testata inforMARE
22 February 2025 - Year XXIX
Independent journal on economy and transport policy
14:25 GMT+1
News File
April 2013

30/04/2013Reunion of the Harbour Committee of Trieste
The neopresidente of the Debora Serracchiani Region anticipates for the first time

30/04/2013Ninth edition of the international convention Mare Forum Italy
May to Rome will hold 8

30/04/2013the Liguria Region heads for the extension of the social shocks-absorber in order to avoid the lay-off of 38 workers of Gerolamo Scorza
It is a very difficult attempt, has specified the Vesco city council member

30/04/2013In the first trimester of the 2013 terminal of HPH Trust they have enlivened 5.280.000 container (0%)
the period has been archived item with a profit clearly of 642,0 million dollars of Hong Kong (- 6%)

30/04/2013the traffic through the Swiss Rhenish ports in is decided decrease
In the first three months of the 2013 fluvial ports of call they have enlivened 1.535.045 tons of goods (+16.3%)

30/04/2013It continues the positive trend of the economic performances of SUCH International
CIMC it invests 2,9 billion dollars in new productive centers and research centers. Change of property of SeaCube

30/04/2013Centro Internazionale Città d' Acqua of Venice closes down
In beyond 24 of activities the association has deepened topics legacies to the relation between the city and the water and the city and the port

30/04/2013In the fiscal year 2012 "K" Line and NYK returns to the profit, while MOL emphasizes the losses
Increase of the volume of transactions of the three Japanese shipowning societies

30/04/2013Stable the economic results of Seaspan Corporation in the first trimester
The revenues are increased of 7.5%

29/04/2013La Spezia Container Terminal has completed the upgrade of the cranes
The work is completed without the minimal interruption of the activity

29/04/2013French SNCF will acquire the 25% of railway society Spanish COMSA Rail Transport
Agreement for the development of the railway traffic goods between France, central Europe and Iberian Peninsula

29/04/2013Signed the protocol of understanding for the completion of the strategic plan of the hub harbour of Civitavecchia, Fiumicino and Gaeta
Simplification of the administrative procedures

29/04/2013Andrea Clavarino has entered in the Board di Coeclerici Spa
Today it is the only manager of the group to reside in the board of directors

29/04/2013According to container the terminal of the port of Mombasa it will become operating in 2015
It will have a annual ability to traffic of 1,2 million teu

29/04/2013increment of the traffic in the port of Antwerp
In first trimester 2013 recorded an increase of the +1.4% thanks to the record of the liquid bulk

29/04/2013OOCL has taken in delivery the fourth of ten new portacontainer from 13.208 teu
the "NYK Hercules" is long 366,5 meters and wide 48,2 meters

29/04/2013Two cinematographic competitions on the topic of the portualità
has been indetti from the Harbour Authority of Genoa and Genoa Film Festival

29/04/2013In the first trimester of the 2013 traffic in the port of Ravenna it has grown of 1.5%
To recorded March a bending of 13.8%

29/04/2013COSCO lowers reduces the losses
The first three months of the 2013 have been archived item with liabilities clearly of about 275 million dollars

26/04/2013CAI International records satisfactory quarterly economic performances newly
In the first three months of the 2012 result clearly it has grown of 11.6%

26/04/2013genoese Alpha Maritime Services has entered to take part of Lognet
It is one of the widest and important world-wide nets of shippers

26/04/2013Shipping lowers Lines Container reduces the losses
The company clearly has archived item the first trimester with liabilities of 115 million dollars. Revenues in increase of 22.9%

26/04/2013In the first three months of this year the terminals of COSCO Pacific have enlivened 14 million container (+10.7%)
the result clearly of the Chinese group is diminished of the 15.6%

26/04/2013Light decrease of the transported containerized volumes from the OOCL fleet
In the first three months of this year they are piled to beyond 1,2 million teu (- 0.3%)

26/04/2013Last year the German ports have enlivened 299,4 million tons of goods (- 1.1%)
Increase of 5.1% of the traffic in the first semester and decrease of 2.7% in the second

26/04/2013Third consecutive trimester of the reduction of the containerized trade enlivened from the terminals of DP World
In the first three months of the 2013 is totaled 12,8 million teu (- 7.0%)

26/04/2013In the first trimester of the 2013 profit clearly of Royal Caribbean Cruises it has grown of 62.3%
In the first part of this year the volume of reservations has turned out medium advanced of 5%

26/04/2013Confetra wishes that the new government gives to the logistic row a competent interlocutor
Letter of Nereo Marcucci to the whom charged Prime Minister Enrico Letta

26/04/2013Meyer Werft has delivered to the NCL the new cruise ship Norwegian Breakaway
It has a tonnage of 146.600 tons and can accommodate 4,000 passengers and 1,600 members of the crew

26/04/2013a delegation of ravennati operators has participated to 1st Med Ports 2013 to Alexandria
Composed era from the terminalista society Terminal Ravenna Container and from the shipper Tra. Ma.Co.

