testata inforMARE
06 July 2024 - Year XXVIII
Independent journal on economy and transport policy
14:42 GMT+2
News File
June 2019

28/06/2019Agreement between Italian RINA and Chinese CSSC for activity tied to the construction of fleeting ships
The Italian company will supply technical support

28/06/2019Confetra Liguria is instituted
The new territorial organization is presided by Alessandro Laghezza

28/06/2019Started the yard for the realization of the pole of naval demolitions in the port of Piombino
In the Piombino port of call Marine Industries it has a total surface of 103 thousand square metres

28/06/2019The Maersk group celebrates the start of the activity of the own second container terminal of Tanger Med
It has an ability to beyond 3,3 million teu

28/06/2019The AGCM inflicts a million fine two euro to Costa Crociere
The company is accused not to have supplied a correct and timely information on a state of sanitary emergency in Madagascar

28/06/2019Assigned to Corsica Line the task to guarantee the territorial continuity between continental France and the Corsica
The companies will realize services between the ports of Marseilles, Fortification, Ajaccio and Ile-Rousse

27/06/2019Announced in all finery from it prints (foreign), the inauguration of Tanger Med 2 seems sent back tomorrow
The wait made useless from not very clarified "technical problem"

27/06/2019The port of Marseilles Fos adopts measures in order to reduce the impact of the marine traffic on the quality of the air
In case of overcoming of the pollution limits, the ships will have to reduce the speed entering in the harbour port of call

27/06/2019Ports of Genoa and Savona-Go, rideterminazione of the canons for 2019 in order to compensate the effects of collapse of Morandi bridge
Ok to the start of the first functional lottery of the widening of the air terminal of the capital of Liguria

27/06/2019Brussels approves of the acquisition of the P&O Ferries by DP World
Limited horizontal overlaps between the activities of the societies

27/06/2019Course for operators of straddle carrier destined to residents in Liguria
It will be realized with the collaboration of Is.For.Coop and APM Terminals

27/06/2019Honored Shipping it has formalized the contract with Chinese yard GSI for the construction of two ships ro-pax
Achille Onorato: possible shortly the confirmation of the option for another couple of ships

27/06/2019The Urp of the AdSP of the Ligurian Sea Western has inaugurated an own emplacement to Genoa Port Center
In the 2018 office it has answered to beyond thousand questions

27/06/2019The next year the question of HSFO for the ships will be more than halved
The International Energy Agency previews that it will come down from 3,5 million to 1,4 million barrels to the day

27/06/2019The Department of managing USA Justice former accusation two of the Höegh Autoliners of anti-competitive practices
The Höegh - it has explained the substitute Delrahim attorney general - already has been declared guilty and now we must make so that managing its answer some

27/06/2019Toninelli and Scheuer write to the Bulc: the limitations to the transport in Tirol violate Dealt and free market
The unilateral measures that agree to adopt from on 1° August - have emphasized the Italian minister - our enterprises of road haulage will damage heavy

26/06/2019Confitarma has introduced own Vademecum for computer science safety on board of the mercantile ships
Novel: it is not excluded that shortly we will proceed to the drawing up of an updated edition

26/06/2019In Liguria a course ITS for the field of the shipbuilding one will be realized
The initiative in the within of the agreement between the E region the Fincantieri group

26/06/2019Initiative of Verallia and SMET for the transport of goods with railway a marine intermodal system/
Alimentary bottles and containers in glass on board of the Freeways of the Sea or the railway service Verona-Bari

26/06/2019Project pilot in South Korea in order to supply electric power from the terrestrial net to the ships in the ports
Next 1° January with systems on eight docks will be started, that they will go up to 40 within the end of 2021

26/06/2019Approved of functional adaptations technical of the Portuale Town development plan of Livorno
The producing are relative to the development of traffics of forest, the rotabili and the cars and to multipurpose other asset

25/06/2019Confitarma, to widen the directory of the ship yards authorized from the EU to carry out activity of recycling of the ships
The Confederation emphasizes the importance to promote the Convention of Hong Kong of 2009

25/06/2019Uiltrasporti, the "Day of the Seafarer" is dedicated to the died relatives of the marine ones on the job
During the last few years - they have evidenced Tarlazzi and Fantappiè - a real massacre of marine is being recorded, than it does not know truce

25/06/2019Tomorrow a convention of Spediporto on the port of Genoa and the Swiss market
One will hold in the capital of Liguria near Palazzo Ambrogio di Negro in Benches

25/06/2019ART at the market asks a strengthening for own competences in the field of the access harbour infrastructures and of the harbour services
The Authority of Regulation of the Transports remembers that Regolamento EU 2017/352 arranges to characterize the competent authority from the discourse of inherent controversies the determination of the rights and the canons applied in the ports

25/06/2019Fercam upgrades the intermodal connection Italy-Tunisia
In program the opening of second a branch in southern Tunisia

25/06/2019GSCCO (Gulftainer group) will manage the harbour port of call industrial Saudi King Fahad Industrial Port
Agreement with Red Sea Marine Services Co.

