testata inforMARE
21 January 2025 - Year XXIX
Independent journal on economy and transport policy
08:24 GMT+1
News File
July 2013

31/07/2013First boarding on an Italian cargo vessel of a private antipirateria team
Assigned of the Londoner Triskel Services on board of the rinfusiera "Pan One" of the Augustan Atlantic

31/07/2013It continues the positive trend of the economic results of CAI International
In according to trimester the profit clearly it has grown of 11.9% and the revenues are increased of 33.4%

31/07/2013the resumption of the harbour traffics is a sign of confidence for Ravenna
They have emphasized deputy mayor the Mingozzi and the president of the Harbour Authority Di Marco

31/07/2013Trimester positive April-june for shipowning society Chilean CSAV
In the first six months of the 2013 fleet of the group it has transported 900 thousand container (- 7.8%)

31/07/2013In decided rise the results of Friend International Shipping
According to trimester it has been archived item with a profit clearly of 15,5 million dollars

31/07/2013Fourth consecutive trimester of the reduction of the traffic of the container in the terminals of DP World
In the period April-june of this year the result after the HPH taxes Trust is diminished of 14.7%

31/07/2013the Japanese "K" Linens will constitute a new society dedicated to rotabili cargos
"K" Line Roro Services will have centers to Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka and Hiroshima

31/07/2013Yes of the Harbour Committee of Genoa to the new outer dam
the contest for the realization of the work could be under way in 2015

31/07/2013In improvement the economic results of the Japanese shipowning societies MOL, NYK and "K" Line
the three companies have closed the first trimester of fiscal year 2013 with clean results of positive sign

30/07/2013The terminal of regasification FRSU Tuscany has arrived today in waters of the Tuscany
the beginning of the business activity is in program within the last trimester of 2013

30/07/2013In according to trimester of the 2013 profit clearly of Finnlines it has recorded a bending of 84%
the revenues are piled to 149,7 million euros (- 9%)

30/07/2013Saipem has closed the first semester of 2013 with a net loss of -575 million euros
the revenues are diminished of 18.9%

30/07/2013Understanding for the mitigation of the impact on the peach brought from the construction of the new offshore harbour terminal of Venice
It is signed today by Region, Harbour Authority and trade associations of the peach and the aquaculture

30/07/2013In order to continue to carry the great cruise ships to Venice it is imperative to characterize a route alternative to that of San Marco
It has emphasized the Venetian Harbour Authority specifying that he is fundamental to pursue the objective to apply I decree Clini-Passera

30/07/2013In last weeks MSC it has given a jolt to the orderbook world-wide of mega-portacontainer
the Genevan company is leader in the field of the new constructions with orders for 34 ships of the total ability to 375.207 teu

30/07/2013Today in the port of Venice the Unico Doganale Door is activated
draft of a version evolven of that already experienced to Ravenna, Civitavecchia and Naples

30/07/2013Kombiverkehr will extend own net of services to southern France
A new service will connect Colony and Duisburg with the Miramas terminal, between Avignon and Marseilles

30/07/2013In according to trimester of the 2013 operating result of Seaspan Corporation it is diminished of 23.0%
the company has signed orders of the total value of 550 million dollars for the portacontenitori new construction

30/07/2013the Harbour Authority of Livorno assumes for a year the management of the Old Fortress
the agency will use the good for cultural and tourist scopes exclusively shared by the Municipality

29/07/2013Diana Containerships has closed the period April-june with a net loss of -5,0 million dollars
In the first half of the 2013 liabilities is piled to -36,8 million dollars

29/07/2013NCL has archived item second trimester 2013 with a net loss of -8,8 million dollars
the revenues are increased of 10.5% and the operating profit has grown of 9.6%

29/07/2013Inaugurate in the Port Channel of Cagliari the new docks for the conventional traffics of goods and helter-skelter
From the Turkish ship "Suat Bey" is disembarked two thousand tons of bentonite

29/07/2013The STX Corporation group yields own participation in STX Energy
Temporary acquisition by Japanese ORIX

29/07/2013Fincantieri tightens an agreement with Centro Krylov of Saint Petersburg in the field of the naval search
In program the combined development of new destined projects to the technological innovation of the field

29/07/2013the scene of the world-wide exchanges of goods continuous to being characterized from a remarkable uncertainty
Even if Asia, and more in particular China, continues to being the locomotive of the increase - the International Transport has explained Forum - is signs of a slow down

29/07/2013the port of Mina Zayed will be equipped of a new terminal cruises
a temporary structure will be prepared in sight of the next season

29/07/2013President of the Region Friuli Venice Julia has proposed to the port of Trieste to exit from the North Adriatic Ports Association
Monassi: I will face the problem with the ports of Koper and Rijeka

29/07/2013In the first half of the 2013 profit clearly of the Exmar Belgian it has grown of 170.5%
the revenues are diminished of 5.1%

26/07/2013New nominations in the terminals of La Spezia and Cagliari of the group Contship Italy
Michele Giromini and Franco Nicola Cupolo are the new managing directors of LSCT and CICT

26/07/2013In according to trimester of this year traffic goods enlivened from the port of Marseilles it has grown of 2%
In the first half of 2013 a decrease is recorded of -4%

26/07/2013Warriors: the port of Piombino will be able to receive the property left at death one of Costa Concordia
Green light from the commission Transports and infrastructures of the Tuscan regional council to the new Town development plan of the port

26/07/2013On the stumbling block of the road haulage the negotiations between unions break and enterprises for I renew of the ccnl
Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl and Uiltrasporti have proclaimed a general strike in order on 5 August

26/07/2013Panalpina records an ulterior progression of the economic performances
For the first time after nine consecutive trimesters of decline the air shipments operated by the group are returned to grow

25/07/2013To October the government will take a definitive decision on the transit of the great ships to Venice
The mayor of the lagoon city has declared himself satisfied of as the ministers is facing the issue