24/04/2013Med Cross Lines chooses Augusta which port hub for own intra-Mediterranean services
Next commissioning of second ship

24/04/2013RFI gives back to the Harbour Authority of the railway railroads insides to from Liguria port
Understanding that closes along litigation

24/04/2013In the first three months of the 2013 port of Venice has enlivened 6,1 million tons of goods (+1.2%)
To March a bending of the 3.2%

24/04/2013the Harbour Authority of Naples participates to the fair on the transports and the Transrussia logistics
the increase of the exhibitors has forced the organizers to change center of the event

24/04/2013Merlon (AP Genoa): in 2012 our port it has held the crisis thanks to the investments and to the job of the harbour community well
By 2007 to the 2011 they are invested about 90 million euros

24/04/2013Convention of WISTA Italy on Italian portualità between reform requirements, liberalizations and economic crisis
will hold 23 May to Genoa

24/04/2013the Harbour Committee of Savona has approved of budget 2012 of the Harbour Authority
Green light also to the work of demolition of the former Solimano Yards

24/04/2013Last month the traffic of the goods in the port of Barcelona is increased of the 3.6%
In the first trimester of the 2013 port of call has enlivened beyond 9,6 million tons (- 2.5%)

24/04/2013In the first trimester the 2013 result clearly of the Saipem is diminished of 52.4%
the revenues are dropped of 1.4%

24/04/2013Massimo Brancaleoni is new general the manager of Iberocruceros and Costa Crociere in Spain
"Spain - it has emphasized - is the third crocieristico market of continental Europe and one of the main ones for Coast"

24/04/2013Konecranes closes the first trimester 2013 with new orders record for 582,5 million euros
Down the economic performances of the Finnish company

24/04/2013In the first trimester of the 2013 revenues of ABB they have grown of 9%, while the result clearly is dropped of 3%
In the period the Helvetic group has confiscated new orders for 10,5 billion dollars (+1.2%)

24/04/2013In the 2012 consistency of the fleet in class ABS it is gone up of 4% to 193,5 million tsl
Somerville: "in spite of the uncertainties of the world-wide economy and the markets of the shipping and the offshore one, ABS has exited with another performance record"

23/04/2013Region Calabria and AP of Gioia Tauro meet Venice Passenger terminal with the objective to develop the cruises
Stasis: "that to carry the know-how-how matured from VTP in ports characterized from a potential one little taken advantage of is a strategy that it has given good yields"

23/04/2013In the 2012 revenues of German group BLG they have grown of 13.5%
Increment of the performances of the divisions Automobile Logistics and Contract Logistics. Decrease in the segment Logistics Container

23/04/2013In the first three months of the 2013 traffic enlivened from the port of Marseilles it is diminished of 9%
Decided decrease of the liquid bulk. Light bending of the goods several and the bulk sand banks. Passengers +26% thanks to the cruises

23/04/2013In the 2012 Harbour Authority of Venice it has recorded a remainder of administration of 13,6 million euros
Last year the investments in pieces of real estate, works and escavi have been pairs to 48,8 million euros

23/04/2013the port of Antwerp has joined to the European Federation of Inland Ports
Currently a third party of the traffic of container from and for the Belgian port is enlivened for fluvial way

23/04/2013Maersk Line will renew the configuration of the routes West Med - North America and Europe - Middle East
Programmed a series of national services feeder in order to serve the ports of Middle Eastern the western one

23/04/2013ship yards KHI and MES - it announces prints Japanese - are dealing the fusion
the two companies refute

22/04/2013Marina Monassi (AP Trieste) has participated to the assembly of the Arab Sea Ports Federation
Placed the bases for an increase of the traffics between the giuliano port of call and the ports Egyptians

22/04/2013Fincantieri delivery a pattugliatore second to Marina Militare of the United Arab Emirates
Ceremony in the ship yard of Muggiano

22/04/2013Navios Maritime Maritime Holdings and Navios Acquisition buy ten ships from debtors of HSH Nordbank
draft of five product tanker and five portacontainer

22/04/2013Saipem adjudicates new contracts for 500 million dollars in Latin America
They are relative to activity in Venezuela and Brazil

22/04/2013Al via to the assembly of the pedestrian bridge between Morin walk and Mirabello marina
Forcieri: "draft of a fundamental work in order to be connected the city with navy of Mirabello"

22/04/2013In the 2011 in Italy added value produced from the economy of the sea it has been of beyond 41 billion euros
The incidence on the total of the national economy is pairs to 2.9%. The field counts beyond 210 thousand companies with 800 thousand occupied

22/04/2013Today to Genoa the exhibition dedicated to the Rex ocean-going liner is inaugurated
He will be open every day from tomorrow on 30 September

22/04/2013Light decrease of the volume of GEFCO transactions
In increase the turnover generated from the main international customers of the group

22/04/2013Agreement of collaboration between the company of Spanish navigation Balearia and the Italian Tirrenia CIN
the objective a widening of the market through a mutual representation in own Countries

22/04/2013Inaugurated the work for the construction of the new Moroccan port of Safi
Before the three phases of the project it will become operating in 2017

22/04/2013Emphasized decrease of title MISC after the failure of the Opa introduced from Petronas
The offer was conditioned to the obtaining at least 90% of the total capital stock

22/04/2013Today to Genoa the managing director of Maersk Line will meet the main Italian customers
Initiative in favor of the restoration of the medieval work Pallium of San Lorenzo

22/04/2013Bending of the economic results of the Belgians CMB and Euronav
Maritime companies Belge clearly have archived item the first trimester with a profit of 11,2 million dollars and Euronav with a net loss of 10,7 million dollars