24/06/2019Italy Ours exhorts the Unesco to enroll Venice and the Lagoon between the sites to risk
The association enviromentalist denunciation the lack of a project on the city

24/06/2019Joint venture 50:50 of the Royal Caribbean American and Mexican ITM Group
The objective is to develop new crocieristiche destinations

24/06/2019New railway corridor goods that connects Italy and Russia through Slovenia, Hungary and Ukraine
It previews an agreement of cooperation between the railway groups of Hungary, Italy and Russia

24/06/2019Confetra denunciation newly invasions of field of ART in fields with would not compete to them
The Confederation has announced that of the Authority of Regulation of the Transports will not participate tomorrow to the presentation of the annual report

24/06/2019Stop to the project for the construction of a port in deep waters to Badagry, Nigeria
Cancelled the contract for the drawing up of the master plan, that it will be reassigned

21/06/2019Agreement for the interoperability between the Integrated Platform of Circulation and the Port Community System of Genoa and Savona
It is signed by the AdSP of the Ligurian Sea Western and RFI

21/06/2019To May the traffic of the goods in the port of Barcelona has grown of +4.0%
The container has been pairs to 321 thousand teu (+11.6%)

21/06/2019Fit-Cisl denunciation the lacked convocation the unions to the encounter on the Port Channel of Cagliari near the MIT
Diamante: an absurdity not to involve the representatives of the workers when it is spoken about the future of the same workers

21/06/2019Fitch Ratings considers next to be exhausted the phase of consolidation in the field of the containerized marine transport
For the agency a prosecuzione of the strategy of the companies of navigation to widen the activity to other branches of the logistics is more probable

21/06/2019On 2 July the opening of the offers for the management of the container terminal of the port of Douala
There compete CMA Terminals, DP World, Hutchison Ports, TIL and RSGT

21/06/2019Saverio Cecchi is elected UCINA president Nautical Confindustria
Named also the vices president of the association

20/06/2019Last month the Chinese marine ports have enlivened 19,8 million container (+4.3%)
The total traffic of the goods has been of 791,4 million tons (- 0.6%)

20/06/2019In the first three months of the 2019 traffic of the goods in the French ports it has grown of +0.8%
Increase of the liquid bulk and the rotabili. Decrease of cargos in container and the bulk sand banks

20/06/2019Confirmed Luca Becce president of Assiterminal
The assembly has elected the new directive council

20/06/2019Tomorrow baptism of Confetra Tuscany will hold
Round table to the Old Fortress of Livorno

20/06/2019The increase of the costs makes useless the effect of the quarterly results records recorded from Carnival Corporation
In the period March-May of this operating and useful useful year clearly they are diminished of the -7,9% and of -19,6%

20/06/2019The port of Salonicco will be equipped of two new cranes of super dock post-Panamax
In program also the purchase of a mobile crane from 140 tons

20/06/2019The experimental travel of portacontainer a Maersk fed with biofuel is concluded today
On "Mette Maersk", of the ability to 18.300 teu, a mixture constituted for 20% has been head from biocarburante

20/06/2019Others eight ship yards are included in the directory EU of the systems authorized to the recycling of the ships
Draft of two Danish plants, five Norwegians and a Turk

19/06/2019In the first five months of the 2019 traffic of the container in the port of Valencia it has grown of +10.0%
The total traffic of the goods has been almost 34,0 million tons (+7.1%)

19/06/2019Confitarma, the obstacles that stop the Italian fleet are partially superable with a drastic simplification of the bureaucracy
Mattioli: an area ECA in the Mediterranean could be taken in consideration after to only have estimated the benefits deriving from the implementation of Sulphur CAP 2020

19/06/2019To the unions confirmation via pec has arrived of the start of the procedure of lay-off of the workers of the CICT
Deiana restates that, contrarily to how much some assert, the port of Cagliari is opened to the traffics and perfectly operating in all its fields

19/06/2019To Mediterranean Tugs, Neri and Cafimar 80% of the capital of the Zouros Greek
Operation through joint venture GMC

19/06/2019Feport invites the new European legislators see again the exemptions for category for the containerized shipowning consortia
Bonz: the thing worse that it could happen would be that DG COMP considers that it is not necessary to modify the regulations because currently the hires of the marine transport are many low

19/06/2019Prompt Solinas an participation of the government in order to tackle to the crisis of the Port Channel of Cagliari
The president of the Region has made reference to the solutions already taken in consideration for other Italian ports that have had similar difficulties

19/06/2019On 5 July to Salerno the presentation of a book will hold on the history of the city port
The volume is cured by the marittimista lawyer Alfonso Mignone

19/06/2019Approval of Confetra to the project of the Agency of Customs for the digitalisation of the customs procedures in the ports
The Confederation of the logistics enterprises has assured own support and contribution of ideas

19/06/2019Group ICTSI will manage the multipurpose terminal of the new port camerunense of Kribi
The Philippine company is declared temporary highest bidder

19/06/2019Appeal of Propeller Club of Venice in order to allow with the lagoon port to put into effect its indispensable development
Bernardo: we are all on the same boat, in order not to look for the shipwreck but for giving a concrete contribution to the future of our port and the blue economy

18/06/2019The Agency Customs and Monopolies announces a new project for the complete digitalisation of the customs procedures in the Italian ports
Sarà Bari the first Italian port to experience the new special project

18/06/2019Eleven banks sign principles in order to distribute useful financings to the decarbonizzazione of the shipping
The value of their pocketbook in the field piles to about 100 billion dollars

18/06/2019Introduced the results of six realized multidiscipline research projects from Fincantieri and CNR
They are realized in the within of the relative financing to the innovation in naval field of the MIT

18/06/2019In the 2018 exports from the Liguria towards China they have recorded a collapse of -40%
The From Liguria Association Foreign trade will move own center in Confindustria

