testata inforMARE
21 January 2025 - Year XXIX
Independent journal on economy and transport policy
08:29 GMT+1
News File
February 2017

28/02/2017a study commissioned from the ECSA indicates some aspects to improve of European politics for the shipping
the continuous field to competitive being, but is under pressure

28/02/2017ICTSI terminal of the port of Portland
the revocation of the contract of concession with the harbour authority

28/02/2017To Muggiano the oceanographic ship is launched icebreaker Kronprins Haakon
It will be delivered within the end of this year

28/02/2017the activity of the container terminal of the port of Lázaro Cárdenas managed from APM Terminals
Has a dock of 750 linear meters

28/02/2017Istat, in the 2016 index of the turnover of the services of marine transport and for via of water shows a decrease of -4,7%
In the fourth trimester of the year the decrease is of -0,3%

28/02/2017the unions reject the proposals of the Ministry on the course directive for officials of covered and car
Fantappiè (Uiltrasporti): it is as obligating a already qualified engineer to its profession to return to the university

28/02/2017Emphasized contraction of the economic results of the shipowning group Hapag-Lloyd
In the 2016 operating profit it has recorded a decrease of -66%. Last year the fleet of the company (included the ships of the UASC in the last trimester) has transported 7,6 million teu (+3%)

27/02/2017Coast trace a flattering budget of its two mandates to the guide of the port of Venice
In the 2008 - it has emphasized - nobody it knew it to Rome and Brussels; now it is a port of call of first floor on a national level and inserted in the net of the European priority ports

27/02/2017Record salary of traffic of the goods in the Chinese marine ports to January
Enlivened 708,0 million tons (+3.0%). The container pairs to 16,8 million teu (+3.6% have been)

27/02/2017the consistency of the share capital of Premuda is come down beneath of the legal limit
Convened the assembly for the zero setting of the capital and its reconstitution, the only initiative - it has specified the shipowning company - that can today assure the business continuity

27/02/2017In the European Union the industry of the shipping directly gives to job to 640 thousand people
the marine ones of nations UE/SEE Are 207 thousand

27/02/2017the HHI shareholders have approved of the plan of subdivision of the navalmeccanico group in six independent divisions
the Korea Metal Workers' Union announces the prosecuzione of strike

27/02/2017Ministry of Interno and Fincantieri, protocol against the criminal infiltrations in the ship yards
He has been undersigned from minister Minniti and the president of the navalmeccanica company Massolo

27/02/2017Hupac, in collaboration with Kombiverkehr, will upgrade the railway connection Novara-Lubecca
Five departures weeklies magazine in both the directions

27/02/2017In the 2016 Moroccan ports they have enlivened 121,1 million tons of goods (+8.6%)
Increase of +7.7% of the passengers of the ferries and decrease of the -22,8% of the crocieristi

24/02/2017To January the port of Algeciras has enlivened 392,166 container (+1.5%)
the total traffic of the goods has been of 8,8 million tons (+3.7%)

24/02/2017Stable in the 2016 traffic of the goods enlivened from the ports of Civitavecchia, Fiumicino and Gaeta
the line passengers have been 1,8 million (+15.8%) and the crocieristi 2,3 million (+2.9%)

24/02/2017Poulsson (ICS): the IMO could agree a plan of cut of the emissions of the shipping in 2018 and adopt a system in 2023
the objectives - it has specified - would have to answer also to the legitimate and valid worries of the nations developing

24/02/2017On 3 March to Naples perfect Storm on the seas will be introduced the book ". Crack cocaine of the naval finance"
Author, Sergio Bologna will be present

24/02/2017Increase of the results of the Bureau Veritas group in the second half of the year of 2016
Decided contraction of the orders in the naval and offshore field

24/02/2017Arcese has upgraded the shipment services goods in Italy
Increase of the services nocturnes and the departures between the hub of the Italy North. New lines between North and Center-South

24/02/2017The Authority Norwegian antitrust blocks the acquisition of Nor Lines by Eimskip
the Icelandic company has 15 days of time in order to introduce controdeduzioni

24/02/2017The shippers spezzini accuse the Tuscan institutions to block the operativity of the ports of La Spezia and Marina di Carrara
Laghezza: the reform of the ports today appears abandoned to same himself also from the competent Ministry

24/02/2017MOL continues the reorganization of the shipowning group Japanese
Services of line, national car instituted the Product Transport Unit Business (carrier, ports, logistics, ferries and services) and other divisions

23/02/2017Ok of the Senate to I decree South that the institution of Agencies for the administration of the job in port allows
Of Ascola (Commission Justice): voted an article that for the first time supplies an answer to the workers in esubero of the ports of Southern Italy, between which the mainly port of Gioia Tauro

23/02/2017Costa Crociere has signed understandings with the Spanish airlines Vueling and Iberia
Agreed the increment of the places flight dedicated to the crocieristi of the company

23/02/2017Finnlines clearly has archived item 2016 with a profit of 68,1 million euros (+19.9%)
The volume of transactions has recorded a decrease of -7,3%