25/07/2013a boiler of 70 tons "is flown" by Italy to the United States
the left exceptional shipment from the airport of Zurich is cured by the Milanese Fortunes

25/07/2013On 1° August in the port of Palermo a great photovoltaic system will be inaugurated
It covers an area almost 10,000 square metres

25/07/2013Royal Caribbean Cruises has closed the second trimester with a profit clearly of 24,7 million dollars
the revenues are piled to 1,9 billion dollars (+3.4%)

25/07/2013Last month the traffic of the goods in the port of Venice has grown of the 19.2%
Nuovo belt conveyor prototype electrical worker devised from the Cooperative Luggage carrier of the Port of Venice

25/07/2013Deutsche Bahn records an increase of the transported passengers and a decrease of the goods
In bending the goods on track so as street, marine and aerial shipments

25/07/2013In the first half of the 2013 profit clearly of SUCH International it has grown of 21.2%
the revenues are piled to 328,0 million dollars (+13.8%)

25/07/2013ABB clearly closes according to trimester 2013 with an increase of 16.3% of the result and decrease of 7.4% of the new orders
the volume of transactions has recorded an increment of 5.8%

25/07/2013BC Ferries will acquire three new ferries
In the next few days the contest procedure will be started in order to select the ship yard that will construct the ships

25/07/2013CIMC the construction of five portacontainer has ordered to New Shipbuilding Times from 8.800 teu
the new ships will be rented to group MSC

24/07/2013Renewed the directive council of the The International Propeller Club Port of Trieste
President is named Fabrizio Zerbini

24/07/2013In June the port of Ravenna has established the own new record of traffic salary of the container
In the first six months of the 2013 port of call it has recorded an increment of 2.8% of the total traffic of the goods

24/07/2013On Castellammare di Stabia Fincantieri it starts the construction of the ferry for Société DES traversiers du Québec
the ship will be delivered at the end of 2014

24/07/2013To Lerici the eightieth anniversary of the conquest of the Blue Tape by the Rex will be celebrated
On all it will dominate a shape of 85 meters for 35 of the ocean-going liner

24/07/2013Last month the marine traffic in the Suez Canal has recorded a bending of 4.9%
the ships journeyed in the water way Egyptian in the first semester of the 2013 transported 363,7 million tons of goods (- 1.8%)

24/07/2013the Port of Oakland in the long term tightens an agreement with terminalista group SSA
It previews the activity consolidation on an area of beyond 140 hectares

24/07/2013has reached today Marghera Port the portacontainer larger never landed to the Venetian port of call
the touched one is propedeutica to the activation of the line directed with Far East of CMA CGM

24/07/2013Shortly I renew of the organs of the Harbour Authority of the Sardinia North
Started the procedure in order to select the new members of the Harbour Committee and the Advisory Commission

24/07/2013the Interporto of Bologna nozzle the cargo stock exchange on-line Sinergibo
the service is realized by the interportuale society

24/07/2013Financed the works in the territory German in order to extend the railway line Betuwe goods to the industrial heart of Europe
Investment of about 1,5 billion euros. The line takes part of the European corridor Rotterdam-Genoa

24/07/2013Worsening of the economic performances of Konecranes in according to trimester
The measures of restructure adopted by the Finnish group will involve the reduction of job 600 places

23/07/2013Stable in the first six months of the 2013 traffic goods enlivened from the port of Barcelona
the crocieristi are increased of 15%

23/07/2013Serracchiani: the Region intends to exercise in more incisive way its competences on the port of Monfalcone
Yes of the Region to the definition of a new Portuale Town development plan

23/07/2013The Harbour Authority of Livorno has joined to two new strategic European projects
draft of the B2Mos and EHPPC MED

23/07/2013With the contribution of Vard, the revenues of the first six months of the Fincantieri group have grown of 57% to 1,9 billion euros
the company has confirmed the prosecuzione of the resource to the extraordinary redundancy fund for the Italian yards

23/07/2013The mayor of Venice sharpens the weapons in sight of the encounter of thursday to Rome on the great ships in Laguna
Orsoni evidences the importance of the port, but it asks the application with urgency for I decree Clini-Passera

23/07/2013Round table on the topic "Bari and the port. Projects Borbonici and Murattiani"
One will hold tomorrow in the apulian chief town

23/07/2013In the first semester of the 2013 port of Palermo it has enlivened 2,9 million tons of goods (- 5.9%)
In the second solo trimester is recorded a decrease of 6.7%

23/07/2013Yes of the Commission Finances and Job of the Senate to Turin which center of the Authority of the transports
Cota: "the Piemonte team works"

22/07/2013AP of Livorno announces endorsements for the enterprises that do not appeal to the society of temporary job
Green light to the concession to Scotto on the Italy Pier side south

22/07/2013the port of Wilhelmshaven is time connected for railway way with the inland port of Duisburg
the service, started experimentally, will shortly become to regulate

22/07/2013Paita (Liguria Region): the territory must maintain the attention high on the topic of infrastructures
Al organized convention from CISL is restated the necessity to realize indispensable works for Italian North-West, firstly Third Pass, highway Node of Genoa and Tav Torino-Lione

22/07/2013In the first five months of the 2013 traffic of the goods in the port of Venice it is diminished of 2.0%
To May the bending has been of 13.8%

22/07/2013The Interporto of Bologna has renewed own website
rich Portal of timely information and useful documents

22/07/2013the Native-born summits of Katoen in visit to the port of Savona - Vado Ligure
Incontri with the representatives of the Harbour Authority and APM Terminals

22/07/2013In the first half of the 2013 result clearly of Belgian CMB it is diminished of 38%
the volume of transactions is dropped of 5%

22/07/2013To Salerno the Italian section of the The International Propeller Clubs has been born ventunesima
It is presided by Alfonso Mignone; directive Prime Minister is Orazio De Nigris

22/07/2013Euronav has closed the first half of 2013 with a loss after the taxes of -41,4 million dollars
the revenues are diminished of 13%