18/06/2019Confetra, not to the new no thoroughfares for heavy means through Brenner previewed from Tirol
The Confederation tomorrow assures own support to the denunciation of Unioncamere

18/06/2019In the last trimester of the 2018 traffic of the goods in the Greek ports it has grown of +5.8%
The passengers have marked an increment of +3.1%

18/06/2019It on board continues the project of sampling of the "DNA of the realized sea" of the ferries of Corsica Sardinia Ferries
The company collaborates with the University of Milan Hut and ISPRA

18/06/2019Joint venture Correos - Kerry - GFS in order to manage flows of e-commerce from China
A hub logistic near Hong Kong will be realized

17/06/2019Proposal of review of the rates for the transit of the ships in the channel of Panama hat
The effectiveness is previewed in order on January 1°, 2020

17/06/2019CVS Ferrari supplies new reach stacker to harbour operators Egyptians
To five delivered means in the past few months, in summer two units will join to others

17/06/2019From the 24 on 30 June Genoa will accommodate the fourth edition of Genoa Shipping Week
It will be an edition renewed with beyond 50 events to calendar

17/06/2019Launched to Muggiano the Polyvalent Pattugliatore of Height Paolo Thaon di Revel
It is before seven destined units to Marina Militare Italiana

17/06/2019To May the ships journeyed in the Suez Canal transported 88,3 million tons of goods (+2.3%)
Cargos for 45,9 million tons on the units directed to south (- 1.6%) and for 42,5 million tons on those directing to north (+6.9%)

17/06/2019DM Shipping (of Friend Tankers - Mitsubishi) sells a product tanker constructed in 2009
The ship is yielded for 16,1 million dollars

17/06/2019BCUBE acquires the majority of Logistic Zeroquattro
Bonzano: the objective is that to consolidate the position in the field Food & Beverage

17/06/2019Traffic in increase in the French ports of the Havre, Rouen and Paris
In the first five months of the 2019 total it has been of 40 million tons (+5.1%)

17/06/2019To May the traffic of the container in the port of Hong Kong is diminished of -7,2%
In the first five months of this year the decrease has been of -7,7%

14/06/2019Fincantieri and Naval Group formalize their agreement that previews the constitution of joint venture 50:50
The new society will have center to Genoa, with controlling in France

14/06/2019To April the traffic goods in the port of Genoa is gone back of +3.4% thanks to the liquid bulk
Decrease of the goods several and the solid bulk

14/06/2019Decalogue? But which Decalogue!
Mattioli (Confitarma): the Federation of the Sea is the center in order to formulate proposed that truly they can give back force to the Italian marine cluster

14/06/2019To May the harbour terminals of Chinese COSCO Shipping Ports have enlivened 8,6 million teu (+2.9%)
In the first five months of the 2019 traffic it is piled to 40,8 million teu (+4.4%)

14/06/2019Federagenti anticipates a Decalogue in order to unblock the bureaucracy and to take advantage of the potentialities of the economy of the sea
Between the proposals, to readmit the mayors and the presidents of the Regions in the organs of management of the ports

14/06/2019The AdSP of the Sea of Sardinia trace a budget of the European projects Circumvectio and Nectemus
First it has examined the computerized systems for the goods, the second the connections between port and outback for the transport fleeting

14/06/2019Al terminal of I go of APM Terminals have arrived others three cranes of dock
They will be able to operate on portacontainer ULCS

14/06/2019Sixth consecutive month of the reduction of the containerized trade in the port of Bremen
In the first quadrimestre of the 2019 1.650.325 teu (- 8.0% are enlivened)

14/06/2019Formalized the agreement for the income of shipowning group MSC in the capital of the genoese Messina
The Helvetic group will stop a participation of 49% through the controlled Marinvest

13/06/2019Incidents to two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman
You they would have been explosions and fires on board. Blank the crews

13/06/2019To May the port of Singapore has enlivened beyond 3,1 million container (- 1.4%)
In the first five months of the 2019 total it has been of 15,0 million teu (+0.5%)

13/06/2019Improvement of the results of the Moby group in the first trimester
The period has been archived item with a net loss of -17,1 million euros. The revenues have grown of +14.5%

13/06/2019RINA anticipates a new version of the registry of electronic edge based on the technology blockchain
It prevents the illegal modification of the data

13/06/2019Interdiction antimafia to an operating company in I subcontract in the port of Crotone
Revocation of the authorizations to operate in port

13/06/2019Under construction the first of a fleet of ferries constituents that will be used to San Francisco
It will be able to accommodate 84 passengers

13/06/2019Independent vehicles constituents will be used for the transport of container from a logistics center to a port
The activity will be realized in collaboration from Volvo Trucks and DFDS

12/06/2019The last analysis of the BIMCO on the shipping containerized does not leave space to positive illusions
In the first trimester of this year the container transports by sea have marked a modest increase of +0.5%

12/06/2019Gefco Italy has inaugurated a new warehouse to Udine
It falls back in partnership with Dealernet for the distribution of spare parts the car

12/06/2019Fedex stops to make deliveries in USA within for Amazon
The company of electronic commerce is widening own net of delivery services

12/06/2019Oshima Shipbuilding and DNV GL collaborate to the planning of rinfusiere to the high energy efficiency
Al Nor-Shipping of Oslo is introduced the project Oshima Ultramax 2030

12/06/2019Last month the traffic of the container to Long Beach is dropped of the -16,6%, while to Los Angeles it has marked the relative record to May
In the first five months of the 2019 traffic in the first port it is diminished of the -6,0% and in the second it is increased of +5.2%