23/02/2017FSL Trust closes 2016 with a net loss of -31 million dollars determined from the devaluation of ships
the revenues are diminished of the -7,9% attesting itself to 98,1 million dollars

23/02/2017the Spanish government exhorts enterprises and unions of the ports to look for an agreement on the harbour job in the within of the counterfeit
a relationship of the EU commission on the Spanish economy denunciation elevated the costs of some harbour services and of the harbour taxes

22/02/2017Inaugurated the intermodal service the Adriatic-Baltic Sea on the director Trieste-Kiel-Goteborg
the train leaves every Wednesday from the giuliano port

22/02/2017Summit on the future of the section of the naval repairs of the port of Genoa
On the agenda of the first reunion of the Committee of Management of the AdSP the documentation for the start of the procedure of the allocation of the dry docks

22/02/2017crocieristico group NCLH closes 2016 with an ulterior increase of the economic performances
Previewed the prosecuzione of the positive trend in 2017. Del Rio: "as for reservations, now we are in the best position in the history of our company"

22/02/2017Fincantieri agreement, CSSC and Carnival for the construction of two ulterior cruise ships in China and four as an option
Store clerk of a value of about 1,5 billion dollars for the first two units

22/02/2017To deep the Infracapital and InfraVia almost the totality of the capital of the Group Harbour Investments
5% will be maintained by Giulio Schenone, that he will become the new managing director of the Italian terminalista company

22/02/2017exercise 2016 of the Danaos, closed with a net loss of -366,2 million dollars, suffers of the impact of the failure of the Hanjin
The revenues are diminished of -12,3%

22/02/2017ABB announces to have uncovered a case of embezzlement near the branch South Korean
The removal of funds will produce to burdens before taxes pairs to about 100 million dollars recorded in budget 2016

21/02/2017DryShips re-enters in the market of the tanker with the acquisition of a Aframax new and a VLCC
The total investment piles to about 102,5 million dollars

21/02/2017Begun the construction of the first cruise ship to the world that will be able to employ the GNL as single fuel
Cut of the first sheet in the ship yard of Papenburg

21/02/2017CEMAT increases the departures of the intermodal connection Verona-Kiel-Goteborg
departure from Italy the friday with closing loaded to the 21,00 with the thursday

21/02/2017The third edition of Adriatic Sea Forum - cruise, ferry, sail & yacht will hold to Budva, in Montenegro
the event is in 28 the 27 program and April

21/02/2017Last month the traffic of the goods in the port of Taranto is diminished of -2,1%
Tons of cargos are enlivened 1,98 million

21/02/2017In increase to January the traffic of the passengers and the rotabili in the ports of the Sardinia North
the passengers have been 99,024 (+12.0%)

21/02/2017the Spanish Boluda Corporación Marítima has acquired the German society of towing URAG
Has a fleet of 18 tugs employed mainly in the ports of Amburgo and Bremerhaven

20/02/2017FS Italian has grouped all the societies of the group engaged in the transport goods and the logistics in Polo Mercitalia
In Industrial Plan 2017-2026 expenses for 1,5 billion euros are previewed, the more meaningful investment - it has evidenced the company - than the group have never made in the field

20/02/2017APM Terminals has ordered to the Kalmar thirty shuttle carrier hybrids
They will be used in according to container the terminal of Tanger Med that will become operating in 2019

20/02/2017the Italian navalmeccanici groups Fincantieri and Ferretti sign a collaboration agreement
It will interest the civil fields and military, he is national that international

20/02/2017Last month the Suez Canal is crossed by 1.369 ships (- 3.9%)
They transported 70,2 million tons of goods (+7.2%), of which 36,6 million boarded on the ships journeyed from north to south (+25.1%) and 33,6 million on those in opposite direction (- 7.3%)

20/02/2017ECSA, the regional approach EU to the emissions of the shipping favors the extra-EU ports of the Med and those English post-Brexit
Regret of the shipowning association for the support expressed from the associations of the ports and the shippers to the recent ballot of the Parliament EU

20/02/2017the quota the government of Taipei in Yang Ming will go up to 36.62%
Previewed successively an ulterior increase of the public participation

17/02/2017Vopak has closed 2016 with an increase of +89% of the profit clearly thanks to the extraordinary voices
Revenues down of -3%

17/02/2017To January the traffic of the goods in the port of Barcelona has grown of +5%
the containers are increased of +13%

17/02/2017Delay in actions compulsory, acquitted because the fact not sussiste the former president of AP of Gioia Tauro, Giovanni Grimaldi
Sentence of the Appeals Court of Reggio Calabria

17/02/2017Feport invites the shipowners to "giving a movement" and engaging themselves in order to resolve the issue of the emissions of the ships in center IMO
Kerdjoudj-Belkaid: "if one of the parts does not supply to a reduction of the carbon emissions, the total result will remain unsatisfactory beneath and of the objectives"