19/04/2013CMA CGM has taken in delivery the second one of the three new portacontainer from 16.000 teu
"CMA CGM Alexander Von Humboldt" is employed in service FAL 1

19/04/2013the Harbour Committee of Livorno has approved of unanimously the relation of the activities carried out from the Harbour Authority in 2012
Introduced the consuntivo budget of the agency

19/04/2013Meters concluded the work of escavo of the harbour channels of Venice until the maximum share -11,5
They have involved a total investment from 2004 today of 250 million euros

19/04/2013In the first trimester 2013 HHI have recorded an increment of 84% of the new orders
In the segment of the shipbuilding the increase has been of 33%

19/04/2013Named three vice-president of the association of the genoese shippers
Sono Claudio Melandri, Renzo Muratore and Alessandro Pitto

19/04/2013New nominations in the commercial branch and marketing of Costa Crociere
genoese Andrea Tavella has assumed a double quantity assignment

19/04/2013the Brazilian Wilson Sons has inaugurated a second ship yard to Guarujá
It is dedicated to the construction, repair and maintenance of ships for the oil industry and the gas

19/04/2013the management of the ports of Port Botany and Port Kembla to consortium NSW Ports Consortium
has become operating the White Bay Cruise Terminal of the port of Sydney

19/04/2013Conference on the perspectives and great opportunity for the nautical one in the Gulf of
Organized from ATHENA, one will hold on 23 April to

19/04/2013Bending of the enlivened intermodal traffic from the TransContainer Russian
In the first trimester the 2013 rail shipments have been pairs to 342.400 teu (- 1.3%)

18/04/2013In the first trimester of this year the traffic of the container in the port of Tanger Med is increased of 37%
The Moroccan port of call has enlivened about 570.000 teu

18/04/2013Tuesday to Livorno will in the workplace hold a seminary on behavioural safety
It is classified to the staff of terminal and enterprises of the port and the logistics

18/04/2013Unioncamere, new the Slowly national one for the airport development puts to risk 15 ports of call to the service of the territories
Dardanello: it is necessary to not only consider of the results budgetary, but also of the benefits for the territory

18/04/2013the European Parliament has rejected the regulations proposal on the recycling of the ships
Mandate to the EU commission to introduce within the end of a 2015 legislative proposal based on a system of incentives

18/04/2013Q&A between American Maritime Officers and CLIA on the level of preparation of the officials of the cruise ships
Carnival Cruise Lines starts a program in order to increase to safety and the efficiency of the fleet

18/04/2013In the first trimester of the 2013 Wärtsilä group it has obtained an increment of 22% of the new orders
The period has been archived item with a decrease of 12% of the volume of transactions

17/04/2013Portek buys terminalista society RUT of Riga
Rigas Universalais Terminals work a several terminal for goods in the port of the Latvian city

17/04/2013Bill in parliament of the Helvetic federal Council dedicated to the railway transport goods
the services will have to cover own costs. Group SBB will be exempted by it obligation to supply performances in the cargo

17/04/2013the Harbour Authority of Rotterdam has taken in delivery the first phase of the new harbour area Maasvlakte 2
The work has lasted five years. The terminals of APM Terminals and RWG will become operating at the end of 2014

17/04/2013In the 2012 a stagnation of the total value of the world-wide exports of goods has happened
the slow down of the export is found everywhere

17/04/2013increment of the traffic in the terminal car of the port of Gioia Tauro
last October has attested on an average salary of 20.000 vehicles

17/04/2013Started in Vietnam the work for the construction of Hai Phong International Gateway Port
Previewed investments for 1,18 billion dollars

17/04/2013Civitavecchia-Salerno Agreement in the crocieristico field
the objective is the creation of synergies for the promotion of tourist flows

16/04/2013the port of Bari challenge the crisis with the support of a Technical Committee International Scientifico
Those apulian is the first placed side by side Harbour Authority from this type of structure

16/04/2013In the first trimester of the 2013 marine traffic in the Suez Canal it is diminished of 9.6%
The cargo volume transported from the ships in transit is dropped of 4.1%

16/04/2013Workshop "the norms, the instruments and the modalities of monitoring ships in the inland navigation and coastal"
May to Venice in the within of European project RIS will hold 8

16/04/2013Trasportounito recites the epitaph of the Italian road haulage and asks the escape from Europe
The association denunciation that, with a liberalization to small table, the EU has created the foundations for the financial ruin in existence

16/04/2013The scope of the second edition of the project "Wind and ports" is extended to the sea
the objective is to increase to every marine activity the controls in order to assure the always greater safety

16/04/2013the EU commission has proposed new norms for the construction of the Tir
Worry of Freight on Rail for the introduction of the EcoCombi on the British territory

16/04/2013Undersigned contract SHI-CSAV for seven new portacontainer from 9.300 teu
the ships will be delivered within the month of May of 2015

16/04/2013The port of Los Angeles loses containerized trade quotas; Long Beach acquires some
Last month the first port of call has recorded a decrease of 22.6% of the volumes, the second an increment of 5.4%

16/04/2013the Japanese "K" Linens starts activity of marine transport coasting vessel in India
The branch "K" Linens (India has used a ship rental

16/04/2013Down of the actions of marine piracy
"If the naval presence is reduced or if the ships diminish their vigilance - Mukundan (IMB admonishes) - the number of attacks will go up to the last levels"