11/06/2019The Sardinian AdSP emphasizes that the Port Channel of Cagliari has not never stopped to operate
The agency reassures the operators on the full operativity of the port of call

11/06/2019American acknowledgment to Italian Guard Costiera in the field of safety of navigation
It is between the 27 eligible administrations for the attribution of the "Qualship21 and E-Zero Programs"

11/06/2019New agreement with RFI in order to increase the railway traffic to service of the port of Trieste
The objective is to improve the connection of the harbour port of call with national the railway infrastructure

11/06/2019To April the traffic of the goods in the port of Ravenna has grown of +5.3%
In the first four months of the 2019 total it has been of 8,73 million tons (+2.6%)

11/06/2019Piraeus Bank yields credits deteriotated for a value of 507 million euros
The financial institution has not announced if the operation consists in the performance of the project in order to cut the NPE in the shipping

11/06/2019DryShips has acquired the entire capital of the Heidmar Inc.
The American company is partner in tanker the Blue pools End, Seawolf and Sigma

10/06/2019On 19 June to Rome the convention "Strategies of participation for the transit through Brenner"
It is organized from Uniontrasporti

10/06/2019The Lloyd's Register authorized to the development of the services of statutory certification for the ships recorded in Italy
The delegation agreement is the fifth organism of classifies to have undersigned

10/06/2019Ban of contest for the concession of the service of railway maneuver in the port of Livorno
The value of the service in concession for a quinquennium is estimated in 11,7 million euros

10/06/2019Tarlazzi (Uiltrasporti): the governance of the Italian system harbour cannot be abandoned to if same
The crisis to the port of Cagliari - it has evidenced - proves that harbour politics of the Country are not going well

10/06/2019Exploratory warning for the future manager of the Marine Station of Olbia
The AdSP of the Sea of Sardinia previews to apply an availability contract. The concession will have a duration 20-year-old

10/06/2019Collective lay-off for the 210 workers of the CICT of Cagliari
Breads (Fit Cisl): we confide that the encounter to the MIT on 13 June is decisive and resolver in finding positive solutions

10/06/2019The terminalista group DP World will participate to the development of the Way of the Polar Silk
Agreement with the Russians RDIF, Rosatom and Norilsk Nickel

10/06/2019Light increase of the traffic of the goods in the port of Savona I go in the first trimester
In increase several solid bulk and goods

10/06/2019New Fortress Energy will realize a terminal for which liquified natural gas in Angola
Agreements with ExxonMobil in order to increase the oil production and with Eni in the field of the energy from renewable sources

10/06/2019Mortal incident in the port of Ancona
A shipping agent is hit by a mooring cable

10/06/2019Slowly of potenziamento of the container terminal AGCT of the port of Rijeka
In program the means dredgings and acquisition of handling

10/06/2019Survey of Propeller Club of Venice on the potentialities and criticality of the lagoon port
It is lead in occasion of the fair "transport logistic" of Monk

07/06/2019Today in Apulia 48th the assembly anniversary of the ANPAN
Cavalleroni has evidenced the dynamicity of the industry of the shipping

07/06/2019China and Russia are come to an agreement in order to start the operativity of the Way of the Polar Silk
The Russians Sovcomflot and Novatek and Chineses COSCO Shipping and Silk Road Fund will constitute Maritime joint venture Arctic Transport

07/06/2019Today near Confitarma the first of the series of seminaries ECSA on the European Maritime Window Single
The maturity date for the implementation of the norm is fixed for July 2025

07/06/2019To March the traffic of the goods in the port of Genoa is diminished of -14,2%
The bending of the container has been of -10,8%

07/06/2019To Brussels the European Maritime Networks of Clusters has participated to an encounter on the Economy Blue
The Italy represented from the Federation of the Sea

07/06/2019JNG and ITF speed up the parts to being ready to the effectiveness between six months of the Dockers Clause
The clause specifically regulated the operations of rizzaggio and derizzaggio of cargos of the ships in the ports

06/06/2019Agreement between the port of Trieste and Kombiverkehr
The scope is to create an intermodal corridor with the German terminal of Neuss

06/06/2019Al via the extraordinary maintenance operations of the outer dam of the port of Augusta
They will be centralized on the heads of the central mouth

06/06/2019Uiltrasporti, to postpone the financings to the Agencies for the harbour job of Taranto and Gioia Tauro
Tarlazzi: it is necessary also in order not to prejudice the same resumption of the two ports

06/06/2019It is a fake news to support that the results of the study of T&E on the emissions of the cruise ships are fake news
Manifest CLIA disappointment because the analysis is realized without some I confront with the crocieristica industry

06/06/2019Uiltrasporti, a mistake to abandon the ports in the hands of shipowning and terminaliste companies interested only to the speculation
It is necessary - Tarlazzi and Odone support - to create a true cabin of direction of the Italian ports participated from the social parts

06/06/2019DB, SBB and FS are engaged to upgrade the railway traffic on the Genoa-Rotterdam Corridor
Undersigned the combined declaration "Opportunity Ashes 2020"

06/06/2019Inmarsat, MTI (group NYK) and RINA join to One Sea - Autonomous Maritime Ecosystem
One of the main scopes of the consortium is the harmonization of the technical standards of independent navigation

06/06/2019Vard will construct a second cruise ship of luxury for shipments for Coral Expeditions
It will be delivered in the last trimester of the next year