17/02/2017The 1400's operating of the field they have participated to BiLOG, the Biennial one of the Logistics
Roncallo (AdSP of the Ligurian Sea Oriental): "in organizing the next edition, than will hold to, will treasure the obtained results

17/02/2017Textainer, decided signs of resumption of the market of the chartering of the container
the American company has archived item also the fourth trimester of 2016 in loss

17/02/2017the failure and the state of liquidation of the Hanjin Shipping
Hyundai Merchant Marine has bought the terminals of the company to Tokyo and Kaohsiung

16/02/2017Stable in the 2016 containerized trade enlivened from the Maltese port of Marsaxlokk
the total has been of 3,08 million teu

16/02/2017Begun in the yard of Fincantieri to Ancona the construction of the Viking Spirit cruise ship
The next year will be delivered

16/02/2017To Ravenna first reunion of the Committee of management of the AdSp of Mare Adriatico Centro-Settentrionale
Started the work for the removal of the present back in outer harbor

16/02/2017SAAR, Silomar and Warehouses coordinate the respective activities in the ports of Genoa and Savona
Nuovo annual traffic of 70.000 tons on the savonesi docks

16/02/2017Step behind of the Spanish government on the reform of the harbour job and strike is revoked
the Ministry of the economic Development has exhorted unions and datoriale part to return to the table of the negotiations

16/02/2017Beyond thousand Sardinian students they will participate to the fifth edition of the project To form
From February in June internships on board of the ships of Moby and Tirrenia will be carried out

16/02/2017To January the harbour terminals of COSCO Shipping Ports have enlivened 8,4 million container (+7.0%)
the volumes of traffic in the Mediterranean terminals of the Pireo and of Port Saïd have grown of +11.9% and +5.0%

16/02/2017Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl and Uiltrasporti have proclaimed in order today a strike of the workers of the Artoni
Rejected the accusation to the unions to have made to fail the negotiations with Fercam

16/02/2017the German shipowners are furious for the inclusion of the shipping in the European system of exchange of emissions
Nagel: "who wants to reduce in sustainable way the emissions of co2, she must be engaged to make it through regulations world-wise near the IMO"

16/02/2017Norwegian Cruise Line orders four new ships of 140 thousand tsl to Fincantieri, with option for others two unit
The store clerk has a value of about 800 million euros for each cruise ship

15/02/2017Engagement of the AdSP of Tyrrhenian Headquarters in order to guarantee an adequate operating continuity to the port of Salerno
Spirit: the job is face to giving impulse to the decisions for the port of Naples and in order to allow with the port of Salerno not to lose the acquired competitive advantage

15/02/2017the Parliament EU has voted in favor of the inclusion of shipping in the system of exchange of emissions ETS beginning from 2023
Ryckbost (ESPO): the ballot would have to be intended as a dew claw for velocizzare the work of the IMO. Verhoeven (ECSA): it is not the way to proceed. The ICS exhorts the States EU to reject the proposal

15/02/2017the port of Venice has archived item 2016 with a traffic of 25,2 million tons of goods (+0.5%)
the crocieristi have been 1,63 million (+1.5%)

15/02/2017To January the traffic of the container enlivened from the port of Hong Kong has grown of +3.5%
1.733.000 teu are enlivened

15/02/2017Last year the port of Amburgo has enlivened 138,2 million tons of goods (+0.3%)
the containers have been pairs to 8,91 million teu (+1.0%)

15/02/2017RUSCON has bought the logistic company Russian SLG-Operating
Opera presses of Moscow where it has a structure of 60 thousand square metres

15/02/2017In the 2016 port of New York has enlivened 6,25 million container (- 1.9%). Record salary to Los Angeles City
To January 2017 the Californian port has enlivened 826,640 teu (+17.3%)

15/02/2017The passage of the trasportistiche and logistic activities of the Artoni to the Fercam group vanishes
Lacked agreement with the unions on the organic one

14/02/2017Friday the Council of Ministers Spanish will approve of the provision on the harbour job
the today's reunion between datoriali government, unions and parts has been concluded with a black smoke

14/02/2017Potenziamento of the service Nord Europe - East Med di CMA CGM, Seago and Hamburg Süd
the line connects the two regions via Spain (Algeciras), Italy (Salerno) and Malta

14/02/2017Convention on waterfront organized from Propeller the Clubs of Trieste and Naples
will hold next monday in the giuliana city

14/02/2017the ships of Carnival Cruise Line will land to Cuba june beginning from
the group Carnival American will increase the total number of cruises for the Caribbean nation

14/02/2017the new public society for the financings in naval field KSC will introduce thousand billions of won in the HMM
Korea Shipping Co. it will acquire about ten portacontainer of the company and this last one of it will order to five new let alone two or three oil tankers

14/02/2017the promotion of the port of Gioia Tauro in the segment of the ortofrutta passes from Berlin
the Harbour Authority has participated for the fourth time to the international fair Logistic Fruit

14/02/2017Rolls-Royce has closed 2016 with a having consisted loss before taxes
Decided contraction of the results in the segment Marine