19/07/2013The new associate for the navalmeccaniche activities of the Bergen Norwegian is the Zaliv Ukrainian
the two companies will constitute joint venture 51:49

19/07/2013On Città di Castello the construction of the intermodal logistic Platform of Alto Tevere is started
the total investment is of beyond 19 million euros

19/07/2013the CIPE has deliberated the restoration of the cover financial institution of according to lottery of the Third Pass of Giovi
Assigned to 802 million euros for the realization of the railway line Alta Velocità/Alta Capacità Genova-Milano

19/07/2013In according to trimester of this year OOCL it has recorded a bending of the volumes and the revenues
the fleet of the company has transported 1,31 million container (- 2.6%)

19/07/2013the Greek shipowners sign a voluntary agreement that previews a doubling of the taxes to they loaded in order to support the economy of Athens
Attended deposits for 140 million euros regarding current the 75

19/07/2013In according to trimester of this year port of Rotterdam it has enlivened 110,6 million tons of goods (- 0.9%)
Analogous the bending the bending of the volumes enlivened altogether from the Dutch port of call in the first half of 2013

18/07/2013Ancanap, the demand restitution EU of the contributions distributed from the Spanish government is late
Moreover - second the Italian shipbuilding association - door "elements of new turbulence and uncertainty in an European market already so strongly depressed"

18/07/2013In bending the economic results of the Cargotec group
Contraction also of the orders to the Finnish group in according to trimester 2013

18/07/2013Monassi: full availability of the Harbour Authority of Trieste on the projects for the area of the Ironworks of Servola
Shared with the unions a line that sees the future of the area in the industrial development connected to the logistics

18/07/2013the Serbian government is about to privatize the fluvial ports of Apatin and Belgrade
It has announced the minister of the Transports, Milutin Mrkonjic

18/07/2013Debora Serracchiani throws again the project of a governance only for the three ports of Trieste, Monfalcone and Porto Nogaro
Every time that it must be taken a decision - president of the Region Friuli Venice Julia has denounced - is called to the table ten various subjects

18/07/2013Christened the sixth new portacontainer from 13.208 teu of the OOCL
the ship is rented Japanese NYK

18/07/2013European Financing of 3,9 of euro for the widening and the modernization of the harbour basin Ronco-Canepa of Genoa
Such resources cover about 10% of the total costs of the works of the project

18/07/2013Brussels authorizes the distribution of the resources for the relative Ecobonus to 2010
Established the delay of a year of the benefits, decision that - ANITA has explained - is taken for the economic slow down of Italy and its repercussions on the transport activities

18/07/2013the adriatic ports of NAPA to the international conference Asean Ports and Shipping
Little the European harbour truths invited to take part to the event held to Have Who Minh City

18/07/2013In according to trimester the 2013 Wärstilä it has recorded a decrease of 11% of the new orders
the turnover clearly is increased of 5%

18/07/2013the port of Antwerp closes the first semester of 2013 with an increment of 2% of the traffic thanks to the rise of the liquid bulk
Bending of several the solid bulk and the goods

17/07/2013Piero Lazzeri is named president of the Sanilog Bottom
It is the integrating bottom for staff employee of the logistic field, transport goods and shipment

17/07/2013Ban of the Region Marche for the development of the intermodalità
Pesaresi (Interporto Marche): from measures as these other regional administrations have drawn remarkable benefits in terms of boosting of the traffic on iron

17/07/2013Fincantieri will realize a fourth cruise ship extra-dislocates for the French Companies du Ponant
the construction will be assigned to the plant of Ancona and the unit will be delivered in the spring of 2015

17/07/2013BIMCO and World Customs Organisation sign a new memorandum of understanding
It is face also to strengthen the role of the marine industry in the fight against the illegal activities

17/07/2013In according to trimester of the 2013 result clearly of the Bahri Saudi it is diminished of 36.0%
the operating result has recorded a decrease of 16.3%

17/07/2013In the first semester of the 2013 traffic of the goods enlivened from the port of Taranto it is diminished of 27.7%
Monday in the apulian city will hold the Which future seminary "for the port of organized Taranto" by Magna Grecia Formazione and Formare Puglia

16/07/2013the port of celebrates the activation of the connection with Canada operated from MSC
Forcieri: this ulterior development increases the role of La Spezia and its logistic system as door of total market access

16/07/2013the Harbour Authority of Trieste anticipates the initiatives in order to return "more and more green" the port of call giuliano
Edo Ronchi and Marina Monassi restate a dry one "not" to the hypothesis of a rigassificatore in the gulf of Trieste

16/07/2013the European State Audit Court rejects the programs "Marco Polo", considered ineffective and to suppress
According to the institution of the EU, in future the financings would have to depend on an impact appraisal ex ante

16/07/2013NCL exercises the option with Meyer Werft for the construction of a second cruise ship of 163.000 tsl
It will be taken in delivery in the spring of 2017

16/07/2013the Harbour Committee of Naples approves of a variation to the budget of forecast 2013
Fixed a greater expense for interventions of maintenance for 1,7 million euros

16/07/2013Pasqualino Monti assumes the guide of Assoporti
Luigi Merlo has passed the testimony to the president of the Harbour Authority of Civitavecchia

16/07/2013the Greek Marine Petroleum Network Aegean disembarks in the port of Algeciras
Tavlarios: we are strategically widening our presence in the western Mediterranean

16/07/2013Brussels authorizes the fusion between the societies of classification Germanischer Lloyd and Det Norske Veritas
the EU commission considers that the operation does not give rise to distortions of the competition

16/07/2013In the first semester of the 2013 traffic of the container in the port of Long Beach it has grown of 14.2%
In June +1.8% are enlivened 565 thousand teu ()

16/07/2013Cargotec will buy the Hatlapa German for 160 million euros
the company is specialized in the supply of equipments of covered for mercantile ships and offshore unit

15/07/2013Widening of the park dedicated to the container reefer to the VTE of the port of Genoa
Investment of 2,8 million euros

