reason for which Fincantieri it must renounce to the majority and the control of STX France
Rejected the proposal of the government of Paris to fairly share the capital of the shipbuilding society of Saint Nazaire

26/07/2017In the first semester of the 2017 traffic of the goods in the port of Ravenna it is diminished of -2,5%
Stable the level of activity in according to trimester

26/07/2017"K" Linens sells the company SAL Heavy Lift attendant to the German Harren & Partner
the society of Bremen work already in the segment in the marine exceptional cargo transport with the branch Combos Lift attendant

26/07/2017Nor Lines has found another potential purchaser in the Samskip Dutch
the Dutch society has tightened an agreement with group DSD in order to buy the activities of the Norwegian company

26/07/2017RBD has new a Board of Directors whose nomination has had the consent of Pillarstone
Shortly the predisposition and the warehouse of a new one slowly of agreed pre-emptive with objective continuity

26/07/2017Fincantieri has archived item the first semester with a result of exercise of 11 million euros (+120%)
Revenues in increase of +1%. Decrease of the -25% of the new orders
25/07/2017Sabato la cinese China Merchants Port inizierà a gestire il porto cingalese di Hambantota
Il contratto di concessione avrà una durata di 99 anni

25/07/2017Reunion to Ortona in order to examine problematic and opportunity of development of the traffics of the city port
the AdSP will not open a local office privileging instead the computerized dialogue with the operators of the port of call

25/07/2017Porto Torres cannot remain outside from the Committee of management of the Sardinian harbour ports of call
The denunciation the Movement 5 Stelle

25/07/2017In according to Diana Containerships trimester it has recorded a profit clearly of 36,5 million dollars
the positive result is consequence of the cancellation of bank debits for 42,2 million dollars

25/07/2017Saipem, down the economic results and the orders
first semester 2017 is closed with a net loss of -110 million euros

25/07/2017Course of assistant compulsory to the edge communications
Ban launch from GNV and Italian Academy of Marina Mercantile

25/07/2017In the first six months of this year the harbour terminals of DP World have enlivened 34,0 million container (+8.2%)
In according to trimester the traffic it has been pairs to 17,6 million teu (+10.7%)

25/07/2017Not tramuta in order the letter of attempts signed from VARD for a new cruise ship for shipments
the shipbuilding society has closed the second trimester a net loss of -69 million Norwegian crowns

24/07/2017the IMSSEA is ready to widen own range in the field of the marine formation
Proposal in order to carry out activity of training in the geographic areas that have more necessity than update

24/07/2017Scorpio Bulkers has closed the first semester of 2017 with a net loss of -48,0 million dollars
the revenues have grown of +162.4%

24/07/2017In the first half of the 2017 port of Valencia container (- 1.6% has enlivened 2.335.223)
the decrease is determined by the reduction of the -16,5% of the traffic of empty containers

24/07/2017Agreements of the European Escola of Short Sea Shipping in order to contribute to the development of the intermodalità in Italy
They are signed with the Logistic Association of the Sustainable Intermodalità and with Istituto Tecnico Superiore for the Puglia Logistics

24/07/2017Provincial (Northern Tyrrhenian AdSP) reassures: in topic of harbour job the Livorno model works and goes safeguarded
Emphasized the necessity of "a uniform application of the law on a national level, avoiding proliferating of local prescriptions "made-to-measure""

24/07/2017active Cemat two new intermodal services that connect Bari with Busto Arsizio and Milan
Both preview three departures weeklies magazine

24/07/2017In the first three months of the 2017 containerized trade in the South American and Caribbean ports it has grown of +6.7%
They are enlivened beyond 12,5 million teu

21/07/2017the BERS distributes a loan to the Turk Transport Alternatives for the purchase of a ship ro-ro
the unit will be employed on the route between the ports of Haydarpasa (Istanbul) and Trieste

21/07/2017In the first semester of the 2017 fluvial port of Duisburg it has enlivened 34,8 million tons of goods (+7%)
The container pairs to 2,01 million teu (+12% have been)

21/07/2017Hyundai Merchant Marine buys 16,288 container
the store clerk includes 6,134 teu and 10,154 feu

21/07/2017Ok to the cancellation of the Rickmers Maritime from the share list of Singapore
The debut of the company in Stock exchange had happened on May 4, 2007

21/07/2017Which installed the National Conference of Coordination of the Authorities of Harbour System
Assoporti will be the technical structure of support and RAM will collaborate to the main dossiers of study, the analysis of the traffics and the strategic planning of the works