14/02/2017The crash between the Spanish government and the unions is aggravated on the topic of the harbour job
the Ministry of the economic Development sentence the actions that would be put into effect in order to slow down the activity in the ports

13/02/2017Proseguiranno the negotiations for the income of group MSC in the capital of the shipowning society genoese Messina
Thursday to Geneva the president of the Authority of Harbour System of the Ligurian Sea Western has met Gianluigi Aponte

13/02/2017Sixth consecutive trimester in loss for Diana Containerships
In the 2015 revenues of the Greek shipowning society they are diminished of -47,7%

13/02/2017Al via to Muggiano the construction of the first polyvalent pattugliatore of height
Altogether nine naval units will be realized for Marina Militare Italiana

13/02/2017Workshop of Propeller Club of Genoa on the system MRV for the monitoring of the emissions of co2 of the ships
One will hold tomorrow to Saint George Palace

13/02/2017the representative of the Municipality of Salerno named member of the Committee of management of the AdSP of the Tyrrhenian Sea Central
Spirit: "Naples and Salerno can grow together"

13/02/2017COSCO Shipping Ports will increase the participation in the Qingdao Port International
The value of the operation will be pairs to about 843 million dollars

13/02/2017Maersk Line will start a new service Europe Asia-North and a broken new the Asia-USA (East coast)
Fusion of transpacifici services TP8 and TP3

13/02/2017Federagenti denunciation that the harbour reform, launched after ten years of wait, is still firm to the pole
"All this - Duci accusation - happens in a moment to say little complex of the world-wide and Italian portualità"

13/02/2017In the 2016 harbour terminal of HHLA they have enlivened 6,7 million container (+1.5%)
In the solo fourth trimester the increment of the traffic has been of +16% approximately

13/02/2017Last month the traffic in the port of Singapore is increased of +10.1%
the increase is produced by the rise of +31.0% of the oil traffic

10/02/2017Norwegian DHT has rejected an offer of fusion proposed from the Frontline compatriot
The project is rejected unanimously by the board of directors

10/02/2017the mayor of Salerno emphasizes the requirement to exit from the stall condition that stops the city port
Engagement in order to verify the iter procedural of I decree that it contains the dispositions with respect to the governance transitory of the port of call

10/02/2017the ports of Genoa and Savona anticipate their offer in the segment of the perishable ones to the Logistic Fruit of Berlin
In the 2016 two from Liguria ports they have enlivened in total about 99 thousand container cooled

10/02/2017To January the traffic of the container in the port of Long Beach is increased of +8.7%
handling has been pairs altogether to 583 thousand teu

10/02/2017Last year the harbour terminals of HPH Trust have enlivened 22,5 million container (- 5.9%)
In the last trimester the traffic has been of 5,8 million teu (- 1.5%)

10/02/2017In the 2015 aerial transport in Italy it has recorded an increase of +4.4% of the passengers and +3.1% of the goods
the traffic cargo concentrates in the two great airport systems of Milan Malpensa and Roma Fiumicino

10/02/2017In the 2016 Chinese marine ports they have enlivened 8.081 million tons of goods (+3.0%)
the traffic of the container has been pairs to 194,4 million teu (+3.4%)

10/02/2017the Zeaborn German buys the Rickmers-Linie compatriot
The new concentration will count on a fleet of about 50 multipurpose ships

09/02/2017Hupac increases the offer for the transalpine rail shipment of megatrailer
Ulterior couple of trains on the connections Ludwigshafen - Novara and Eifeltor Colony - Novara

09/02/2017In the 2016 Trieste Marine Terminal it has enlivened 449,481 teu (+1.3%)
the container traffic full has grown of +8.9%

09/02/2017Today in the port of Ancona the work of potenziamento of Dock 22 is inaugurated
Delrio: in the 2016 Italian ports they have exceeded 11 million the crocieristi, an historical record

09/02/2017To Berlin the port of anticipates own offer and potentiality for the field sour-food
In the within of the project Fresh Food Corridors from Liguria port of call is charged to develop a specific study of feasibility

09/02/2017In the 2016 traffic in the port of Rotterdam it is diminished of the -1,1% because of the reduction of the solid bulk
In the solo fourth trimester tons of goods (+1.4% are enlivened 116,5 million)

09/02/2017the thesis of Marco Zunino rewarded with the "Student Naval Architect Award"
the international acknowledgment is conferred by the Royal Institution of Naval Architects and by the shipowning group of Friend

09/02/2017Hyundai Merchant Marine has closed 2016 with a decrease of the net loss
The revenues are diminished of -18,8%

09/02/2017In 2016 Hyundai Heavy Industries is returned to the profit
The revenues of the South Korean navalmeccanico group are diminished of -15,0%

08/02/2017Fedespedi, has concluded positively the destined event of the six thousand Hanjin container to Italy
Some days before is finished in the established tempistiche gives back it of the empty containers

08/02/2017New bottoms in order to finance the infrastructure projects of transport in the European Union
Resources will come also from the European Bottom for the strategic investments