16/04/2013Nordana has ordered a new ship multipurpose ro-ro to the Visentini Ship yard
2014 will be delivered in May
News from the Companies
16/04/2013La chiave di volta del successo sta nell'Innovazione tecnologica e nella creatività

15/04/2013Convention on the topic "the function of security between sea and earth: bridge towards other businesses"
Organized from the AIAS, next friday to Genoa will hold

15/04/2013To March the traffic of the container in the port of Hong Kong is diminished of 8.5%
In the first trimester of the 2013 decrease it has been of 4.6%

15/04/2013Tomorrow to Savona the presentation of the project "Wind and Ports" for safety of the harbour operativity
The functionalities will be illustrated and the modalities of I use of the final version of the portal Meteorological WEB GIS

15/04/2013In the 2012 revenues of group RINA they are increased of 23%
the operating result has been attested to 26,3 million euros

15/04/2013Saint George of the complete Port the work of repair of the flagship of YOU fleet of US Navy
The activity has engaged daily about 200 workers

15/04/2013Kuehne + Nagel closes first trimester 2013 with a profit of 134 million franchi Swiss clearly
The revenues have grown of 5.4% to 5,1 billion franchi Swiss

15/04/2013Encounter of Propeller Club of Genoa on the role of the Marine Authority
Next thursday will hold

15/04/2013the Harbour Authority of Venice has concluded a mission to Shanghai and Ghuangzou
Incontri with the summits of COSCON and COSCOL

15/04/2013world-wide the shipowning industry opposes to the normative proposals EU on the recycling of the ships
They are inapplicable and they will irritate the partner commercial of the European Union, emphasize ECSA, ICS and ASF

15/04/2013To March the traffic enlivened from the port of Taranto has recorded a decrease of 17.5%
In the first trimester of the 2013 bending it has been of 30.9%

15/04/2013Last month the traffic of the goods in the port of Singapore is diminished of 10.6%
Held of the goods in container. Down conventional cargos and bulk

15/04/2013terminalista group Spanish TCB will manage the new container terminal of the Guatemalan port of Quetzal
Previewed an investment of 250 million dollars

12/04/2013the workers of the yard Fincantieri di Sestri West have said yes to the trade-union agreement
the 90.9% has been expressed favorably; the contrary ballots have been the 7.7%

12/04/2013In a week to the port naval of Carrara it will land training ship Pogoria the sail
It is a schooner to three trees of the Polish marine fleet

12/04/2013Sent back of a year the completion of the new container terminal in the harbour area of Muuga to Tallinn
the Transiidikeskuse Estonian in negotiations in order to acquire the Rail Garant Estonia, the society that will manage the system

12/04/2013In the fleet of the SKI six ships of the Irano Hind Shipping Company will enter
Dissolution of joint venture with the Iranian Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines

12/04/2013Shortly the Rumanian government will start the privatization of the Mangalia ship yard
In the next weeks it will be given the go-ahead to a program of cession of the public companies

12/04/2013On 18 April to Venice a seminary on the topic "The Adriatic-Baltic corridor: the perspective NAPA"
It is organized from the Harbour Authority of Venice, NAPA and the European Intermodal Association (that it will hold the shareholders' meeting)

12/04/2013Last month the traffic of the container enlivened from the Chinese marine ports has grown of 8.4%
In the first trimester of the 2013 increment it has been of 8.1%

12/04/2013The negotiations between Boskalis and SAAM for the activities of towing in America lead in an agreement
, One for the Brazilian market and the other for Panama hat, Canada and Mexico will be constituted two joint venture

11/04/2013Worsening the economic results of the shipowning group Premuda
For exercise 2013 attended still turned out negatives

11/04/2013The terminalisti of Livorno have constituted the Agency for the Job in Porto
Gallanti (Harbour Authority): "sincerely we are satisfied"

11/04/2013Israel Corporation refutes that Zim is able to not to reimburse the debit in confronts of the bondholders
On 30 April it will be introduced a business plan and a regarding plan the structure of the capital of the company

11/04/2013Companies Tunisienne de Navigation will upgrade the connections with France and Italy
For the next peak season 75 crossings are programmed on the route Tunisi-Marseilles and 73 on the Tunisi-Genoa route

11/04/2013the Harbour Authority of Livorno has introduced advertising plan 2013
In program not only institutional missions, but real activities of scouting

11/04/2013Tomorrow to Genoa an encounter on the topic of the transport of the goods on track
It is organized from the CIFI with the CIRT and the collaboration of SBB International Cargo

11/04/2013The EU commission has approved of the project for the potenziamento of the commercial port of Augusta
Garozzo: it has been passed from the vision of a port of transhipment to a bound strategic mink more to the territory

11/04/2013RINA has conferred to Sirius Ship Management first certificate "MLC 2006 - which released Crew Manning Agent" in Italy
Maritime the Labour Convention defines the norms tied to international the marine job

11/04/2013In 2012 Anek Lines it has accused a net loss of 61 million euros
The volume of transactions of the Greek company is come down of 18%

11/04/2013Eurogate closes 2012 with stable revenues and bending of the economic results
On the performances they weigh the costs of start-up of the new container terminal of Wilhelmshaven and the smaller yields generated from the investments

11/04/2013First ship with system of distribution in continuous current
"Dina Star", delivered to the Myklebusthaug shipowner from the Kleven Yard, is equipped with the system supplied from ABB