15/07/2013In the first half of the 2013 Chinese marine ports they have enlivened 81,5 million container (+7.9%)
In the single month of june the traffic has been pairs to 14,2 million teu (+6.4%)

15/07/2013Renewed the directive council of WISTA Italy
Daniela Fara is reconfirmed president of the association of the women who operate in the shipping

15/07/2013In according to trimester 2013 Kuehne + Nagel clearly increases the profit of 6.2%
the revenues are piled to 5,3 billion franchi Swiss (+1.4%)

15/07/2013In the yard of Castellammare di Fincantieri the pattugliatore Ubaldo Diciotti is launched
the unit will enter at the end of the year in service

15/07/2013In the first half of the 2013 traffic of the container in the port of Hong Kong it is diminished of 7.7%
Last month the bending has been of 3.0%

15/07/2013the Interporto of Bologna participates to the plan in order to return more "green" the corridor goods n. 3 Stockholm-Palermo
the initiative is inserted in the within of multiannual program 2007-2013 TRIES

15/07/2013Decided decrease of the traffic enlivened from the port of Bremen/Bremerhaven
In the first five months of the 2013 German port of call it has recorded a contraction of 8.9% of the volumes of goods

15/07/2013In the first semester of the 2013 traffic in the port of Singapore it is diminished of 0.7%
Last month an increment of 0.7% is recorded

15/07/2013the Committee of the Regions asks the EU to put the ports to the center of throws again and development of the European economy
Perplexity of the regional local authorities and on the strategy of Brussels: "we are worried - the mayor of Livorno Cosimi- from the fact has explained that the Commission has underrated, in its study of impact, the territorial dimension of the harbour activities"

15/07/2013In the first half of the 2013 port of Los Angeles it has enlivened 3,7 million container (- 7.5%)
In June the traffic has recorded a decrease for the fourth consecutive month

12/07/2013Wolves: the government will engage for the insertion of the port of Civitavecchia in Core European Network
the works for the port of call to finance will be inserted in attached infrastructures and to the CIPE

12/07/2013The Grimaldi group doubles the departures of the Brindisi-Igoumenitsa service on the weekends
They will be assured by the twin ships "Sorrento" and "Catania"

12/07/2013Financing EU to the great project of the Hub Harbour of Ravenna
Contribution also to the work of adaptation of the idrovia ferrarese and connection with the idroviario system Po-Veneto

12/07/2013Agreement Odfjell Terminals - Harbour Authority of the Havre for the realization of a great terminal for liquid bulk in the French port
For the first phase of the project an investment of about 150-200 million euros is previewed

12/07/2013Satisfaction of Piro (AP Nord Sardinia) for the step behind of Tirrenia CIN, but disappointment for the modalities with which it is announced
He has been the same president of the company - it has specified - beginning from to inform me of the hypothesis of suspension of the Genoa-Olbia-Arbatax route the first October

12/07/2013the Mota-Engil Portuguese will manage the lacustrine ports of the Malawi
the filial new Malawi Ports Company

12/07/2013Tirrenia CIN refutes to have taken to decisions and initiatives about the abolition of the Olbia-Genoa route
a similar decision - it has explained the company - could not be assumed unilaterally

12/07/2013Ok of the Board of Directors of the Piraeus Port Authority to the prosecuzione of the construction of the dock cruises to Agios Nikolaos
It will be ready for crocieristica season 2014

12/07/2013the port of participates to the exhibition "Mémoire DES Ports de Méditerranée"
It is inserted in the calendar of European Vital Marseilles of Culture 2013

12/07/2013FedEx Express has opened a new branch in Bari
Overall, in Italy the company is present in 21 locations

11/07/2013In the first semester of this year the traffic of the container in the port of Trieste is increased of 13.6%
In the single month of june the increase has been of 5.7%

11/07/2013On 22 July to Genoa the convention will hold "Infrastructures and logistics, indispensable for the Country and the Liguria"
It is organized from the genoese center of CISL

11/07/201368% of the incidents in the ports are correlabile to the employment of harbour means
Only 18% are attributable to the atmospheric conditions

11/07/2013Stable the level of the investments in infrastructures of transport in nations OCSE
In period 1995-2011 in the countries of western Europe it has been pairs to the 0,8-0,9% of the GDP

11/07/2013the EU confirmation the financing of 1,55 million euros to the ports of Trieste, Venice and Koper
The resources are destined to the projects Napadrag (escavi) and NapaProg (development projects)

11/07/2013Protocol of Unioncamere understanding - Assoporti for I throw again of the economy of the sea
He has been undersigned today by Ferruccio Dardanello and Luigi Merlo

11/07/2013Piro (AP Nord Sardinia) writes to minister Lupi in order to ask for the abolition of the service Genoa-Olbia-Arbatax ferry
draft - it has emphasized - of "a continuous connection that has been and to strategic being in the system of the marine transports from and for the island"

11/07/2013In the first semester of the 2013 traffic of the container in the port of Tanger Med it has grown of 36%
the Moroccan port of call has enlivened 1,2 million teu

11/07/2013Green light of the Ambient Commission of the European Parliament to the proposal of regulations on the demolition of the ships
the assembly parliamentarian will conclude the first reading of the regulations the next autumn

10/07/2013Incontro on the environmental objectives of the port of Trieste
will hold the 16 July in the giuliana city

10/07/2013Installed two new cranes of super dock post-Panamax in the port of Abidjan
the means of raising take part of the equipment of the terminal of Bolloré Africa Logistics

10/07/2013Fincantieri will construct a cruise ship extra-dislocates for Regent Seven Seas Cruises
The value of the store clerk is of about 450 million dollars. The unit will be realized in the yard of Genoa

10/07/2013To South Korean DSME orders for the realization of three new mega-portacontainer
The unitary value of each construction is of about 140 million dollars