08/02/2017In increase the recorded economic results from Konecranes in 2016
The new orders are diminished of -2,3%

08/02/2017On 21 February to Rome a convention will hold on the Economy Blue
It is organized from Blue C&G Vision, Unioncamere and Legambiente

08/02/2017ABB has closed the fourth trimester of 2016 with a rise of the economic results
Stable the new orders

08/02/2017the crocieristica company British Swan Hellenic will resume the activity in 2018
The destiny of the brand Voyages of Discovery is not still famous

08/02/2017group A.P. Møller-Mærsk has closed 2016 with a net loss of -1,9 billion dollars
In 2017 an improvement of the results of Maersk Line is attended

07/02/2017In the 2016 port of Salerno has enlivened a traffic record of 13 million tons of goods
Increment of +1.6% on the year precedence

07/02/2017the port of Ancona has closed 2016 with a total of beyond 8,9 million tons of goods (+4.0%)
the traffic of the passengers has been little more than a million than people (- 0.5%)

07/02/2017Last year the traffic of the goods in the port of Ravenna has grown of +5.0%
Aumento of the volumes enlivened in all the main merceologici fields

07/02/2017In the 2016 port of Naples it has enlivened a traffic record of 22,4 million tons of goods (+6.7%)
Goods several +8.5% and liquid bulk +1.9%. Record of the solid bulk with +8,7%. The crocieristi have been 1,3 million (+2.9%)

07/02/2017Emphasized increment of the economic results of group DFDS
In the 2016 fleet it has transported 37,8 million linear meters of rotabili (+21.1%) and seven million passengers (+12.4%)

07/02/2017Last year the harbour terminals of DP World have enlivened a containerized trade record
the total has been of beyond 63,6 million teu (+3.2%)

06/02/2017the Spanish union Coordinadora towards the crash with the government in matter of harbour job
Goya: "we will defend our profession by all means"

06/02/2017In the first two months of exercise in the gallery of base of Saint Gottardo they are journeyed 3,980 freight trains
The every day mean load of the convoys cargo has turned out pairs to about 41 000 tons

06/02/2017Salerno asks an encounter the president for the AdSP for the Tyrrhenian Sea Central in order to discuss about the perspectives of own port
Wednesday to Palace of City a reunion with AssoTutela and the unions

06/02/2017Slot purchase agreement of Maersk and Hamburg relative Süd to the services East-West of the Network 2M
The agreement will enter the vigor on 1° April

06/02/2017Last year the enlivened volumes of intermodal transport from the Kombiverkehr have grown of +0.7%
the national traffic is increased of +0.6% and that international one of +0.8%

06/02/2017In the 2016 traffic of the goods in the port of London it has grown of +11%
the forecasts in the long term preview a annual traffic of 60-80 million tons

06/02/2017Record salary of tonnage of the ships that have crossed the channel of Panama hat
To April is in program the first transit in the Central American water way of a ship from cruise neoPanamax

03/02/2017Wednesday Centro Servizi for the Sea will be introduced the European Parliament
It supports, among other things, the development of some financed strategic projects through program CEF

03/02/2017the contract for the definitive planning of the offshore-onshore harbour system of Venice
Costa: within six months the plan will be realized and introduced the government

03/02/2017Spain is next to a modification of the norms on the harbour job
the objective is not to incur in the endorsements of the EU

03/02/2017An other Polish ship yard is about to acquired being from public industry PGZ
Its is the single offer in order to buy Naval Shipyard

03/02/2017To July Mitsubishi Heavy Industries it could put into effect the scorporo of the navalmeccanica division
the Japanese group has closed the first nine months of fiscal year 2016 with a net loss of -11,2 billion yen

02/02/2017Ok of the Chamber to the nomination of Musolino to president of the AdSP of Mare Adriatico Settentrionale
the new agency will govern the ports of Venice and Chioggia

02/02/2017Celebrated to Monfalcone the coin ceremony of cruise ship MSC Seaview
The ship, 154,000 tons of tonnage, will enter in June in service 2018

02/02/2017Pan Ocean has closed 2016 with a profit clearly of 82,5 million dollars (+141.9%)
In the fourth recorded trimester a net loss of -25,5 million dollars

02/02/2017Baleària has ordered two new ferries to the Visentini Ship yard
the store clerk has a value of 200 million euros

02/02/2017On 17 February Hanjin Shipping could be mail in liquidation
the South Korean company could resort in appeal

02/02/2017Initiative of Trasportounito in order to resolve the problem of the area of pause for the trucks to the port of Genoa
Previewed areas of pause interconnected for via data transmission

02/02/2017In Japan six you carry are selected which hub crocieristici international
draft of Yokohama, Shimizu, Sasebo, Yatsushiro, Motobu and Miyakojima. Involved the companies Carnival, Royal Caribbean, Genting HK and NYK Cruises

02/02/2017Fincantieri announces an ulterior extension of the period of offer for the purchase of the actions of Vard
the closing has been fixed for next 16 February