06/06/2019The Court of the Re-examination establishes the suspension from the service for eight months for the president of the AdSP of the Southern Adriatic
Same interdittivo provision for a leader of the agency. Both the frozen measures waiting for pronunciamento of the Cassation

05/06/2019Agreements to Monk between the AdSP of the Western Liguria and the port of Shenzhen and between the port of Trieste and the Luxemburgian Railroads
Initiatives and presentations of the harbour communities of Genoa and Savona I go. Contship Italy celebrates the 50 years

05/06/2019On 14 June the assembly will hold anniversary of the Federation of the agents and Italian marine brokers
He is in program to Portonovo - Monte Conero (Ancona)

05/06/2019Approved of consuntivo budget 2018 of the Harbour Authority of Gioia Tauro
Agostinelli: the subingresso of TIL in the social compages of MCT it has been "a been born political decision for giving to new course and breath to the development of our harbour infrastructure"

05/06/2019A study of Transport & Environment denunciation that the cruise ships emit more SOX, but a lot more, regarding the cars
Elevated also the nox emissions

05/06/2019The society of private equities Hahn & Co. it would be estimating the possible sale of H-Linen Shipping
The transaction could have a value comprised between 3,5 and four billions of dollars

05/06/2019Agreement between Hupac and the port of Duisburg in order to relatively strengthen the hub German also to Europe-China transports
Between the objectives, the improvement of the connections with the ports of Antwerp, Rotterdam and Zeebrugge

04/06/2019A new railway service will connect the port of Trieste with Nuremberg
It will be realized by DFDS and Alpe Adria

04/06/2019The REGIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE COURT for the Latium invites the Antitrust to recalculate the inflicted endorsement to Moby and CIN for abuse of dominant position
"Justice is made", it declares Honored that accusation who various interprets the pronunciamento of the Court of lacked reading the sentence

04/06/2019Cammell Laird announces that it is defining the project of a new ferry ro-pax of new generation
Will be introduced officially within year-end

04/06/2019Fit, Filt and Uilt: from the institutions we want answers in the short times for I throw again of the container terminal of Cagliari
Preannunciata for thursday a great mobilization with blocks to the income of the city and in crosses harbour

04/06/2019Decreasing the number of the losses totals of ships, but the number of marine incidents remains elevated
It evidences the annual report for 2018 of Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty

04/06/2019PIR celebrates the ten years of activity of own Albanian terminal of Vlorë
Nine million producing tons enlivened beyond of

03/06/2019The collision between the MSC Opera and the River Countess report to overturns the issue of the transit of the great ships to Venice
Toninelli: "finally we are near to a definitive solution in order to protect is the lagoon that tourism"

03/06/2019Propeller Club Port of Venice to the Transport Logistic di Monaco in order to promote the "adriatic route"
Bernardo: the Adriatic and its ports economically represent a route and historically privileged in the relationships between Far East and Europe

03/06/2019Euroseas buys four portacontenitori feeder
They will be yielded by the Eurobulk that is under responsibility also it to the Pittas family

03/06/2019Assigned to the Dravo Spanish the work of ordinary maintenance of the backdrops of the port of Gioia Tauro
The contract has a value of beyond 2,5 million euros

03/06/2019Ritz-Carlton orders a second cruise ship to the Spanish yard Barreras
2021 will be completed early in the season summery

03/06/2019Ok of the EU to the acquisition of Euroports by R-Logitech, PMV and SFPI-FPIM
Previewed a limited impact on the market