11/04/2013Mayday Logistic has confirmed Franco Cornagliotto to the presidency of the association
Renzo Provedel and Daniele Testi named vices president

10/04/2013Last year the traffic of the goods in the port of Salerno is diminished of the 3.4%
Stable the rotabili. In decrease the conventional goods containerized and the goods

10/04/201316 April to Naples a round table on naval gigantism and total crisis
Is organized from Propeller Club Port of Naples

10/04/2013Last month the traffic of the container in the port of Kaohsiung has grown of 4.1%
In the first trimester of the 2013 2.386.253 teu (- 0.1% are enlivened)

10/04/2013On 1° June the activity of the pool of chimichiere constituted in 2009 will stop from Odfjell and NCC
Divergences between the associates on the employment of the fleet

10/04/2013Morace: the performance of the industrial plan of Tirrenia CIN proceeds without hesitation although I confront between the associates
"our objective - the managing director of the company has explained - is to continue the experience of the Tirrenia new privatized"

10/04/2013Giuseppe Marasco, writer and journalist of shipping has passed away
She was an appreciated and authoritative professional with detached human dowries

10/04/2013Maurizio Fasce is the new president of the genoese shippers
is named for applause from the directive council of the association

10/04/2013Bourbon whiskey tightens an agreement with Chinese ICBC Leasing for the sale and the charter back of ships for 1,5 billion dollars
They will be yielded until 51 supply vessel, of which 24 currently in exercise and 27 under construction

10/04/2013the government signature you decree for the increase of the highway rates
Franchini (CNA-Fita): it is a real raid in favor of little and usual you notice concessionaires

09/04/2013Within end 2013 they will be the 200 workers engaged in the construction of the Third Pass of Giovi
Operatively in 2015 and the 2016 occupied ones will be 4.000

09/04/2013In increase the results of CePIM - Interporto of Parma
Captains: we are proceeding in the just direction

09/04/2013Al via the contest for the increase of the channel of access to the port of Livorno
Gallanti: the restrictions will be removed that up to now they prevent to the ships of last generation to reach the port of call

09/04/2013Reactivated the frank point of the port of Venice
Debate on the technical-nautical services organized from the The International Propeller Club Port of Venice

09/04/2013Agreement of collaboration between Russian Railways, Sinara and Siemens for the construction of locomotori
Previewed the supply of 350 locomotives to the Russian railroads within 2020

09/04/2013STX Corporation tries to yield own quota STX Pan Ocean to the Korea Develpment Bank
Failed the attempt to sell the participation through a public offer

09/04/2013the Greek Thanos Pallis is the new general secretary of MedCruise
In last the two decades it has worked in the harbour field

09/04/2013the Italian tourist portualità is ready to the resumption
Perocchio: the "new deal" already is set up through the normative new obtaining

08/04/2013In the first trimester of the 2013 traffic of the container enlivened from the port of Gioia Tauro it has grown of 22%
The motors vehicle are increased of 300%

08/04/2013POSCO will increase the realized volumes of traffic through the port of Koper
Last year the cargos (mainly sheet coils) disembarked in the Slovenian port are piled to 250 thousand tons

08/04/2013In the 2012 ferries for the Corsica they have transported 4.387.453 passengers (- 1.3%)
the connections with continental France have recorded a +2.3%, those with Italy -10,0%

08/04/2013Three manifestations of interest for the acquisition of Scandlines
They would be introduced by some societies of private equities

08/04/2013Concluded the work of dredging in the port of Jebel Ali
the terminals of DP World will be able to receive at the same time until ten large ones portacontainer from 18.000 teu

08/04/2013Today and tomorrow strike of the workers of the transport container of the Gavio group
It is proclaimed by Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl and Uiltrasporti

08/04/2013Yesterday Spezia has reopened the port to the cruises
With the arrival of "Costa Classica" Gulf of the Poets Cinque Terre Cruise Terminal is inaugurated the temporary terminal cruises

05/04/2013the workers of the port of Hong Kong can return to manifest within the terminalistiche areas
However the Supreme Court has established the maximum limit of 80 strikers

05/04/2013prompt Assiterminal the adoption of measures in order to allow with the harbour terminalisti to face the crisis
Gilberto Danesi, Marco Simonetti and Vito Totorizzo are the new vices president of the association

05/04/2013In the first trimester the 2013 port of Savona has enlivened 3.169.952 tons of goods (- 0.9%)
March has made to mark an increment of 1.4%

05/04/2013The property of Unifeeder will pass by Montagu Private Equity to Nordic Capital Fund VIII
the terms of the transaction are not returned famous

05/04/2013Russian agency Rosimushchestvo authorizes the privatization of railway group JSC Russian Railways
In according to trimester of this year plan he will be subordinate to the examination of the government

04/04/2013Precise the Louis Cypriot the impact of the decisions of the Eurogroup on the checking accounts of the society
According to the board of directors, the losses near Laiki Bank will pile to 100.000 euros and near the Bank of Cyprus to zero euro

04/04/2013Sassan Rabet is the new managing director of the railway alliance Xrail
It will assume the assignment on 1° May

04/04/2013of Friend (Confitarma): the resource to the private armed teams on board of our ships is "in fact impossible"
the shipowning confederation asks the immediate opening for a job table

04/04/2013Green light of the Board of Directors of CSAV to the investment for the acquisition of seven new portacontainer from 9.300 teu
Assembly on 29 April in order to propose an increase of capital of 500 million dollars