01/02/2017Friday the signature of the contract for the definitive planning of the offshore-onshore harbour system of Venice
the activity will be entrusted to the grouping of enterprises Italian-Chinese 4C3

01/02/2017In the 2016 managed harbour terminal of Contship Italy they have enlivened 6,4 million container (+1.7%)
the Liguria Region nomination admiral Camerini which own representative in the Committee of management of the AdSP of the Ligurian Sea Oriental

01/02/2017the intermodal operator Hupac celebrates its 50 years starting own marine services
Last year the Helvetic company has enlivened a traffic volume record

01/02/2017Yusen Logistics (Europe) has bought the Transfreight Automotive Logistics Europe
the French company work in the field automotive

01/02/2017Assologistica Culture and Formation celebrates the 10 years of activity with a nourished program of course, seminaries and workshop
It will be carried out in the course of the first semester of this year

01/02/2017Last year Hyundai Heavy Industries has recorded a bending of the -37,1% of the new orders
In the segment of the shipbuilding the decrease has been of 35.2%
FSG bankruptcy trustees announce interest from multiple investors in shipbuilding group
These are German companies operating in the same sector
Port of Long Beach closes 2024 with new annual, half-year and quarterly container traffic records
Long Beach
Total freight traffic also reached a new historical peak during the year.
The Biden administration's latest move is to accuse China of seeking dominance in the maritime, logistics and shipbuilding sectors
Harsh reaction from Beijing's Ministry of Commerce and the China Shipyards Association
The AdSP of the Central Tyrrhenian Sea confirms the commitments made towards its employees
The organization hopes "that a climate of relaxation can be restored"
Uniport, exemption from compulsory insurance for vehicles used in port terminals is a good thing
Hanoi government authorizes initial investment for new port planned by MSC and VMC
Filt, Fit and Uilt announce a resumption of the strike of the workers of the AdSP of the Central Tyrrhenian Sea
New protest action scheduled to start on February 3rd
Annual container traffic at PSA port terminals exceeds 100 million TEU for the first time
Record in both Singapore and overseas terminals
Confitarma calls for the urgent reinstatement of the rule on simplified recruitment of seafarers
Sisto: Simplification has proven to be an important step forward for the sector
Sharp drop of -17.1% in freight traffic in the port of Taranto in 2024
In the last quarter alone the decline was -3.0%
Container traffic in Hong Kong port decreased by -4.9% in 2024
Hong Kong
In the fourth quarter alone, 3.5 million TEUs were handled (-2.7%)
New NATO mission to strengthen protection of undersea infrastructure in the Baltic Sea
The use of a small fleet of naval drones is also planned
In 2024, the port terminals of China's CMPort handled a record container traffic
Hong Kong
The total was 146.3 million TEU (+6.4%)
Yang Ming also renews service between Western Mediterranean and US East Coast
In Italy stopovers in Salerno, La Spezia, Genoa and Vado Ligure
Twelve associations call for agreeing on measures to improve rail capacity management in the EU
Genoa Port Terminal, green light for provisional concession until next June 30
The Management Committee of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority has unanimously decided this
In 2024, passenger traffic managed in Genoa by Stazioni Marittime decreased by -4.4%
Ferries stable and cruises down -9.8%. Cruise activity expected to increase in 2025
CMA CGM to remove Livorno calls from Amerigo service, replacing them with calls at Salerno
New configuration in line with that of the Ocean Alliance partners
From April, Ocean Alliance ships will call at seven Italian ports, four of which will be visited only by COSCO/OOCL
Shanghai/Hong Kong/Taipei/Marseille
Salerno will enter and Livorno will exit the new configuration of the containerized maritime services network
Leonidsport (Louis-Dreyfus family) submits offer to acquire 21% of Thessaloniki Port Authority
The expected investment is up to approximately 57 million euros
MSC presents a new request for the management of cruise traffic in Ancona which includes the construction of a maritime station
The duration of the proposed concession is 35 years.
In 2024, the growth of general cargo in the port of La Spezia more than offset the decline in bulk cargo
The Spice
In the port of Marina di Carrara the annual traffic decreased by -0.4%
Proposal by 47 governments, the EU Commission and ICS for the creation of an IMO fund for the decarbonisation of shipping
It could come into force in early 2027
Strikes averted at US East Coast and Gulf ports
North Bergen/Lyndhurst
Preliminary agreement signed by the International Longshoremen's Association and the United States Maritime Alliance
New annual record for vessel transit through the Straits of Malacca and Singapore
Port Klang
In 2024, traffic was 94,301 ships (+5.5%)
Filt, Fit and Uilt have called a strike for tomorrow by the workers of the Central Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority
The "systematic non-application of the contractual conditions" to which the three acronyms refer - the institution replies - in fact concerns the punctual verification carried out by the competent offices of this administration of contractual institutions to which the dependent personnel were not entitled.