20/07/2017Wärtsilä Corporation, in increase the economic results and the orders
In according to trimester the revenues of the Marine Solutions division they are dropped of the -23%, while the new orders are increased of +11%

20/07/2017Agreement of strategic collaboration between Fincantieri and Mapei
It is face to the development of innovative solutions and producing

20/07/2017Federico Barbera is confirmed to the presidency of FISE Uniport
will be placed side by side by new vice-president Salvatore Di Bella and Carlo Torlai

20/07/2017Bending of the quarterly results of the Cargotec group
In the period April-june of this year the new orders have reached a value of 800 million euros (- 3%)

20/07/2017New absolute semiannual record of traffic for the port of Barcelona
Hard increase of handling of container (+27.2%) graces mainly to the rise of transhipment (+101.4%)

20/07/2017The ERFA exhorts not to hinder the rail shipment at best goods programming the work on the lines
At least 22 yards are opened on the railway corridor north-south that connects the Italy north with Germany and Holland

20/07/2017In the first half of the 2017 port of Rotterdam has established own absolute record of semiannual traffic of the goods
New peaks of the traffics of container and rotabili

20/07/2017positive Trend of increase of the results of group ABB
the continuous segment Marine to accuse the impact negative of the difficulties in the section of the oil and the gas

20/07/2017Good economic performances in according to trimester for the logistic group Panalpina
Karlen: we have brought back to the profit the field of marine shipments

20/07/2017Agreement Interporto Bologna - RFI for the potenziamento of the railway system of the hub emiliano
the participations will allow to receive trains until 750 meters and to adapt the shape to the transit of the semitowings and the travelling freeway

19/07/2017Uiltrasporti rejects the proposal of Provincial allowing with former harbour enterprises art. 16 to supply "job to call"
Odone: if the good is wanted to be made for our ports it is necessary to put aside the localistici interests and the situations pad

19/07/2017In decided rise the traffic of the goods in the ports of and Carrara
the Authority of Harbour System of the Ligurian Sea Oriental has traced a budget of the first six months of activity

19/07/2017Assoporti has given a new associative charter
Francesco Mariani is named general secretary

19/07/2017terminalista group Chinese HPH Trust records an increase of the traffic and a decrease of the economic results
In the first six months of this year they are enlivened 11,3 million container ((+4.9%)

19/07/2017Introduced a review of the project of the Europe Dock of Livorno that would have to allow to accelerate the execution of the harbour work
The work would have to be under way within 2018 and concluded in 2022

18/07/2017the port of Antwerp has closed the first semester and according to trimester of 2017 with record of traffic of the container and the liquid bulk
Altogether in the first half of this year the Belgian port of call has enlivened 111,4 million tons (+2.8%)

18/07/2017Signalling to the Agency of the Entrances on not the imponibilità Vat "in open sea"
It is sent by Anpan, Assopetroli, Assorimorchiatori, Fedarlinea, Federagenti and Fincantieri

18/07/2017In the first semester of this year the terminals of the COSCO Shipping Ports have enlivened 41,8 million container (+11.8%)
In the port of the Pireo the traffic has grown of +3.8%

18/07/2017In the first half of the 2017 traffic of the container in the port of Tanger Med it is increased of +11.2%
In according to trimester the increase it has been of +12.0%

18/07/2017DP World will collaborate to the development of the Indonesian ports of Kuala Tanjung and Belawan
is situated in the province of the Northern Sumatra

18/07/2017In increase the economic results of the logistic group Kuehne + Nagel
Acquired American CFI and keniota the Trilvane, both specializing in the segment of the perishable produced ones

18/07/2017Cgil, Cisl and Uil exhort to complete the team directive of the AdSP of the Tyrrhenian Sea Northern
Without the full realization of the contained forecasts in the PRP - they have denounced - the port of Livorno unavoidably will be marginalized

18/07/2017In the first semester of the 2017 port of Los Angeles it has enlivened 4,5 million container (+8.4%)
In June the traffic has grown of +8.1%

17/07/2017Martino Conticelli is the general secretary of the AdSP of Mare Adriatico Settentrionale
is named unanimously by the Committee of management of the agency

17/07/2017To May the port of Genoa has established the own new record absolute salary of traffic of the container
233,995 teu are enlivened

17/07/2017In the first semester of the 2017 ships journeyed in the Suez Canal transported 439,3 million tons of goods (+10.4%)
On the ships directed to south tons (+20.0%) and on those directed to north were boarded 230,0 million 209,3 million tons (+1.4%)