03/06/2019Wärtsilä makes sure the first order for a system of berthing automatic rifle
It is based on a technology of automation and positioning used from the support ships of the oil platforms
Almost total membership-they stress Filt, Fit and Uilt-at the strike days of port workers
Genoa / Rome
Waiting for a fair response in wage terms and protections
Currently 90% per cent of ship arrivals in the port of Singapore are not scheduled
"The effect of the crisis in the Red Sea could be aggravated by the next increase in container volumes," Minister Hon Weng said.
Port Marghera inaugurated the work of the new container terminal Montesyndial
Port Marghera inaugurated the work of the new container terminal Montesyndial
Di Blasio : It is one of the most important and expected infrastructure works for veneta portuality and the productive fabric of the Northeast
It expects the reduction of maritime traffic in the Panama Canal
In the first five months of 2024, the transits of high-fishing vessels were 3,706 (-30.4%)
Port concessions, Financial Economic Plans will have to be drawn up on the basis of a format drawn up by the ART
The State Council has upheld the appeal of the Co. Na.Te. Co. towards the AdSP of Naples for the missed dredgers
The trend of sensitive traffic growth in the port of Bremen / Bremerhaven continues.
The hike is towed by the containers
Maersk Supply Service will be acquired by Norwegian DOF Group
Storebø / Kongens Lyngby
Transaction of the value of more than 1.1 billion
Assshipowners have no doubts : LNG is the useful fuel for decarbonisation of shipping
A catalogue of alternative fuels available in every stopover-Messina highlighted-is not reasonably applicable to Italian ports
The US Federal Maritime Commission puts the HMM under observation
The South Korean company has been included in the list of "controlled carriers"
Spread 41 million euros to improve competitiveness of Italian ports
Maersk withdraws from race to acquire German DB Schenker
Clerc : identified "areas of challenge in the perspective of an integration"
Provisions on the licence plates of new vehicles are likely to damage the activity of port businesses
Assiterminal and ANCIP, do not take into account the issues generated in the context of port operations
The Danish government has set up a working group to ensure that the national shipping industry continues to be a leader
The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach invest in order to equip charging stations for electric trucks
Los Angeles
Allocated 25 million as part of the Clean Air Action Plan
Acica rentals two new ro-pax ships that will ship from 2027 on routes between Italy and Greece
Agreement with Swedish Stena RoRo that includes unit purchase options
The Port of Los Angeles will enhance its capacity in the cruises segment
Los Angeles
Call for proposals for a new terminal and for the renovation of the World Cruise Center
In May, freight traffic in Chinese seaports grew by 3.5%
In May, freight traffic in Chinese seaports grew by 3.5%
The only containers increased by 8.2%
Crystal commissions two new high-end and next-generation cruise ships at Fincantieri
Crystal commissions two new high-end and next-generation cruise ships at Fincantieri
Munich / Trieste
The agreement includes an option for a third unit
Gianluca Croce is the new president of Assagents
Gianluca Croce is the new president of Assagents
Vice presidents have been named Aldo Negri, Roberto De Marchi, Carolina Villa and Maurizio Gozzi.
Paolo Pessina will be the new president of the Federagents
Paolo Pessina will be the new president of the Federagents
The witness passage will take place on October 25, when Alessandro Santi will cease his term in office.
The first July will become operational the first version of the Sardinia Port Community System
The new telematics platform was presented today in Cagliari
Le Aziende informano
ABB completa l'acquisizione del business di routing meteorologico di DTN per la navigazione
La transazione è stata completata oggi, in seguito a un precedente annuncio di accordo con il gruppo globale di dati e analisi DTN
Houthi allegedly targeted two other MSC container carriers
Portsmouth / Tampa
The ships have regularly continued their journey
Commesse for 63.4 million to Somec in cruise ship segment
St. Vendemian
These are units intended for Regent Seven Seas Cruises, Oceania Cruises and Disney Cruise Line
Marsa Maroc will operate the Container Terminal East of the new port of Nador West Med
Marsa Maroc will operate the Container Terminal East of the new port of Nador West Med
Will have an annual traffic capacity of 3.4 million teu
R-Logitech will come out of Euroports and be replaced by a new private majority shareholder
The investment companies PMV and SFPIM have temporarily boosted their shares
Hapag-Lloyd cooperates with ZeroNorth for the energy transition of its fleet
Digital solution for fuel supply and bunkerage planning
In February, Carnival reported revenue and record number of passengers.
In February, Carnival reported revenue and record number of passengers.
The crucieristic group predicts that strong growth will continue in 2025
In the first quarter of this year, the traffic of goods in Romanian ports increased by 16.1%
Strong drop in loads from and for Italy
Paolo d' Amico has been confirmed as president of the Italian Naval Register
Renewed the mandate for the four-year term 2024-2027
Hamburg Commercial Bank has acquired the portfolio in the NIBC's naval credit segment
Hamburg / L ' Hague
It has a value of 992 million
In the first three months of 2024, container traffic in German ports increased by 5.2%
The overall volume of goods decreased by -1.1%
US Secretary to the Navy enthusiastic about the acquisition of Philly Shipyard by Hanwha
US Secretary to the Navy enthusiastic about the acquisition of Philly Shipyard by Hanwha
He is the first Korean shipbuilder to land on American shores and-he specified-I am sure it will not be the last
Grimaldi (ALIS) : to intervene on the European ETS Directive in order not to create a distortion of modal competition and a geographical distortion
We hope that the proposal of the ICS to establish a Research and Development Fund will be taken into account.
Hanwha enters the U.S. Jones Act market by buying American shipbuilder Philly Shipyard
Seoul / Philadelphia
Agreement worth 100 million dollars
Viking orders Fincantieri to build two cruise ships of 54mila tsl
They will be able to host 998 passengers and will be delivered between 2028 and 2029
The traffic of goods in French ports is returning to growth
The traffic of goods in French ports is returning to growth