MSC, together with Neri and Lorenzini, presents an expression of interest for the Darsena Europa in Livorno
Warriors: in the next few days we will meet the group to talk in detail about the project
Corsica Ferries sells Elba Ferries to BN di Navigazione
I go to Liguria
The fast ferry "Corsica Express Three" has been chartered to the Blu Navy company
In 2024, Ukrainian ports handled a record 97.2 million tons of cargo.
Agricultural products alone amounted to 60 million tons
COSCO, we are not a Chinese Military Company
The Chinese company has specified that the inclusion in the US list will have no impact on the group's global activities and operations.
In 2024, freight traffic in the port of Ravenna was stable
Cruises down -17.7% compared to 2023
US List of Companies Doing Business for Chinese Military Includes Shipping and Shipbuilding Companies
Last November, ship traffic in the Suez Canal decreased by -55.9%
In the first eleven months of 2024 the decline was -49.8%
With over 3.9 million TEUs, in 2024 the port of Gioia Tauro set a new record for container traffic
Joy Taurus
Decrease in cars handled at the Calabrian airport
Assonat and Assiterminal, the cancellation of the measure to increase the fees for maritime state concessions is a good thing
Serra: the TAR ruling reaffirms the importance of dialogue between public administration and users
The duration of the Agencies for the provision of work in ports and for professional requalification has been extended by 18 months
Port State Control Inspections Begin on Eagle S
NATO decides to increase the Atlantic alliance's military presence in the Baltic Sea
Germany is studying a network of floating terminals for the import of clean hydrogen
Memorandum of understanding signed by SEFE and Höegh Evi
The executive design service for the reclamation of the Molo Italia seabed in La Spezia has been awarded
The Spice
Fratelli Cosulich orders fourth methanol-ready unit
It will be built by Taizhou Maple Leaf Shipbuilding
MSC Interested in Starting Shipbuilding and Repair Business in India
Comparison with the naval engineering company Swan Defence And Heavy Industries
In Spain, a logistics network for rail transport of biofuel to ports is being studied
Agreement between Adif and the Exolum Group
Luka Koper has ordered four new rubber-tyred gantry cranes from Konecranes
They will be the first vehicles powered exclusively by electricity at the Slovenian airport
LNG and bio-LNG bunkering vessel arriving at the port of Genoa
It will be able to provide both "ship-to-ship" and "ship-to-truck" services
Last year, cargo traffic in Russian ports decreased by -2.3%
St. Petersburg
The largest volume of cargo, exports, fell by -1.9%
Höegh Autoliners secures two multi-year contracts for car transport
Agreements with two car manufacturers with which it has been collaborating for years
Malta sees record cruise traffic in 2024
357 ships docked for a total of over 940 thousand passengers
Cavotec to provide electrification systems and technologies for Italian ports
Three orders worth a total of seven million euros acquired
Pirate attacks on ships decreased by -3% last year
In the last quarter, an increase of +76% was recorded
COSCO Shipping Ports Sets New Annual and Quarterly Container Traffic Records
Hong Kong
In the whole of 2024, 111.9 million TEUs were handled (+5.7%)
Alberto Maestrini (VARD) elected President of SEA Europe
The association represents the European shipbuilding industry
Molo Brin areas in Olbia handed over to Quay Royal
Construction of a marina for mega yachts is planned
Port of Singapore Sets New Container and Non-Oil Bulk Records in 2024
The Asian port handled a total of 622.7 million tonnes of goods (+5.2%)
The Italian Maritime Academy Technologies has acquired a new technical headquarters
Castel Volturno
Includes a 37-meter, 100-ton command bridge with 1:1 scale operating environments
A huge load of 110 kilograms of cocaine seized in the port of Gioia Tauro
Reggio Calabria
If placed on the market, it could have earned criminal organizations 20 million euros
Unifeeder triples its market share of intra-Mediterranean container services
Fincantieri Completes Acquisition of Leonardo's Underwater UAS Business
The 287 million euro fixed component of the purchase price was paid today
Wallenius Wilhelmsen to operate ro-ro terminal at Port of Gothenburg
12-year concession contract
The Bulgarian Shipowners' Association has joined the European Community Shipowners' Associations
BSA is the twenty-second member of the European Shipowners' Association
Strike by Central Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority staff suspended
The meeting between the unions and the general secretary of the port authority was a success
Mercitalia Rail begins rail transport from Reggio Calabria of trains for the Milan Metro
Reggio Calabria
They are approximately 106 metres long and weigh over 180 tonnes.
PSA Venice - Vecon achieves gender equality certification
It is the first Italian container terminal to obtain the certification
Maria Teresa Di Matteo, head of the Department for Transport and Navigation, has passed away
Rome/Gioia Tauro
Mattioli: it was an important point of reference for the entire Italian maritime cluster
Green logistics, the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority extends the deadline for the tender
It awards non-repayable grants up to a maximum amount of 300,000 euros
Medcenter Container Terminal orders 20 new hybrid struddle carriers from Kalmar
They will be delivered within the first quarter of 2026