17/07/2017Stena buys the ferries Superfast VII and Superfast VIII
The ships will be yielded by the Tallink for 133,5 million euros

17/07/2017P&O Ports (DP World group) gestionará y mejorará la terminal de contenedores terminal del puerto francés de Sète
El contrato tiene una duración de sólo tres años, pero se podrá convertir en una concesión a largo plazo

17/07/2017Yang Ming prepares the emission of new actions for 165 million dollars
80% of the offer will be classified to the current shareholders of the company

17/07/2017Kind (Assologistica): to the wide one from the monocratic and personalistiche associations of the transport
These organizations - it has denounced - risk to disparage the functions key of an association

17/07/2017Hupac will activate a railway service for the transport of semitowings between Bari and Busto Arsizio
Programmed three spins weeklies magazine

17/07/2017Stable the containerized trade enlivened from the port of Hong Kong in June
In the first six months of this year the total has been of 10,2 million teu (+10.8%)

17/07/2017Disney will order a third cruise ship of 135 thousand tsl to the Meyer Werft ship yard
the new unit will be delivered in 2022

14/07/2017Ok to the bestowal in the channel of calm of the airport of Genoa of the material of he turns out coming from the realization of highway Gronda
The from Liguria regional committee has approved of also the adaptation of the PRP of the relative port to the project of upset to sea of the Fincantieri yard

14/07/2017To strengthen woven entrepreneurial of the medium small the enterprises of the "blue economy"
It is, with the development of an Observatory of the harbour economy, one of the scopes of the Blueconnect project that involves Marine the Alps regions, Corsica, Var, Liguria, Sardinia and Tuscany

14/07/2017Mercitalia Rail has put in exercise trains until 2.200 tons of rimorchiabile mass
Services dedicated to the food industry and iron worker

14/07/2017the Law court of the EU fine Spain in order to have been late to liberalize the field of the harbour services
Established the payment of a lump sum distribution of three million euro for 29 months of delay

13/07/2017El TAR para Liguria ha rechazado y considerado inadmisible las apelaciones de Italia Nostra contra el ok a la variante de la nueva Plataforma Multipropósito de Ligure
Estaban dirigidas al recurso de los actos con los que la Región había concluido el procedimiento de VIA para la realización de la variante de la infraestructura portuaria

13/07/2017the port of Singapore has established the own new record of traffic enlivened in the first semester of the year
New record also of the volume of the goods enlivened in the single month of june

13/07/2017The possible sale of the fleet of the Mercator Lines vanishes
the official receiver will have to look for other investor

13/07/2017the port of Koper has closed the first semester of the 2017 with a traffic record of 11,9 million tons (+5.7%)
Nuovo semiannual peak of the containerized trade with 4,6 million tons (+10.9%)

13/07/2017Port of Genoa, agreement between Customs and Harbour-office for the control of fuel of the ships
The contained sulfur amount will be verified in the fuel

13/07/2017the Dutch Antitrust starts an investigation in order to ascertain if the bunkeraggio societies have constituted trusts
Under investigation the companies that operate in the ports of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Antwerp

12/07/2017Confetra, well the package EU for the road haulage", but is necessary corrective
Marcucci: we expect that Italy makes to feel its voice

12/07/2017Every year they are 1,390 the container lost in sea
the figure is the medium anniversary reported to estimated three years 2014-2016 from an analysis of the World Shipping Council. Excluding the serious indicenti, the average is of 568 losses

12/07/2017In June the containerized trade in the port of Long Beach has grown of +9.2%
In the first half of the 2017 increase it has been of +5.1%

12/07/2017In the first semester of the 2017 Chinese marine ports has enlivened 4,31 billion tons of goods (+7.3%)
the traffic of the container has been pairs to 101,7 million teu (+7.8%)

12/07/2017prompt Confitarma ABI to stop speculative actions to the detriment of the Italian mercantile fleet
Worry of the Confederation for the decision of Pillarstone Italy to ask the failure for the Shipping RBD

12/07/2017the Municipality of Trieste nozzle an alarm for the lacked programming ports of call of the ships Coast in the port of the city
the Bucci city council member invites AdSP and Region (than manifest surprise for the initiative agreed to institutional level) not to find a solution with the Municipality

12/07/2017Gianfranco Messina has passed away the Italian shipowner
From the late 1960s he has been to the summit of the shipowning group genoese Ignazio Messina & C.