04/04/2013Negotiations with the German Poland Sweden Line for the privatization of Polferries
Will be under way from the Polish ministry of the treasury

04/04/2013Concluded the ten years of work of dredging of the main navigation channel of the port of Los Angeles
the backdrops are carried by -45 to -53 feet with an investment of 370 million dollars

04/04/2013Strike of the workers of Hongkong International Terminals arrives to the eighth day
Tomorrow HIT and CHT will ask the Supreme Court for Hong Kong a delay for the injunction that it forbids to manifesting to approach the terminals

03/04/2013To Monika Ribar the end of May lascerà the assignment of CEO of the logistic group Panalpina
To the guide of the company subentrerà Peter Ulber

03/04/2013Collaboration UASC - CSCL for three transpacifici services
the Middle Eastern company will introduce ships in two services of the Chinese society. New line between southern China and the south-western Pacific

03/04/2013DB Schenker Rail entrusts to SBB CFF FFS Cargo the rail shipments between Germany and Italy through Switzerland
Draft of thousands of trains per year. The galleries of base of Saint Gottardo and Ashes are to good point

03/04/2013the EU commission proposes budget 2014-20 of the European Agency for Marine Safety
the previewed financing is of 160,5 million euros

03/04/2013Undersigned the contract with which Chinese SITC he orders to new ships to group CSBC of Taiwan
draft of eight portacontenitori from 1.800 teu

03/04/2013STX Offshore & Shipbuilding looks for an agreement with the creditors
the navalmeccanico group has closed exercise 2012 with a net loss of 782 billion won

03/04/2013Seminary on the topic "the insurance guarantees in favor of the shipper and of the carrier"
Organized from Fedespedi and Alsea Milan, one will hold on 10 April in the capital of Lombardy

03/04/2013Bureau Veritas has bought German LVQ-WP
the society of Mülheim an der Ruhr carries out nondestructive testing for the industrial field and that naval one

02/04/2013Fortunes International Transport nozzle the "preventivatore"
Service on-line in order to obtain by sea automatically pre-emptive for the shipment of goods

02/04/2013Stable to February the traffic of the goods enlivened from the port of Genoa
the containerized trade records a bending after 21 consecutive months of increase

02/04/2013Attica has archived item 2012 with a net loss of -53,3 million euros
The volume of transactions has recorded an increment of 3.7%

02/04/2013the shipowning group Evergreen clearly closes 2012 with a result of positive sign
the revenues are increased of the 5.6%