10/07/2013In the first quadrimestre of the 2013 traffic of the containers in the port of it has grown of 2.3%
In the single month of April 2013 an increment of 6.3% is recorded
News from the Companies
10/07/2013Al Salerno Container Terminal sono iniziati gli approdi delle navi Messina
Il 17 luglio il primo dei 150 scali all'anno. Il nuovo traffico si aggiunge a quello acquisito grazie all'intesa del Gruppo Gallozzi con Hapag-Lloyd

10/07/2013To May the traffic of the goods in the port of Genoa is diminished of 13.3%
In the first five months of the 2013 contraction it has been of 3.9%

10/07/2013China Navigation Co. (Swire group) has acquired the entire control of the company Polynesia Line
Previously stopped 13% of the capital stock

10/07/2013In the first semester of the 2013 traffic of the container in the port of Kaohsiung he has remained stable
Last month a bending of 0.6% is recorded

10/07/2013To Livorno the new system of biodiesel of the Indonesian group Musim Mas is inaugurated
the investment will increase the activity in the port of Livorno and will create direct and indirect occupation

10/07/2013Dole orders to Hyundai Mipo Dockyard the construction of three portacontainer refrigerator
Store clerk of HMM to Hanjin Heavy Industries Ltd. for four new ships portarinfuse

09/07/2013Emphasized increase of the traffic of the container in the managed harbour terminals from Contship Italy
In the first half of this year the traffic in the single MCT of Gioia Tauro is piled to beyond 1,5 million teu (+15%)

09/07/2013ECSA and WSC plaudono to the proposed new EU in order to promote the development of the intra-European marine transport
However the associations evidence that the truth is made of total marine services that transport the majority of the goods communitarian, than for a minimal quota is only enlivened by services limited to the ports EU

09/07/2013Bergen Group Fosen has delivered new cruise ferry the Stavangerfjord to the Fjord Line
the ship is equipped of an exclusively fed system of propulsion to which liquified natural gas

09/07/2013Al VTE of the port of Genoa is installed a telephone exchange for the monitoring of the acoustic emissions of the terminal
the collected data will be put on of the Harbour Authority of Genoa and ARPAL

09/07/2013Tomorrow near the Harbour Authority naval of Carrara "Travel" will be introduced the sculpture
It is work of the Francesco Siani carver

09/07/2013the livornese shipment house Ms Group Service has opened an office of representation to Mogadishu
At the end of the month a service of connection from Italy for the nation will be inaugurated African

09/07/2013the shipowning group Italian Messina begins the second series of investments in four new ships
In the yard of Jinhae of South Korean STX the ceremony of cut of the sheet of the new has been carried out "Jolly Titanio"

09/07/2013the regional committee of the Tuscany has approved of the new Portuale Town development plan of Piombino
The project comes now transmitted to the regional council for next the green light

08/07/2013Serracchiani: the port of Trieste can grow if the decisions of the government are in tune with the priorities of the EU
Exhortation to put into effect coherent choices "with the morphology of Alto Adriatico, holding for example account of where is the apt natural backdrops to the oceanic ships"

08/07/2013ABB extends the life utility of the system of automation of the cruise ship Virgo Superstar
Same carried out participation on board of the binoculars "Norwegian Spirit"

08/07/2013the EU commission anticipates the package "blue belt" in order to simplify the customs formalities of the ships
Algirdas Semeta: "the blue belt will extend the only market to the sea"

08/07/2013the admiral Mameesh Egyptian guarantees: navigation in the Suez Canal is absolutely sure
the president of Suez Canal Authority has emphasized that the water way is garrisoned by the Armed Forces

08/07/2013"Cargo" of Vincenzo Mineo has won the competition for short films dedicated to the port of Genoa
the prize in the within of the thematic national competition "the port today, between local identities and total nets"

08/07/2013the Committee Cruise Venice restates its "not" to the transfer of the crocieristico traffic to Marghera Port
Bernardo: the crocieristico traffic is worth about 465 million euros of direct expense

05/07/2013Store clerk of the value of 28 million euros to the Marino Rosettes from the Pole Lotos Petrobaltic
Supply of relative services EPMS to the conversion of the mobile platform of perforation in oil platform of production

05/07/2013It embarks to Savona of prestigious sailing boats from competition
The operations to the Savona Terminals of the Campostano group have carried out with the supervision of the British Peters & May

05/07/2013Panalpina and Arcese intensify the cooperation in the street transport of the goods
Besides Belgium and to Italy, the partnership is extended to Spain

05/07/2013Trieste Passenger terminal has taken in delivery warehouse 42
New opportunities for the congressional activities

05/07/2013Al external director Relazioni of MSC Cruises the prize "Comunicatore of Year 2013"
Maurizio Salvi will receive the acknowledgment in the within of Ischia the international Prize of journalism

05/07/2013the Harbour Institute of Marine Culture of Trieste has celebrated a year of activity in the Old Port
Twelve months ago, after the restructure, opened the clappers Hydrodynamic Headquarters

05/07/2013Abel Lamé is the new general manager of Gefco Italy
Subentra from today to Pierre-Jean Lorrain

05/07/2013Tomorrow to Salerno the eleventh edition of Sea Sun Salerno will be carried out
the event inaugurates the Arena of Sea 2013

05/07/2013the Chinese ship yard Rongsheng in serious crisis financial institution looks for the support of the government
the navalmeccanico group confirmation the delays in the payments to own suppliers and workers

04/07/2013FS Logistic puts on of CIM - Interporto of Novara the areas of the railway port of call of Novara Small wood
In the council of the Interporto it enters to take part a member indicated from the Railroads of the State

04/07/2013In the first half of the 2013 traffic of the goods in the port of Savona I go is increased of 0.4%
Fleeting to +26,6% thanks to the increase of 40.6% of the number of crocieristi

04/07/2013Scorpio Tankers enters in segment LPG with orders for 5-10 new ships VLGC
will be constructed by Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries Ltd. and DSME