11/07/2017Assocostieri is candidated to support the programs for the infrastructure realization for the GNL in Italy
Introduced a vademecum for the involved institutions in the proceedings autorizzativo and the investor

11/07/2017Al via in the port of Rotterdam the construction of a new area of 70 hectares
will be dedicated to offshore wind energy and the field of the oil and the gas

11/07/2017Mario Mattioli is designated to the presidency of the Confitarma
To the end of September the assembly will hold that will have to proceed to the election of the president

11/07/2017In the first semester of this year the traffic of the goods in the port of Marseilles Fos has grown of +2.0%
In according to trimester the increase it has been of +7.8%

11/07/2017tourist group German TUI has yielded the residual participation in the Hapag-Lloyd
In recent months they are sold 14,5 million sets in action

10/07/2017COSCO Shipping, with harbour group SIPG, has introduced an offer of the value of 6,3 billion dollars in order to acquire the OOIL
the proposal is accepted by the shareholders of control of the group of Hong Kong who together stop 68.7% of the capital

10/07/2017In increase the traffics of the goods in the ports of Naples and Salerno
the container has been pairs to 209.014 teu in partenopeo port of call (+11.4%) and to 173.233 teu in that Salerno province (+8.6%)

10/07/2017Vatican invites the authorities to supervise on the exploitation of the marine job
Too many cases of crews tricked on the salary, taken advantage of and victims of abuses still exist - it has emphasized Cardinal Turkson -

10/07/2017South Korean HMM has signed an agreement of cooperation with the Vietnamese Saigon Newport Corporation
the scope is the development of harbour and logistic activities in Vietnam

10/07/2017Workshop to Salerno on the marine arbitrateed one
Organized from the Chamber of Commerce and Propeller Club, friday will hold

10/07/2017the Croatian port of Rijeka has established the own new record of traffic container enlivened in the first semester
In the first six months of the 2017 total it has been of 103.791 teu (+16.2%)

10/07/2017The Ocean Japanese Express Network will have five regional headquarters
They will be situated to Hong Kong, Singapore, United Kingdom, the United States and Brazil

10/07/2017To Trieste the encounter anniversary for the implementation of the agreement on marine transports EU-China
the objective is to improve destined and coming the conditions of the marine transport of goods from China

10/07/2017Tomorrow to Naples a workshop will hold on the topic "the routes for the GNL"
It is organized from Assocostieri in collaboration with the AdSP of the Tyrrhenian Sea Central

07/07/2017In the yard of Marghera the construction of the third cruise ship of "the Seen" class is begun
It will be delivered in the autumn of 2019

07/07/2017Cemat has started a new intermodal service Milan - Pomezia - Marcianise
The directions carried out five departures weeklies magazine in both

07/07/2017"K" Linens, MOL and NYK has constituted joint venture Ocean Express Network
the center of the holding ones is to Tokyo and that of the operating society to Singapore

07/07/2017the UK Chamber of Shipping exhorts the EU to take note that a Hard Brexit would have an impact negative on own ports
"Not creed - Platten has asserted - that the EU has totally comprised this aspect"

07/07/2017In the first five months of the 2017 traffic of the goods in the port of Ravenna it is diminished of -3,2%
Tons of cargos are enlivened 10,69 million

07/07/2017Inauguration of the new Luxemburgian intermodal terminal of Bettembourg-Dudelange
It has an ability to traffic of 300 thousand container and of 300 thousand you semitow per year

07/07/2017COSCO Shipping previews to clearly close the first semester of 2017 with a result of positive sign
In the first six months of this year the transported containerized volumes from the fleet of the group have grown of +34.72%

06/07/2017Al via the computer science procedure for the release of the certificates for the Transport of Food
It will be made available from next week

06/07/2017the Turkish group Yildirim tries again to sell 24% of the capital of CMA CGM
the proceeds of the cession would be employed in order to buy the American Ports America

06/07/2017To september in the port of Livorno a new system of control of the accesses will be returned operating
They will be acquired number of plate of the vehicles, photo of means, number of the container, personal identifying data and photo of the operators

06/07/2017Hupac has activated a railway service of connection between the European Network and the lines with China
Train feeder between Ludwigshafen and Malaszewicze/Brest

06/07/2017This summer will be inaugurated the terminal cruises of the DP World group in the port of Limassol
Will have three docks of 400 linear meters