The intermodal service connecting the Italian terminal of Melzo with the Dutch one of Moerdijk has started
Three weekly circulations operated, which will increase to four from April
COSCO expects to close 2024 with +95% growth in net profit
EBIT expected at 69.9 billion yuan (+90.7%)
Catania-based F.lli Di Martino has acquired 160 new loading units produced by Piedmont-based SICOM
This year the Cherasco company celebrates 50 years since its foundation
Visual Sailing List
Departure ports
Arrival ports by:
- alphabetical order
- country
- geographical areas
Uiltrasporti Campania accuses the heads of the AdSP of the Central Tyrrhenian Sea of having assumed a provocative and totally closed attitude
Attempt - the union denounces - to downplay the real reasons for the strike
Medlog signs partnership agreement to build dry port and logistics area in Egypt
The affected area is approximately 102 hectares
In the last quarter of 2024, OOCL revenues grew by +55.0%
Hong Kong
Containers transported by the fleet increased by +6.1%
Filt Cgil urges to throw away the Antitrust Authority's proposal on port work
D'Alessio: the AGCM has not at all analyzed the real dangers for the integrity of the principle of competition
Strong annual revenue growth for Evergreen, Yang Ming and WHL companies
Revenue growth also accentuated in the fourth quarter of 2024 alone
Industrial reconversion works to begin soon at the "ex Yard Belleli" site in the port of Taranto
The intervention has a value of 135.3 million euros
The Northern Tyrrhenian Sea is the first AdSP to equip itself with the Anti-Violence Strategic Plan
The aim is to prevent discriminatory and violent phenomena within the institution.
Greek Navarino Acquires Dutch Castor Marine
Both companies develop information technology and communication solutions for the maritime sector
The annual assembly of Federlogistica will be held in Rome on January 21st
The theme is: "Intelligent Logistics. If Artificial Intelligence Breaks Into the World of Logistics"
Trade mission in Vietnam by Spediporto, AdSP and Municipality of Genoa
Meetings scheduled in Ho Chi Minh City and Danang
In 2024 Interporto Padova recorded a record intermodal traffic of almost 412 thousand TEU (+6.5%)
Commander Emanuele Bergamini is the new president of USCLAC
Gianni Badino was elected president of the USCLAC-UNCDiM-SMACD unitary union
Tender for the development of cruise activities in the Greek ports of Katakolon, Patras and Kavala
The issuing of concessions with a minimum duration of 30 years is foreseen
The electrification of four moorings in the ports of Bari and Brindisi has begun
Contract worth over 28 million euros
Circle has been awarded the tender for the digitalisation services of the Eastern Adriatic Port Authority
Roberto Spinelli's position in the corruption investigation in Liguria has been archived
Order of the judge for preliminary investigations
Work has begun in the port of Pozzallo on the construction of the new offices of the AdSP of Eastern Sicily
Place the port of Imperia Oneglia under the management of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority
This is requested by the Port Company "L. Maresca" and the Lodovico Maresca Port Workers Company
Interporto Padova looking for a potential partner to participate in the terminal activity
The market research will end on January 31st
Italian Ports:
Ancona Genoa Ravenna
Augusta Gioia Tauro Salerno
Bari La Spezia Savona
Brindisi Leghorn Taranto
Cagliari Naples Trapani
Carrara Palermo Trieste
Civitavecchia Piombino Venice
Italian Interports: list World Ports: map
ShipownersShipbuilding and Shiprepairing Yards
ForwardersShip Suppliers
Shipping AgentsTruckers
The annual assembly of Federlogistica will be held in Rome on January 21st
The theme is: "Intelligent Logistics. If Artificial Intelligence Breaks Into the World of Logistics"
A conference on the implications of geopolitical crises for ports and maritime transport in Venice on Thursday
It is organized by Ca' Foscari University and the AdSP of the Northern Adriatic
››› Meetings File
Iran signs over $1.8b investment contracts with private sector for ports development
(Tehran Times)
North Korean tankers transport over one million barrels of oil from Russia
(NK News)
››› Press Review File
FORUM of Shipping
and Logistics
Relazione del presidente Nicola Zaccheo
Roma, 18 settembre 2024
››› File
New logistics company GTS Horizon established in Verona
It was founded by the GTS group and Simone Gatto De Chirico (De Chirico Srl)
In the third quarter, freight transported on Austrian railways increased by +1.8%
In the first nine months of 2024 the increase was +1.7%
Uiltrasporti, the reverse change of VAT in the budget law is good
Verzari: we hope that this measure will be made structural in the future
Circle acquires Telepass Innova's Infomobility and Telematics business units
The value of the transaction is 6.2 million euros
Tender for construction of Albanian port of Porto Romano restarted
The deadline for submitting bids has been set for February 7th.
Eukor secures renewal of contracts for exporting cars from Korea and China
The expected value of the agreements is $4.2 billion.
PSA Singapore Sets New Annual Container Traffic Record
The 40 million TEU mark was reached on December 24th
US-based FTV Capital makes offer to acquire Windward
London-based company develops technological solutions for shipping
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio
No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher
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