04/07/2013CIMC it orders to DSIC the construction of seven portacontainer from 8.800 teu that they will be rented to MSC
the store clerk has a total value of 595 million dollars

04/07/2013Letter of attempts Scandlines - STX Finland for the construction of two new ferries
the ships will be taken in delivery in the spring of 2015

03/07/2013Started in the port of Trieste the transfer of the destined floodgates on the new channel of Panama hat
Constructed from the Cimolai, come via barge from Porto Nogaro

03/07/2013Green light to Taranto to the offshoring of the Consortium Terminal Bulk on the Cementir Pier
the Harbour Authority: it is prevailed the knowledge that the perseguimento of the public interest generates diffuse advantages

03/07/2013New service ferry between the port of Bari and Greece
Four touched weeklies magazine of a ship of IN the Lines. The apulian port of call is prepared to face the summery peaks

03/07/2013the Israeli government offers to private the two new ports of Hadarom (Ashdod) and Hamifratz (Haifa)
Netanyahu: "the era of the monopolies in the Israeli ports is ended and it will not return more"

03/07/2013the EU commission starts a consultation on the aids of State on the airports and the airlines
Almunia: the objective is to guarantee that the money of the contributors is spold wisely, where is indeed necessary

03/07/2013the governing one lives test to make from peacemaker in the crash between Salerno and Naples on the portualità
"The enemy - he has emphasized Stefano Caldoro - is not in house ours"

03/07/2013Adani Ports formalizes the joint venture agreement of with MSC in order to manage the third container terminal of the port of Mundra
It will have a traffic ability anniversary pairs to 1,5 million teu

03/07/2013the Bergen group is next to an agreement with an European naval constructor
the new partner will invest in the navalmeccaniche activities of the Norwegian group

02/07/2013RINA Services assumes the presidency of the IACS
the president of the Italian company, Roberto Cazzulo, is elected chairman of the association

02/07/2013The EU commission authorizes a public aid to for infrastructure crocieristiche the Harbour Authority of the Pireo
The project - Brussels has explained - could not be realized without the support of public funds

02/07/2013the Antitrust wants to assess if the operators of services in the Strait of Messina have placed in existence a restrictive understanding of the competition
Notification and inspections to the centers of seven companies

02/07/2013Tomorrow to Marseilles the conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists will be opened
To the encounter Umberto Masucci will participate, vice president of the Federation of the Sea

02/07/2013The EU commission authorizes the acquisition of the aeronautical section of the Aviation Italian by the GE American
the green light is subordinated to a series of engagements

02/07/2013the VeMarS consortium has released the qualification of apprentice officer of covered 12 students
Already in the next few months will come boarded on mercantile ships with third the deck official or second degree of

02/07/2013Excel Maritime Carriers anticipates request in order to approach the Chapter 11 of US Bankruptcy Tails
the Greek company has reached an agreement with the own main backers

02/07/2013But Zehua is the new one chairman of shipowning group Chinese COSCO
It succeeds to Wei Jiafu

02/07/2013the new terminal you ferry of Grimaldi to Barcelona
Occupa a surface total of 63.000 square metres

01/07/201362% of IHC Merwede to the Dutch society of Indofin investments
10% are stopped by the Rabo Capital (group Rabobank) and 28% from management and the staff

01/07/2013In the yard of Nakasaki of MHOS the construction is begun of before the two new ships for AIDA Cruises
They will have a tonnage of 124.500 tons and will be able to accommodate 3,300 passengers

01/07/2013Wärtsilä will supply the systems of propulsion for 24 new ships of China Navigation
Option for others 12 ships

01/07/2013the ECSA asks a system for monitoring, communication and verification of the emissions of co2 of the ships practicable
According to the shipowning association it will have to be based exclusively on the fuel burnup of the ships