06/07/2017South Korean DSME would be about to sell Rumanian ship yard DMHI to the Damen Dutch
the plant is inaugurated in 1997, has constructed 127 ships and it has repaired some more than 300

06/07/2017New center of the logistic group Fercam in Tunisia
It is extended on a surface of 7.000 square metres

05/07/2017It continues the decrease of the number of attacks of the pirates to the ships
In the first semester of the 2017 87 have happened some

05/07/2017Confetra, to exempt the small enterprises of road haulage goods from the deposit of increase of 0.4% on the deposits of the taxes
the measure of the fiscal facilities is returned note only yesterday, after the term useful in order to carry out the payment without increase

05/07/2017Trasportounito invites to distrust "of the associazionismo of paper"
In the viewfinder A.L.I.S and "the new associations that, as many of the old ones, exchange associated customers for and institutions for secretariats"

05/07/2017Second edition of the lines guides on computer science safety for the ships
They are elaborated by the working group constituted from Bimco, Intercargo, Intertanko, ICS, IUMI and OCIMF

05/07/2017Canada will invest two billions of dollars for the potenziamento of transport infrastructures
Altogether they will be spold 10,1 billion dollars Canadian in order to finance projects in the fields of the transport and the commerce with foreign country

04/07/2017Introduced to Genoa a project of formation in destined marine-harbour field to unemployed young people
It will be articulated in 2.600 hours of formation distributed and will be formed 52 students

04/07/2017Fincantieri and GE Power will develop a system of control of the emissions of the ships
the objective is to reduce the polluting elements (SOx and particulate matter)

04/07/2017the Committee of management of the AdSP of the Ligurian Sea Western authorizes the agency to carry out 27 new future assumptions
Currently the dependent are 255

04/07/2017Usclac celebrates the fifty-year period wishing that own this year the marine job is re-inserted in the directory of the wearing activities
would benefit some approximately 1.800 workers

04/07/2017To April the containerized trade in the port of Bremen is diminished of -14,9%
In the first four months of the 2017 decrease it has been of -4,9%

04/07/2017Hoyer increases the presence in the segment Brokered Bulk Container with the acquisition of the CCR
the French company has a fleet of beyond 14 thousand container reservior

03/07/2017Kjersti Kleven is elected president of SEA Europe
He is president and joint owner of Maritime the shipbuilding company Norwegian Kleven

03/07/2017To Ivano Russo, in representation of the MIT, the honorary presidency of the C.I.S.Co.
Elected the nine members of the directive council for three years 2017-2020

03/07/201711 and 12 July will hold a convention on traffic and mobility centralized on the Genoa case
The event will hold in the capital of Liguria to the Berio Library

03/07/2017Ok EU to the creation of joint venture between Wärtsilä and China It are Shipbuilding Corporation
will take care of the supply of systems constituents and destined systems of automation to being installed on the ships in China

03/07/2017Loan of 345 million dollars of the Bank World for the potenziamento of the port To give es Salaam
The project is financed also by the government of the Tanzania and the United Kingdom

03/07/2017Al La Spezia Container Terminal the acknowledgment "Best Container Terminal in Europe" of prize AFLAS
In the first five months of this year the terminal breaks has enlivened 423 thousand container (+16%)

03/07/2017Pasqualino Monti Wednesday will assume the assignment of president of the AdSP of the Western Sicily
the new agency manages the ports of Palermo, Termini Imerese, Porto Empedocle and Trapani

03/07/2017Saipem obtains store clerks for a value of 500 million dollars
Between these, a new offshore contract E&C with Saudi Aramco

03/07/2017CMA CGM sells 90% of the container terminal GGS of Los Angeles to bottom EQT Infrastructure III
the transaction will have a value of 875 million dollars