Increase in the volumes of cargoes handled in all major shades in the first three months of 2024
Filt Cgil and Fit Cisl have staged a strike in ports on 4 and July 5
"The absolute need to reach the renewal of the Ccnl is the absolute necessity," he said.
Okay to the functional rebalancing of the Venice Terminal Passenger concession whose duration has been extended by ten years
Commitment to invest over 19 million euros. Port of Chioggia, approved the concession to SO.RI.MA. (F2I Holding Portuale)
In May, freight traffic in the port of Genoa fell by -0.6% percent and in Savona's port, it grew by 9.6% percent.
Genoa / La Spezia
The Liguria Region has approved the Strategic Development Plan related to the ZLS "Porto and Retroport of Spezia"
Seven days of mobilisation in Italian ports early next month
Uiltransport, irresponsible of the attitude of the data-based parties in the negotiation for the renewal of the Ccnl of ports
Trade unions call for a meeting on the congestion fee demanded by the drivers operating with the port of Genoa
Final free route in India to the project for the construction of a large container port in Vadhavan
Final free route in India to the project for the construction of a large container port in Vadhavan
New Delhi
It will have an annual capacity of 23.2 million teu
The UIRR is dissatisfed with the position of the EU Council on the proposal for a regulation on the capacity of the railway infrastructure
The association continues to call for a more coordinated approach at the international level
Russian (Conftransport) : differentiated autonomy is likely to undermine the competitiveness of the national economic system
It is concerned that the law was approved in complete lack of definition of the Essential Levels of Prestation with reference to ports, airports and major infrastructure.
In the first five months of 2024 the traffic of goods in the port of Trieste increased by 5.6%
Increase generated by liquid bulk bulk (+ 11.6%). In decline miscellaneous goods (-3.4%) and dry bulk (-78.5%)
Extension of the non-start-up allowance for the docks of Gioia Tauro and Taranto airports
Rome / Gioia Tauro / Taranto
The Confirmed Ima confirmed for another nine months
Fincantieri vara to Ancona the cruise ship Viking Vesta
Los Angeles
In mid-2025 it will be delivered to American Viking
Lineage buys the abruzzese supplier of Eurofrigor refrigerated warehouses
At the end the constructive phase of the port of Porto Torres
Entrusted to a Technical Advisory Panel on the issue of the greatest costs of opera
In China, the keel of the new ro-pax has been laid down. GNV Virgo
It will be the first ship of GNV's fleet to be powered by liquefied natural gas
In Genoa, the World Day of Ausile Navigation
On August 22, IALA will assume the legal status of intergovernmental organisation
SFL Corporation orders the construction of five container ships from 16,800 teu
Commits the value of a billion dollars to New Times Shipbuilding
In 2023, Fratelli Cosulich recorded financial performance second only to those records of 2022
OMT (Accelleron) acquires the OMC2
The Company manufactures high precision fuel injectors for marine, stationary and rail engines
Last year, freight traffic in Dutch ports fell by -7.6% percent.
The Hague
Reduction of volumes in all major merceological compartments
Chantier Naval de Marseille will retrofit two other cruise ships of AIDA Cruises
They are part of the class "Sphinx"
Genovese De Wave has acquired Inoxking
The Company manufactures steel furniture and refrigeration systems for the maritime industry
The downturn of container traffic in the port of Piraeus continues
Hong Kong
Overall, the volumes handled by the COSCO Shipping Ports network have been increased.
MSC gets 97.71% of the capital of Gram Car Carriers
In the coming days the acquisition of the remaining shares
Hapag-Lloyd reiterates its own terminalist division
A Hanseatic Global Terminals make 20 container terminals in 11 nations
ADNOC Logistics & Services orders in Korea 8-10 new liquefied natural gas vessels
Abu Dhabi
They will be built by Samsung Heavy Industries and Hanwha Ocean
Kombiverkehr is alarmed at the reduction of DB Cargo services for intermodal transport
Frankfurt am Main
The company is looking for alternative partners
MSC ready to acquire 15% of ADR in Genoa Airport
The shipowner group has submitted a binding proposal to buy
Fincantieri will build a fourth NFS submarine for the Italian Navy Navy
Commits of the value of 500 million euros
Four major critical areas in view of the entry into force of the FuelEU Maritime Regulation
Workshop on the theme of the Young Group of Confitweapon
Technical Varo of the second of the four GNV ro-pax ships under construction in China
The "GNV Orion", of 52,000 tons tsl, will be taken over in the summer of 2025
Visual Sailing List
Departure ports
Arrival ports by:
- alphabetical order
- country
- geographical areas
Assshipowners have strengthened their structure
Insertion into the organic of Simone Parizzi, Mattia Canevari and Cesare Crocini
Japan's MOL acquires 25% of the logistics company Tanzaniana Alistair Group
Port of Ravenna, over four million euros destined for new mediums of less environmental impact
A ban on the replacement of the means currently operating in the quay
Rosetti Marino, new committed for offshore EPC activities worth more than 400 million euros
It envisages the realization of the topside of the gas production platform that will be installed off the coast of Libya
They return to grow the revenues of the FedEx express courier
In the coming months, a continuation of the current positive trend is expected.
Assagents analyzes the impact on maritime traffic of the geopolitical crises in place
On July 9 Adria Ferries will inaugurate a new ferry line between Italy and Montenegro
Biweekly service between the ports of Ancona and Bar
State Railways and Eni continue cooperation in the field of alternative fuels
Mitsui O.S.K. Lines will have 72% of the capital of Gearbulk
You will acquire an additional 23% held by Halberton Holding (Jebsen family)
The Young Shipowners Group of Confitarma launches the website ItalianSeafarers
Presented the training opportunities offered by the companies and the ITS foundations
In 2023, passengers on MSC Crusere ships nearly doubled.
The Explora Journeys business also started in August.
EQT Infrastructure VI fund buys Constellation Cold Logistics
Stockholm / London
Owns and operates 26 refrigerated warehouses in Western Europe and Scandinavia
UPS sells logistics company Coyote Logistics to RXO for more than a billion dollars