01/07/2013Third of a series of Fremm unit it is launched in the yard of Riva Trigoso of the Fincantieri
the frigate will be delivered to Marina Militare Italiana in the first months of 2014
FSG bankruptcy trustees announce interest from multiple investors in shipbuilding group
These are German companies operating in the same sector
Port of Long Beach closes 2024 with new annual, half-year and quarterly container traffic records
Long Beach
Total freight traffic also reached a new historical peak during the year.
The Biden administration's latest move is to accuse China of seeking dominance in the maritime, logistics and shipbuilding sectors
Harsh reaction from Beijing's Ministry of Commerce and the China Shipyards Association
The AdSP of the Central Tyrrhenian Sea confirms the commitments made towards its employees
The organization hopes "that a climate of relaxation can be restored"
Uniport, exemption from compulsory insurance for vehicles used in port terminals is a good thing
Hanoi government authorizes initial investment for new port planned by MSC and VMC
Filt, Fit and Uilt announce a resumption of the strike of the workers of the AdSP of the Central Tyrrhenian Sea
New protest action scheduled to start on February 3rd
Annual container traffic at PSA port terminals exceeds 100 million TEU for the first time
Record in both Singapore and overseas terminals
Confitarma calls for the urgent reinstatement of the rule on simplified recruitment of seafarers
Sisto: Simplification has proven to be an important step forward for the sector
Sharp drop of -17.1% in freight traffic in the port of Taranto in 2024
In the last quarter alone the decline was -3.0%
Container traffic in Hong Kong port decreased by -4.9% in 2024
Hong Kong
In the fourth quarter alone, 3.5 million TEUs were handled (-2.7%)
New NATO mission to strengthen protection of undersea infrastructure in the Baltic Sea
The use of a small fleet of naval drones is also planned
In 2024, the port terminals of China's CMPort handled a record container traffic
Hong Kong
The total was 146.3 million TEU (+6.4%)
Yang Ming also renews service between Western Mediterranean and US East Coast
In Italy stopovers in Salerno, La Spezia, Genoa and Vado Ligure
Twelve associations call for agreeing on measures to improve rail capacity management in the EU
Genoa Port Terminal, green light for provisional concession until next June 30
The Management Committee of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority has unanimously decided this
In 2024, passenger traffic managed in Genoa by Stazioni Marittime decreased by -4.4%
Ferries stable and cruises down -9.8%. Cruise activity expected to increase in 2025
CMA CGM to remove Livorno calls from Amerigo service, replacing them with calls at Salerno
New configuration in line with that of the Ocean Alliance partners
From April, Ocean Alliance ships will call at seven Italian ports, four of which will be visited only by COSCO/OOCL
Shanghai/Hong Kong/Taipei/Marseille
Salerno will enter and Livorno will exit the new configuration of the containerized maritime services network
Leonidsport (Louis-Dreyfus family) submits offer to acquire 21% of Thessaloniki Port Authority
The expected investment is up to approximately 57 million euros
MSC presents a new request for the management of cruise traffic in Ancona which includes the construction of a maritime station
The duration of the proposed concession is 35 years.
In 2024, the growth of general cargo in the port of La Spezia more than offset the decline in bulk cargo
The Spice
In the port of Marina di Carrara the annual traffic decreased by -0.4%
Proposal by 47 governments, the EU Commission and ICS for the creation of an IMO fund for the decarbonisation of shipping
It could come into force in early 2027
Strikes averted at US East Coast and Gulf ports
North Bergen/Lyndhurst
Preliminary agreement signed by the International Longshoremen's Association and the United States Maritime Alliance
New annual record for vessel transit through the Straits of Malacca and Singapore
Port Klang
In 2024, traffic was 94,301 ships (+5.5%)
Filt, Fit and Uilt have called a strike for tomorrow by the workers of the Central Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority
The "systematic non-application of the contractual conditions" to which the three acronyms refer - the institution replies - in fact concerns the punctual verification carried out by the competent offices of this administration of contractual institutions to which the dependent personnel were not entitled.
MSC, together with Neri and Lorenzini, presents an expression of interest for the Darsena Europa in Livorno
Warriors: in the next few days we will meet the group to talk in detail about the project
Corsica Ferries sells Elba Ferries to BN di Navigazione
I go to Liguria
The fast ferry "Corsica Express Three" has been chartered to the Blu Navy company
In 2024, Ukrainian ports handled a record 97.2 million tons of cargo.
Agricultural products alone amounted to 60 million tons
COSCO, we are not a Chinese Military Company
The Chinese company has specified that the inclusion in the US list will have no impact on the group's global activities and operations.
In 2024, freight traffic in the port of Ravenna was stable
Cruises down -17.7% compared to 2023
US List of Companies Doing Business for Chinese Military Includes Shipping and Shipbuilding Companies
Last November, ship traffic in the Suez Canal decreased by -55.9%
In the first eleven months of 2024 the decline was -49.8%
With over 3.9 million TEUs, in 2024 the port of Gioia Tauro set a new record for container traffic
Joy Taurus
Decrease in cars handled at the Calabrian airport
Assonat and Assiterminal, the cancellation of the measure to increase the fees for maritime state concessions is a good thing
Serra: the TAR ruling reaffirms the importance of dialogue between public administration and users
The duration of the Agencies for the provision of work in ports and for professional requalification has been extended by 18 months
Port State Control Inspections Begin on Eagle S
NATO decides to increase the Atlantic alliance's military presence in the Baltic Sea
Germany is studying a network of floating terminals for the import of clean hydrogen
Memorandum of understanding signed by SEFE and Höegh Evi
The executive design service for the reclamation of the Molo Italia seabed in La Spezia has been awarded
The Spice
Fratelli Cosulich orders fourth methanol-ready unit
It will be built by Taizhou Maple Leaf Shipbuilding
MSC Interested in Starting Shipbuilding and Repair Business in India
Comparison with the naval engineering company Swan Defence And Heavy Industries
In Spain, a logistics network for rail transport of biofuel to ports is being studied
Agreement between Adif and the Exolum Group
Luka Koper has ordered four new rubber-tyred gantry cranes from Konecranes
They will be the first vehicles powered exclusively by electricity at the Slovenian airport
LNG and bio-LNG bunkering vessel arriving at the port of Genoa
It will be able to provide both "ship-to-ship" and "ship-to-truck" services
Last year, cargo traffic in Russian ports decreased by -2.3%
St. Petersburg
The largest volume of cargo, exports, fell by -1.9%
Höegh Autoliners secures two multi-year contracts for car transport
Agreements with two car manufacturers with which it has been collaborating for years
Malta sees record cruise traffic in 2024
357 ships docked for a total of over 940 thousand passengers
Cavotec to provide electrification systems and technologies for Italian ports
Three orders worth a total of seven million euros acquired
Pirate attacks on ships decreased by -3% last year
In the last quarter, an increase of +76% was recorded
COSCO Shipping Ports Sets New Annual and Quarterly Container Traffic Records