03/07/2017"K" Linens, MOL and NYK confirms that the fusion of the activities of containerized marine transport will happen on April 1°, 2018
the Japanese companies preview that within such given they will obtain the authorization also of the South African authorities
FSG bankruptcy trustees announce interest from multiple investors in shipbuilding group
These are German companies operating in the same sector
Port of Long Beach closes 2024 with new annual, half-year and quarterly container traffic records
Long Beach
Total freight traffic also reached a new historical peak during the year.
The Biden administration's latest move is to accuse China of seeking dominance in the maritime, logistics and shipbuilding sectors
Harsh reaction from Beijing's Ministry of Commerce and the China Shipyards Association
The AdSP of the Central Tyrrhenian Sea confirms the commitments made towards its employees
The organization hopes "that a climate of relaxation can be restored"
Uniport, exemption from compulsory insurance for vehicles used in port terminals is a good thing
Hanoi government authorizes initial investment for new port planned by MSC and VMC
Filt, Fit and Uilt announce a resumption of the strike of the workers of the AdSP of the Central Tyrrhenian Sea
New protest action scheduled to start on February 3rd
Annual container traffic at PSA port terminals exceeds 100 million TEU for the first time
Record in both Singapore and overseas terminals
Confitarma calls for the urgent reinstatement of the rule on simplified recruitment of seafarers
Sisto: Simplification has proven to be an important step forward for the sector
Sharp drop of -17.1% in freight traffic in the port of Taranto in 2024
In the last quarter alone the decline was -3.0%
Container traffic in Hong Kong port decreased by -4.9% in 2024
Hong Kong
In the fourth quarter alone, 3.5 million TEUs were handled (-2.7%)
New NATO mission to strengthen protection of undersea infrastructure in the Baltic Sea
The use of a small fleet of naval drones is also planned
In 2024, the port terminals of China's CMPort handled a record container traffic
Hong Kong
The total was 146.3 million TEU (+6.4%)
Yang Ming also renews service between Western Mediterranean and US East Coast
In Italy stopovers in Salerno, La Spezia, Genoa and Vado Ligure
Twelve associations call for agreeing on measures to improve rail capacity management in the EU
Genoa Port Terminal, green light for provisional concession until next June 30
The Management Committee of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority has unanimously decided this
In 2024, passenger traffic managed in Genoa by Stazioni Marittime decreased by -4.4%
Ferries stable and cruises down -9.8%. Cruise activity expected to increase in 2025
CMA CGM to remove Livorno calls from Amerigo service, replacing them with calls at Salerno
New configuration in line with that of the Ocean Alliance partners
From April, Ocean Alliance ships will call at seven Italian ports, four of which will be visited only by COSCO/OOCL
Shanghai/Hong Kong/Taipei/Marseille
Salerno will enter and Livorno will exit the new configuration of the containerized maritime services network
Leonidsport (Louis-Dreyfus family) submits offer to acquire 21% of Thessaloniki Port Authority
The expected investment is up to approximately 57 million euros
MSC presents a new request for the management of cruise traffic in Ancona which includes the construction of a maritime station
The duration of the proposed concession is 35 years.
In 2024, the growth of general cargo in the port of La Spezia more than offset the decline in bulk cargo
The Spice
In the port of Marina di Carrara the annual traffic decreased by -0.4%
Proposal by 47 governments, the EU Commission and ICS for the creation of an IMO fund for the decarbonisation of shipping
It could come into force in early 2027
Strikes averted at US East Coast and Gulf ports
North Bergen/Lyndhurst
Preliminary agreement signed by the International Longshoremen's Association and the United States Maritime Alliance
New annual record for vessel transit through the Straits of Malacca and Singapore
Port Klang
In 2024, traffic was 94,301 ships (+5.5%)
Filt, Fit and Uilt have called a strike for tomorrow by the workers of the Central Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority
The "systematic non-application of the contractual conditions" to which the three acronyms refer - the institution replies - in fact concerns the punctual verification carried out by the competent offices of this administration of contractual institutions to which the dependent personnel were not entitled.
MSC, together with Neri and Lorenzini, presents an expression of interest for the Darsena Europa in Livorno
Warriors: in the next few days we will meet the group to talk in detail about the project
Corsica Ferries sells Elba Ferries to BN di Navigazione
I go to Liguria
The fast ferry "Corsica Express Three" has been chartered to the Blu Navy company
In 2024, Ukrainian ports handled a record 97.2 million tons of cargo.
Agricultural products alone amounted to 60 million tons
COSCO, we are not a Chinese Military Company
The Chinese company has specified that the inclusion in the US list will have no impact on the group's global activities and operations.