Charlotte / Atlanta
In 2023 the asset ceded generated a turnover of 3.2 billion
CMA CGM restructure services in the Mediterranean
Changes to the Euronaf and TMX 2 lines scaling several Italian ports
The only retroport of the port of La Spezia is that of Santo Stefano Magra
The Spezia
Shipping agents and shipping agents and customs officers who say no to the hypothesis of other corridors said.
Warriors (AdSP Livorno) : The TDT terminal must maintain its own merceological vocation
We expect Grimaldi to develop plans to promote a real growth of containerized traffickers.
Emanuele Grimaldi has been re-elected as president of the International Chamber of Shipping
Emanuele Grimaldi has been re-elected as president of the International Chamber of Shipping
Confirmed for another two-year term
Lorenzo Giacobbe is the new president of the Young People's Group of Assagents
It will be joined by Vice Presidents Pietro Abbona and Andrea Pompei
The ports of Trieste and Monfalcone are allied with those of Cartagena, Riga and North Sea Port
Report on work in liguri ports
It was carried out by the Italian Academy of Mercantile Academy
Intermodal transport of prefabricated in concrete from Tuscany to Sardinia
Collaboration between the Baraclit Group, the Logistic Pole of the FS Group and the GMake Group
It continues the growth of containerized transhipment traffic in the ports of Algeciras and Valencia
Algeciras / Valencia
In May in the two shelves the transshipment containers increased by 8.4% and 12.0%
Kombiverkehr, in 2025, will double in Germany the costs of using rail lines for the transport of goods
Frankfurt am Main
Krebs : in the worst case we will stop transport
They rise to 88 the companies associated with Assiterminal
Membership of seven new companies
Brothers Cosulich acquired the genovese Slavetti Enzo
It operates in the field of production and sales of hardware products for the shipbuilding and nautical industry
Likely sinking of the renaissance Tutor attacked by the Houthis
Signaled the sighting at sea of debris and hydrocarbon chiaths
EU Council agrees to its position on new regulation on the European Maritime Safety Agency
Also adopted the general approach on the regulation on the use of the capacity of the railway infrastructure
Italian Ports:
Ancona Genoa Ravenna
Augusta Gioia Tauro Salerno
Bari La Spezia Savona
Brindisi Leghorn Taranto
Cagliari Naples Trapani
Carrara Palermo Trieste
Civitavecchia Piombino Venice
Italian Interports: list World Ports: map
ShipownersShipbuilding and Shiprepairing Yards
ForwardersShip Suppliers
Shipping AgentsTruckers
The assembly of Assagents will be held in Genoa on June 25.
Event entitled " Mari inquieti. Routes and conflicts : the incognition of traffickers "
Conference on the safety and optimisation of the flow of passengers in ports and borders
Organized by the ICSA Foundation, it will be held on June 12 in Rome
››› Meetings File
Houthis Mount Biggest Month of Attacks on Ships This Year
Megapuerto de Chancay: Autoridad Portuaria decidió retirar demanda por exclusividad del futuro terminal
(Latina Noticias)
››› Press Review File
FORUM of Shipping
and Logistics
Relazione del presidente Stefano Messina
Roma, 2 luglio 2024
››› File
The Council of State has also rejected the appeal from the Gioia Tauro oil company
Joy Tauro
The port institution had rejected the concession instances put forward by the company
Mitsubishi Shipbuilding will build the first two Japanese ro-ro ships to methanol
They will have a capacity of about 2,300 motor vehicles
MSC restructure links between the Western Mediterranean and Canada
Merger of two services
New Mediterranean Service-East Coast USA of the MSC
Will have weekly frequency
On June 24, the Port Community System of the ports of Campania will be activated
The digital platform will be equipped with additional tools by 2026
In 2023 the traffic in goods in Greek ports grew by 1.0%
The Piraeus
Passenger in growth of 6.4%
In 2023 the turnover of MIS-Mai Intermodal Service grew by 28.5%
Aquanegra Cremonese
Handling 2.3 million tons of cargo
Last month container traffic in the port of Long Beach decreased by -8.2%
Long Beach
In the first five months of 2024, there was an increase of 10.0%
Spearport, contingent arrivals in the port of Genova to a number of vehicles that can actually be served
Continues the growth of prices of new shipbuilding
We reduce the consistency of the container order portfolio
In May, container traffic in the port of Los Angeles fell by -3.4% percent.
Los Angeles
Waiting for the recovery of growth in summer
The assembly of Assagents will be held in Genoa on June 25.
Event entitled " Mari inquieti. Routes and conflicts : the incognition of traffickers "
The work of consolidation of the first tank of the Darsena Europe has arrived at 60%.
Completion is expected by the end of the year
Piacenza has resigned as Extraordinary Commissioner of the AdSP of the Western Ligurian Sea
Genoa / Rome
The subenters Admiral Massimo Seno
The means of the Trieste Coast Guard rescue a motonave of the APT Gorizia
Rescued from 76 people on board
The Italian Sea Group has completed the divestment of the Viareggio nautical yard
Marina di Carrara
It was sold to Next Yacht Group for 21 million euros
Eni has ceded 10% percent of Saipem's share capital.
San Donato Milanese
The counter-value was about 393 million euros.
Restored full navigability in the access channel to the port of Baltimore
Assoports and SRM publish a new update of the report "Port Infographics"
Focus on maritime trades and fleets, alternative fuels and the employment of women in ports
Renewed the Board of Directors of Maritime Stations
Indication of Edoardo Monzani's confirmation to the role of president
In May the revenues of Yang Ming and Wan Hai Lines grew by 46.2% and 40.1%
Keelung / Taipei
In the first five months of 2024 recorded increases of 27.0% and 17.5%
Port of Genoa, Spediporto and Fedespedi call for truck drivers to freeze congestion fee
DFDS will sell its own mini cruises to Gotlandsbolaget
Copenhagen / Visby
The divestment will include the ships "Crown Seaways" and "Pearl Seaways" built in 1994 and 1989
Second report from the Fedespedi Studies Center on the Suez Crisis
In the Mediterranean, take advantage of ports closest to Gibraltar
Finsea renews its identity brand identity
The structure of the group split into three main business units : Finsea-Shipping agency, Finsea-Land transport and Finsea-Global logistics
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio
No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher
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