02/04/2013MSC will sell 35% of Terminal Investment Ltd. to the Global active trust Infrastructure Partners
the transaction will have a value of beyond 1,9 billion dollars
ICS satisfied with ISWG-GHG's progress towards decarbonisation of shipping, even if not definitive
Platten: Much work still needs to be done urgently by MEPC meeting in April
In the second half of 2024, freight traffic in the port of Venice grew by +15.3%
In the whole year, cruise passengers were 548 thousand (+7.8%)
In the last quarter of 2024, freight traffic in the port of Rotterdam decreased by -2%
A decrease of -0.7% was recorded for the whole year.
HMM in talks to acquire compatriot SK Shipping
The transaction would be valued at close to $1.4 billion
Clean Maritime Fuels Platform suggests actions needed to make clean fuels available for shipping
The AdSP will become the sole manager of railway shunting in the port of Ravenna
Extraordinary maintenance and investments in new infrastructure will remain the responsibility of RFI
Cargill and Hafnia joint venture in marine fuel supply
Seascale Energy formed
Coast Guard authorizes use of batteries on board Italian flagged ships
Adopted a risk assessment approach using EMSA guidelines
Joint venture between Marsa Maroc and TIL (MSC group) for the management of the eastern container terminal of the port of Nador West Med
50% of the capital plus one share will be held by the African company
Shipping, lack of services and costs for goods checks give a bad reputation to the port of Genoa
Botta: wasting time and money on various checks, not having certainty on the times of exit of the goods from the ports makes the situation unsustainable
In 2024, freight traffic in the port of Barcelona grew by +8.7%
Sharp increase (+12.4%) in containerized cargo. In the last quarter alone, total traffic increased by +1.2%
In the second quarter of 2024, freight traffic in European ports began to grow again
The main types of cargo are increasing with the exception of solid bulk. Sharp increase in volumes in Italian ports
Positive annual economic results for the HHLA terminal group
Last year, container traffic handled by port terminals grew by +0.9%
788 kg of cocaine seized in the port of Gioia Tauro
Reggio Calabria/Gioia Tauro
The AdSP protests against the downgrading of the local Customs office implemented at the same time as a significant increase in its functions
GNV to take delivery of last two of four ro-pax vessels ordered 11 months early
Catani: modernization of port infrastructures, adoption of cold ironing and development of a LNG distribution network are necessary
Le Aziende informanoSponsored Article
ABB Ability™ Marine Remote Diagnostic System
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Maersk and Cochin Shipyard Partner Under Indian Government's Shipping Incentive Program
The first repair of a Danish group ship at the Indian plant during 2025
Federagenti, speed up dredging by using waste material in port facilities
Pessina: the case of La Spezia and Genoa can provide an immediate and effective solution
Contract awarded to Maestral (Fincantieri - EDGE) for the management of the fleet of the United Arab Emirates Navy
Abu Dhabi/Trieste
The order is worth 500 million euros
T&E, remove deforestation-related biofuels from shipping decarbonization strategy and limit those produced from food crops
Dijkstra: IMO should consider climate impact of ‘bad’ biofuels
ICS confident about outcome of next week's IMO meeting on decarbonisation of shipping
In 2024, freight traffic in the port of Genoa fell by -1% while in Savona-Vado it grew by +7%
Cruise passengers down by -11%
Last year traffic in the port of Koper increased by +3.0%
Containerized goods were over 9.4 million tons (+5.6%)
Assarmatori, the ok to the recruitment of crew members by the ship's commander is good
Messina: We ask that the measure becomes structural
In 2024, the port terminals of the Moroccan Marsa Maroc handled a record volume of goods
Historic peak of containers with 2,898,779 teu (+13)
ECSA, A4E and T&E urge EU Commission to promote clean fuels for maritime and aviation
Raptis: We need huge investments, certainties and simplification of access to public and private funding
Kalmar's annual business and economic results decline
Sharp increase in new orders in the last quarter of 2024
In the fourth quarter of 2024, ship traffic in the Suez Canal decreased by -53.5%
Tankers fell by -42.9% and other types of vessels by -58.1%.
Evergreen Invests Nearly $3 Billion in 11 New 24,000-TEU Containerships
Taiwan's three major container shipping companies continue to grow in revenue
Confitarma, the current regulatory framework for port towing services is more than fine
Ministerial circular of 19 March 2019 fully suitable for managing tenders
Last year, cargo traffic in Croatian ports decreased by -10.1%.
Record number of line passengers and cruise passengers
MSC Reorganizes Two Transatlantic Services Between Mediterranean and US East Coast
Nine-day transit time between the port of Genoa and that of New York
Danaos Corporation revenues surpass $1 billion for the first time in 2024
Annual net profit decreased by -8.0%
Ro-ro traffic and regional routes increasingly important for the development of the port of Ancona
Research presented on the potential of the Marche port
HMM revenues grew by +39% in 2024
In the fourth quarter alone the increase was +53%
AP Moller Capital - Bergé y Compañía Agreement to Invest in the Port Sector in Spain and Latin America
Kongens Lyngby/Madrid
Investments through a separately managed fund supported by the Danish company
HHLA signs collective bargaining agreement with ver.di
The union had opposed the transfer of shares of the company's capital to MSC
The Northern Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority suspends Istat variations on concession fees
Nova Marine Carriers, Aug. Bolten and Ership Acquire Maja Stuwadoors Groep
The Dutch company operates a bulk terminal in the port of Amsterdam
In 2024, container traffic in the port of Algeciras decreased by -0.5%
The negative trend continued last month
Confitarma, maintenance of the simplified procedure for the enlistment of seafarers is a good thing
Neapolitan journalist Bianca D'Antonio dies at 83
Point of reference for courtesy and professionalism also for the shipping sector
The AdSP of the Eastern Ligurian Sea has joined the National Observatory for the Protection of the Sea
The organization promotes the valorization of the sea resource
Tomorrow in Naples a conference of studies on the fight against illicit trafficking by sea
It will be held at the University of "Parthenope"
Port of Los Angeles Hits New Container Traffic Peak for January
Los Angeles
Port of Livorno, in 2024 rail traffic grew by +10.4%
Rail share of freight volumes moved rose to 19%
Contract for the immersion in the Ancona reclamation basin of the dredging sediments of the ports of Fano and Numana
Federlogistica, the closure of the Busalla motorway toll booth could put logistics in crisis in the North West
Last year, cargo traffic in Montenegrin ports increased by +2.2%
Passengers increased by +16.1%
Investments of 1.4 billion euros for the development of the Logistics Hub of the FS Italiane group