In 2024, freight traffic in the port of Ravenna was stable
Cruises down -17.7% compared to 2023
US List of Companies Doing Business for Chinese Military Includes Shipping and Shipbuilding Companies
Last November, ship traffic in the Suez Canal decreased by -55.9%
In the first eleven months of 2024 the decline was -49.8%
With over 3.9 million TEUs, in 2024 the port of Gioia Tauro set a new record for container traffic
Joy Taurus
Decrease in cars handled at the Calabrian airport
Assonat and Assiterminal, the cancellation of the measure to increase the fees for maritime state concessions is a good thing
Serra: the TAR ruling reaffirms the importance of dialogue between public administration and users
The duration of the Agencies for the provision of work in ports and for professional requalification has been extended by 18 months
Port State Control Inspections Begin on Eagle S
NATO decides to increase the Atlantic alliance's military presence in the Baltic Sea
Germany is studying a network of floating terminals for the import of clean hydrogen
Memorandum of understanding signed by SEFE and Höegh Evi
The executive design service for the reclamation of the Molo Italia seabed in La Spezia has been awarded
The Spice
Fratelli Cosulich orders fourth methanol-ready unit
It will be built by Taizhou Maple Leaf Shipbuilding
MSC Interested in Starting Shipbuilding and Repair Business in India
Comparison with the naval engineering company Swan Defence And Heavy Industries
In Spain, a logistics network for rail transport of biofuel to ports is being studied
Agreement between Adif and the Exolum Group
Luka Koper has ordered four new rubber-tyred gantry cranes from Konecranes
They will be the first vehicles powered exclusively by electricity at the Slovenian airport
LNG and bio-LNG bunkering vessel arriving at the port of Genoa
It will be able to provide both "ship-to-ship" and "ship-to-truck" services
Last year, cargo traffic in Russian ports decreased by -2.3%
St. Petersburg
The largest volume of cargo, exports, fell by -1.9%
Höegh Autoliners secures two multi-year contracts for car transport
Agreements with two car manufacturers with which it has been collaborating for years
Malta sees record cruise traffic in 2024
357 ships docked for a total of over 940 thousand passengers
Cavotec to provide electrification systems and technologies for Italian ports
Three orders worth a total of seven million euros acquired
Pirate attacks on ships decreased by -3% last year
In the last quarter, an increase of +76% was recorded
COSCO Shipping Ports Sets New Annual and Quarterly Container Traffic Records
Hong Kong
In the whole of 2024, 111.9 million TEUs were handled (+5.7%)
Alberto Maestrini (VARD) elected President of SEA Europe
The association represents the European shipbuilding industry
Molo Brin areas in Olbia handed over to Quay Royal
Construction of a marina for mega yachts is planned
Port of Singapore Sets New Container and Non-Oil Bulk Records in 2024
The Asian port handled a total of 622.7 million tonnes of goods (+5.2%)
The Italian Maritime Academy Technologies has acquired a new technical headquarters
Castel Volturno
Includes a 37-meter, 100-ton command bridge with 1:1 scale operating environments
A huge load of 110 kilograms of cocaine seized in the port of Gioia Tauro
Reggio Calabria
If placed on the market, it could have earned criminal organizations 20 million euros
Unifeeder triples its market share of intra-Mediterranean container services
Fincantieri Completes Acquisition of Leonardo's Underwater UAS Business
The 287 million euro fixed component of the purchase price was paid today
Wallenius Wilhelmsen to operate ro-ro terminal at Port of Gothenburg
12-year concession contract
The Bulgarian Shipowners' Association has joined the European Community Shipowners' Associations
BSA is the twenty-second member of the European Shipowners' Association
Strike by Central Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority staff suspended
The meeting between the unions and the general secretary of the port authority was a success
Mercitalia Rail begins rail transport from Reggio Calabria of trains for the Milan Metro
Reggio Calabria
They are approximately 106 metres long and weigh over 180 tonnes.
PSA Venice - Vecon achieves gender equality certification
It is the first Italian container terminal to obtain the certification
Maria Teresa Di Matteo, head of the Department for Transport and Navigation, has passed away
Rome/Gioia Tauro
Mattioli: it was an important point of reference for the entire Italian maritime cluster
Green logistics, the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority extends the deadline for the tender
It awards non-repayable grants up to a maximum amount of 300,000 euros
Medcenter Container Terminal orders 20 new hybrid struddle carriers from Kalmar
They will be delivered within the first quarter of 2026
The intermodal service connecting the Italian terminal of Melzo with the Dutch one of Moerdijk has started
Three weekly circulations operated, which will increase to four from April
COSCO expects to close 2024 with +95% growth in net profit
EBIT expected at 69.9 billion yuan (+90.7%)