Hong Kong
In the whole of 2024, 111.9 million TEUs were handled (+5.7%)
Alberto Maestrini (VARD) elected President of SEA Europe
The association represents the European shipbuilding industry
Molo Brin areas in Olbia handed over to Quay Royal
Construction of a marina for mega yachts is planned
Port of Singapore Sets New Container and Non-Oil Bulk Records in 2024
The Asian port handled a total of 622.7 million tonnes of goods (+5.2%)
The Italian Maritime Academy Technologies has acquired a new technical headquarters
Castel Volturno
Includes a 37-meter, 100-ton command bridge with 1:1 scale operating environments
A huge load of 110 kilograms of cocaine seized in the port of Gioia Tauro
Reggio Calabria
If placed on the market, it could have earned criminal organizations 20 million euros
Unifeeder triples its market share of intra-Mediterranean container services
Fincantieri Completes Acquisition of Leonardo's Underwater UAS Business
The 287 million euro fixed component of the purchase price was paid today
Wallenius Wilhelmsen to operate ro-ro terminal at Port of Gothenburg
12-year concession contract
The Bulgarian Shipowners' Association has joined the European Community Shipowners' Associations
BSA is the twenty-second member of the European Shipowners' Association
Strike by Central Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority staff suspended
The meeting between the unions and the general secretary of the port authority was a success
Mercitalia Rail begins rail transport from Reggio Calabria of trains for the Milan Metro
Reggio Calabria
They are approximately 106 metres long and weigh over 180 tonnes.
PSA Venice - Vecon achieves gender equality certification
It is the first Italian container terminal to obtain the certification
Maria Teresa Di Matteo, head of the Department for Transport and Navigation, has passed away
Rome/Gioia Tauro
Mattioli: it was an important point of reference for the entire Italian maritime cluster
Green logistics, the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority extends the deadline for the tender
It awards non-repayable grants up to a maximum amount of 300,000 euros
Medcenter Container Terminal orders 20 new hybrid struddle carriers from Kalmar
They will be delivered within the first quarter of 2026
The intermodal service connecting the Italian terminal of Melzo with the Dutch one of Moerdijk has started
Three weekly circulations operated, which will increase to four from April
COSCO expects to close 2024 with +95% growth in net profit
EBIT expected at 69.9 billion yuan (+90.7%)
Catania-based F.lli Di Martino has acquired 160 new loading units produced by Piedmont-based SICOM
This year the Cherasco company celebrates 50 years since its foundation
Visual Sailing List
Departure ports
Arrival ports by:
- alphabetical order
- country
- geographical areas
Uiltrasporti Campania accuses the heads of the AdSP of the Central Tyrrhenian Sea of having assumed a provocative and totally closed attitude
Attempt - the union denounces - to downplay the real reasons for the strike
Medlog signs partnership agreement to build dry port and logistics area in Egypt
The affected area is approximately 102 hectares
In the last quarter of 2024, OOCL revenues grew by +55.0%
Hong Kong
Containers transported by the fleet increased by +6.1%
Filt Cgil urges to throw away the Antitrust Authority's proposal on port work
D'Alessio: the AGCM has not at all analyzed the real dangers for the integrity of the principle of competition
Strong annual revenue growth for Evergreen, Yang Ming and WHL companies
Revenue growth also accentuated in the fourth quarter of 2024 alone
Industrial reconversion works to begin soon at the "ex Yard Belleli" site in the port of Taranto
The intervention has a value of 135.3 million euros
The Northern Tyrrhenian Sea is the first AdSP to equip itself with the Anti-Violence Strategic Plan
The aim is to prevent discriminatory and violent phenomena within the institution.
Greek Navarino Acquires Dutch Castor Marine
Both companies develop information technology and communication solutions for the maritime sector
The annual assembly of Federlogistica will be held in Rome on January 21st
The theme is: "Intelligent Logistics. If Artificial Intelligence Breaks Into the World of Logistics"
Trade mission in Vietnam by Spediporto, AdSP and Municipality of Genoa
Meetings scheduled in Ho Chi Minh City and Danang
In 2024 Interporto Padova recorded a record intermodal traffic of almost 412 thousand TEU (+6.5%)
Commander Emanuele Bergamini is the new president of USCLAC
Gianni Badino was elected president of the USCLAC-UNCDiM-SMACD unitary union
Tender for the development of cruise activities in the Greek ports of Katakolon, Patras and Kavala
The issuing of concessions with a minimum duration of 30 years is foreseen
The electrification of four moorings in the ports of Bari and Brindisi has begun
Contract worth over 28 million euros
Circle has been awarded the tender for the digitalisation services of the Eastern Adriatic Port Authority
Roberto Spinelli's position in the corruption investigation in Liguria has been archived
Order of the judge for preliminary investigations
Work has begun in the port of Pozzallo on the construction of the new offices of the AdSP of Eastern Sicily
Place the port of Imperia Oneglia under the management of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority
This is requested by the Port Company "L. Maresca" and the Lodovico Maresca Port Workers Company
Interporto Padova looking for a potential partner to participate in the terminal activity
The market research will end on January 31st
Italian Ports:
Ancona Genoa Ravenna
Augusta Gioia Tauro Salerno
Bari La Spezia Savona
Brindisi Leghorn Taranto
Cagliari Naples Trapani
Carrara Palermo Trieste
Civitavecchia Piombino Venice
Italian Interports: list World Ports: map
ShipownersShipbuilding and Shiprepairing Yards
ForwardersShip Suppliers
Shipping AgentsTruckers
The annual assembly of Federlogistica will be held in Rome on January 21st
The theme is: "Intelligent Logistics. If Artificial Intelligence Breaks Into the World of Logistics"
A conference on the implications of geopolitical crises for ports and maritime transport in Venice on Thursday
It is organized by Ca' Foscari University and the AdSP of the Northern Adriatic
››› Meetings File
Iran signs over $1.8b investment contracts with private sector for ports development
(Tehran Times)
North Korean tankers transport over one million barrels of oil from Russia
(NK News)
››› Press Review File
FORUM of Shipping
and Logistics
Relazione del presidente Nicola Zaccheo
Roma, 18 settembre 2024
››› File
New logistics company GTS Horizon established in Verona
It was founded by the GTS group and Simone Gatto De Chirico (De Chirico Srl)
In the third quarter, freight transported on Austrian railways increased by +1.8%
In the first nine months of 2024 the increase was +1.7%
Uiltrasporti, the reverse change of VAT in the budget law is good
Verzari: we hope that this measure will be made structural in the future
Circle acquires Telepass Innova's Infomobility and Telematics business units
The value of the transaction is 6.2 million euros
Tender for construction of Albanian port of Porto Romano restarted
The deadline for submitting bids has been set for February 7th.
Eukor secures renewal of contracts for exporting cars from Korea and China
The expected value of the agreements is $4.2 billion.
PSA Singapore Sets New Annual Container Traffic Record
The 40 million TEU mark was reached on December 24th
US-based FTV Capital makes offer to acquire Windward
London-based company develops technological solutions for shipping
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio
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