Investments for new physical and digital assets are foreseen in the 2025-2029 Strategic Plan
Grimaldi Group extends its maritime network to India
On February 20th the first call at the port of Mumbai with the PCTC "Grande California"
One million euros for the reduction of the amount of anchorage fees in the port of Gioia Tauro
Joy Taurus
Ok to the expansion of the Automar car terminal
The AdSP of Eastern Liguria agrees on the need for buffer areas for the ports of La Spezia and Marina di Carrara
The Spice
Areas identified by the body near the port and hinterland of Santo Stefano di Magra
Conference "Iron-Rubber-Water: Intermodality and the Port of Genoa"
It will be held on Friday at the Maritime Station of Genoa
Fratelli Cosulich has acquired a controlling stake of 62% of the capital of Femo Bunker
It has an annual turnover of over 70 million euros
Visual Sailing List
Departure ports
Arrival ports by:
- alphabetical order
- country
- geographical areas
Nola Interport, in 2024 intermodal traffic grew by +18%
Road freight traffic stable
MSC Cruises' new cruise terminal in the port of Barcelona has become operational
It will be officially inaugurated in the next few months
In January, the port of Singapore handled 3.5 million containers (+5.8%)
Container traffic in the port of Hong Kong decreased by -10.5%
The "mole" for the Bisagno torrent spillway tunnel has arrived in the port of Genoa
It is composed of three main pieces of 196 tons
Port of Long Beach Continues to See Exceptional Container Traffic Growth
Long Beach
In January, 953 thousand were moved (+41.4%)
Mercitalia Intermodal reaches agreement with PJM for the digitalization of 600 intermodal wagons
Between 2025 and 2027 they will be equipped with the Austrian company's WaggonTracker digital system
Tomorrow CMA CGM will activate a new service between Italy, Spain and Egypt
Reorganization of the Bora Med Service line with the inclusion of stopovers in Syria
Assoporti at the Fruit Logistica fair in support of the Italian fruit and vegetable sector
Record export value of 6.1 billion euros in 2024
Cargo traffic in Russian ports fell by -1.6% in January
St. Petersburg
Only import loads are growing
First Newbuild Container Ship Owned by ONE Christened
It has a capacity of approximately 13,800 TEUs
Call for proposals for the enhancement of the Tuscan Port Community System
Paroli: the TPCS is used profitably not only by our AdSP, but also by those of Naples, Venice and Cagliari
D'Angelo (ANSI): Necessary steps forward also in cybersecurity for the port sector
Threats can paralyze a highly strategic component for the Country System
UBV Group buys International Services and Logistics Nardi
The Milanese company has been operating in the shipping and integrated logistics sector since 1949
New logistics area in the Milanese hinterland
Joint venture between SFO Capital Partners, Edmond de Rothschild REIM and GARBE
In 2024, container traffic in the port of Valencia increased by +14.1%
Strong growth in transhipment (+18.8%)
Dutch Raben Group has acquired fellow Dutch DGO Express
The company provides road groupage transport and logistics services
Musso (Grendi group): escaping from Genoa? For us it was a stroke of luck
Among the initiatives planned for 2025, the relaunch of the container port of Cagliari
This year the association of Genoese maritime agents celebrates its eightieth anniversary
A series of celebratory events are planned
MPC Capital Acquires 50% Stake in Fellow City BestShip
The Hamburg company currently offers services to around 450 vessels
Italian Ports:
Ancona Genoa Ravenna
Augusta Gioia Tauro Salerno
Bari La Spezia Savona
Brindisi Leghorn Taranto
Cagliari Naples Trapani
Carrara Palermo Trieste
Civitavecchia Piombino Venice
Italian Interports: list World Ports: map
ShipownersShipbuilding and Shiprepairing Yards
ForwardersShip Suppliers
Shipping AgentsTruckers
Tomorrow in Naples a conference of studies on the fight against illicit trafficking by sea
It will be held at the University of "Parthenope"
In Ancona the conference "The port as a strategic development hub for the territory"
It is scheduled for February 11th
››› Meetings File
Türkiye's largest shipping company moves to Greece, while tourism giant exits
(Türkiye Today)
Billions lost at sea: over-reliance on foreign shipping drains economy
(The News International, Pakistan)
››› Press Review File
FORUM of Shipping
and Logistics
Relazione del presidente Nicola Zaccheo
Roma, 18 settembre 2024
››› File
Port of Chioggia, the call for tenders for the assignment of temporary port work service has been published
The optimal operational staff of the authorized company is set at 20 units
Hyundai Mipo Orders Four LNG Bunker Vessels
Yara to lease new ammonia carrier from NYK
In Ancona the conference "The port as a strategic development hub for the territory"
It is scheduled for February 11th
Improvement in the final part of the year is not enough for Eimskip to close 2024 positively
Container traffic at HPH Trust terminals grew by +4.8% last year
Revenues up +8.8%
Konecranes posts record annual and quarterly revenues
In 2024, the value of new orders fell by -3.9%
AD Ports - CMA Terminals Agreement to Manage New Multipurpose Terminal at the Port of Pointe-Noire
The Sustainable Intermodality Logistics Association renews its technical commissions
Francesca Fiorini confirmed as general secretary. 30 new members welcomed
Tarros activates a new rail link between the port of La Spezia and the Interporto of Padua
The Spice
The frequency is weekly
CMA CGM to continue operating container terminal at Syrian port of Latakia
New contract with the General Authority for Land and Sea Ports
Costamare posts record annual and quarterly revenues
Last year, turnover increased by +37.9%
Fatal accident in the ship repair area of the port of Genoa
Immediate strike by workers in the sector
The work on electrifying the docks of La Spezia is proceeding rapidly
The Spice
Federlogistica calls for temporary suspension of measure on new classification criteria for customs offices
Wärtsilä closes 2024 with record financial and commercial results
The value of new orders acquired in the year grew by +14%
DSV Group revenues increased in 2024, but not profits
Air and sea shipments handled by the Danish company increased by +7.1% and +6.6%
Approved for the concession for the automotive terminal of Vezzani in Porto Marghera
25-year contract
Port of Ravenna, estimated growth of +12.9% of traffic in January
Over 1.9 million tons of goods moved
Container traffic in the port of Gioia Tauro increased by +12.5% in January
Joy Taurus
347,917 TEUs were handled
The Interporto of Jesi is part of the Unione Interporti Riuniti
The terminals of Melzo and Rubiera are new aggregate partners of the association
Cisl FP Liguria, the downgrading of the Customs offices of Genoa, La Spezia and Savona is absolutely unjustified
Hapag-Lloyd secures 80% financing for construction costs of 24 containerships
The total investment for the new ships amounts to four billion dollars.
ONE Forms Joint Venture With LX Pantos For U.S. Intermodal Market
Boxlinks to provide end-to-end services in the US
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio
No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher
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