Catania-based F.lli Di Martino has acquired 160 new loading units produced by Piedmont-based SICOM
This year the Cherasco company celebrates 50 years since its foundation
Visual Sailing List
Departure ports
Arrival ports by:
- alphabetical order
- country
- geographical areas
Uiltrasporti Campania accuses the heads of the AdSP of the Central Tyrrhenian Sea of having assumed a provocative and totally closed attitude
Attempt - the union denounces - to downplay the real reasons for the strike
Medlog signs partnership agreement to build dry port and logistics area in Egypt
The affected area is approximately 102 hectares
In the last quarter of 2024, OOCL revenues grew by +55.0%
Hong Kong
Containers transported by the fleet increased by +6.1%
Filt Cgil urges to throw away the Antitrust Authority's proposal on port work
D'Alessio: the AGCM has not at all analyzed the real dangers for the integrity of the principle of competition
Strong annual revenue growth for Evergreen, Yang Ming and WHL companies
Revenue growth also accentuated in the fourth quarter of 2024 alone
Industrial reconversion works to begin soon at the "ex Yard Belleli" site in the port of Taranto
The intervention has a value of 135.3 million euros
The Northern Tyrrhenian Sea is the first AdSP to equip itself with the Anti-Violence Strategic Plan
The aim is to prevent discriminatory and violent phenomena within the institution.
Greek Navarino Acquires Dutch Castor Marine
Both companies develop information technology and communication solutions for the maritime sector
The annual assembly of Federlogistica will be held in Rome on January 21st
The theme is: "Intelligent Logistics. If Artificial Intelligence Breaks Into the World of Logistics"
Trade mission in Vietnam by Spediporto, AdSP and Municipality of Genoa
Meetings scheduled in Ho Chi Minh City and Danang
In 2024 Interporto Padova recorded a record intermodal traffic of almost 412 thousand TEU (+6.5%)
Commander Emanuele Bergamini is the new president of USCLAC
Gianni Badino was elected president of the USCLAC-UNCDiM-SMACD unitary union
Tender for the development of cruise activities in the Greek ports of Katakolon, Patras and Kavala
The issuing of concessions with a minimum duration of 30 years is foreseen
The electrification of four moorings in the ports of Bari and Brindisi has begun
Contract worth over 28 million euros
Circle has been awarded the tender for the digitalisation services of the Eastern Adriatic Port Authority
Roberto Spinelli's position in the corruption investigation in Liguria has been archived
Order of the judge for preliminary investigations
Work has begun in the port of Pozzallo on the construction of the new offices of the AdSP of Eastern Sicily
Place the port of Imperia Oneglia under the management of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority
This is requested by the Port Company "L. Maresca" and the Lodovico Maresca Port Workers Company
Interporto Padova looking for a potential partner to participate in the terminal activity
The market research will end on January 31st
Italian Ports:
Ancona Genoa Ravenna
Augusta Gioia Tauro Salerno
Bari La Spezia Savona
Brindisi Leghorn Taranto
Cagliari Naples Trapani
Carrara Palermo Trieste
Civitavecchia Piombino Venice
Italian Interports: list World Ports: map
ShipownersShipbuilding and Shiprepairing Yards
ForwardersShip Suppliers
Shipping AgentsTruckers
The annual assembly of Federlogistica will be held in Rome on January 21st
The theme is: "Intelligent Logistics. If Artificial Intelligence Breaks Into the World of Logistics"
A conference on the implications of geopolitical crises for ports and maritime transport in Venice on Thursday
It is organized by Ca' Foscari University and the AdSP of the Northern Adriatic
››› Meetings File
Iran signs over $1.8b investment contracts with private sector for ports development
(Tehran Times)
North Korean tankers transport over one million barrels of oil from Russia
(NK News)
››› Press Review File
FORUM of Shipping
and Logistics
Relazione del presidente Nicola Zaccheo
Roma, 18 settembre 2024
››› File
New logistics company GTS Horizon established in Verona
It was founded by the GTS group and Simone Gatto De Chirico (De Chirico Srl)
In the third quarter, freight transported on Austrian railways increased by +1.8%
In the first nine months of 2024 the increase was +1.7%
Uiltrasporti, the reverse change of VAT in the budget law is good
Verzari: we hope that this measure will be made structural in the future
Circle acquires Telepass Innova's Infomobility and Telematics business units
The value of the transaction is 6.2 million euros
Tender for construction of Albanian port of Porto Romano restarted
The deadline for submitting bids has been set for February 7th.
Eukor secures renewal of contracts for exporting cars from Korea and China
The expected value of the agreements is $4.2 billion.
PSA Singapore Sets New Annual Container Traffic Record
The 40 million TEU mark was reached on December 24th
US-based FTV Capital makes offer to acquire Windward
London-based company develops technological solutions for shipping
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio
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