testata inforMARE
06 July 2024 - Year XXVIII
Independent journal on economy and transport policy
14:38 GMT+2
News File
October 2011

31/10/2011Third consecutive trimester in red for group NOL
In the period July-september the revenues are diminished of 9%

31/10/2011The port of Tanger Med loses a customer
Safmarine decides to transfer the ports of call from the Moroccan port to Algeciras and Malaga

31/10/2011Al port of Livorno lands a new traffic of 50.000 cars Citroën and Peugeot
CILP will take care of the services of boarding and disembarkation and Sealiv of the terminalistici services

31/10/2011ZIM and MSC exchange cargo spaces in the respective services Mediterranean oriental - North Europe
the agreement will take effect from the half of the next month

31/10/2011In the semiannual budgets of the groups NYK, MOL and "K" Linens the results are of sign negative
The three Japanese companies have archived item the period April-september in loss

31/10/2011DP World will upgrade crocieristiche infrastructures of Port Rashid (Dubay)
open Letter of the union International Transport Workers' Federation to the terminalista group

31/10/2011Last month the port of Genoa has enlivened beyond 4,3 million tons of goods (+0.7%)
In the first nine months of this year the traffic is piled to 39,2 million tons of goods (+1.6%)

31/10/2011Shipping lowers Lines Container orders eight new portacontainer from 10.000 teu
Options for other four ships. Store clerks to the yards Hudong Zhonghua Shipbuilding (Group) Co. and Dalian Shipbuilding Heavy Industries Ltd. Co.

31/10/2011In the first nine months of the 2011 port of Genoa container (+4.7% has enlivened 1.380.894)
In september the traffic has been pairs to 154.582 teu (+3.4%)

28/10/2011MSC Cruises on a national level asks a cabin for direction for the management of the ports
Pellegrino: "many Italian ports are not neither in a position to receiving the great cruise ships of last generation"

28/10/2011Inaugurated a system of photovoltaic production to the Interporto of Novara
It is able to satisfy the requirements of about 1.700 families

28/10/2011CAI International previews that the increase of the activity and the turnover will continue in 2012
In the third trimester the society has recorded increments of 48.7% of the profit clearly and 63.8% of the revenues

28/10/2011The Harbour Committee of Naples has approved of the directory anniversary 2012 of the works and triennial program 2012-2014
Satisfaction for the acceptation by the EU commission of the lines guides introduced from the Campania Region

28/10/2011Lufthansa Cargo, with the prohibition of the flights nocturnes to Frankfurt Germany will be cut outside by world-wide the commercial routes
the company previews an increment of the various costs for million euro

28/10/2011Agreement of collaboration between the ports of Trieste and Busan
It is signed today in occasion of the visit of an Italian delegation to the South Korean port

28/10/2011The ports of Genoa and La Spezia are mobilized in order to assist the populations of from Liguria East and the Tuscany hit by the cloudburst
Shipment of men, genres first necessity and means

28/10/2011This year the traffic of crocieristi the Coast in the Italian ports has grown of 50%
The ships of the fleet of the company have carried out altogether about 900 ports of call in the peninsula

28/10/2011Enel has delivered to the Harbour Authority of Venice the study of feasibility for the electrification from earth of the docks
The system of cold ironing, of the ability to 64 MW, will be able to feed four great cruise ships simultaneously

28/10/2011In the third trimester of this year the traffic in the port of Marseilles is increased of 2.2%
In increase liquid bulk (+10.7%) and goods several (+2.2%). Light decrease (- 0.7%) of the bulk sand banks

28/10/2011The terminalista group Hutchison Port Holdings will manage the port of Ajman
Previewed an investment of beyond 54 million dollars over ten years

27/10/2011of Friend International Shipping it has closed the third trimester with a net loss of 9,6 million dollars
the revenues are diminished of 11%

27/10/2011In the third trimester the profit clearly of Royal Caribbean Cruises is increased of 14%
In the first nine months of the 2011 increment it has been of 18%

27/10/2011The Municipality of Villa San Giovanni anticipates demanded of adhesion of the city port to administrative division of the Harbour Authority of Gioia Tauro
The first step will be the editing of the Portuale Town development plan

27/10/2011Tomorrow fleeting the Grimaldi group will inaugurate the new line Genoa-Catania-Corinth-Patrasso
the service weekly magazine will be realized with the ship ro-pax "Catania"

27/10/2011The Harbour Committee of Trieste has approved of Industrial the Triennial Operations plan/
For the first time - he has emphasized the harbour authority - a not economic public body adopts an industrial plan to the aims of own technical-economic programming

27/10/2011The EU commission anticipates a new regulation of the activity of the offshore industry
the proposal previews that the enterprises of the field are entirely responsible for the environmental damages on the protected marine species and the natural habitats

27/10/2011The Harbour Committee of Savona has approved of Triennial Operations plan 2012-2014
In program the works tied to the realization of the platform multipurpose of Go

27/10/2011In the third trimester the new orders to Cargotec have grown of 19%
The operating profit of the group is increased of 29%

27/10/2011Tomorrow to Pisa the national assembly of WISTA Italy will hold
the event is in program to the Galileo Galilei airport

27/10/2011NYK acquires 10% of Brazilian Master Navegação and Logística
Offshore Knutsen NYK Tankers signs an agreement of chartering with Eni relative to two shuttle tankers

27/10/2011ABB records an sensitive increase of the operating result and the orders
In the first nine months of the 2011 orders of the branch Italian they are increased of 5%. Presentation to Savona of the solutions for energy efficiency applied to the naval field

26/10/2011Saipem has closed the first nine months of this year with an increase of 12.2% of the profit clearly
the volume of transactions is increased of 11.9%

26/10/2011Encounter on the topic "the transport of the goods and the relationships between Milan and Genoa"
Organized from the The International Propeller Club Port of Milan and from the Association Promoters Museums of Mare Onlus, one will hold on 7 November to Milan

26/10/2011The 10 and 11 November to Bologna will hold a meeting of the European Freight and Logistics Leaders Forum and of the Freight Council Leaders
In program debates, round tables and encounters centralized on the future of the logistics and the development of the collaboration between the associates

26/10/2011On 3 November to Milan the port of Rotterdam will introduce the operators of the Italy north
In program another advertising mission to Basel

26/10/2011In the third trimester of this year the operating result of COSCO Pacific has grown of 77.8%
The terminals of the Chinese group have enlivened 13,3 million container (+10.2%)

26/10/2011Horizon Lines cancels its only transpacifico service USA-China
Suspended also the connections with Guam and the surrounding islands

26/10/2011Alarm of CNA-Fita on how of access to the profession of the road haulage
Criticized the decision of the Giachino undersecretary to open a table with Trasportounito

26/10/2011In the port of the Pireo the work for the realization of a new dock for the cruises leaves
It will be long beyond 280 meters and it will have a backdrop of the depth of -11,5 meters

26/10/2011Cargotec will supply 54 harbour means to the Bolipuertos Venezuelan
They will be used in order to increase the consistency of the fleet and in order to replace old models

26/10/2011Boredoms (Confcommercio): indispensable a strong action for I throw again of the field of the transports and the logistics
the crisis has heavy hit the section compromising the estate of the enterprises

25/10/2011Cargotec forms an alliance with Rosmorport in order to collaborate to the increase of the Russian portualità
Russia heads to double the harbour ability within next the ten years

25/10/2011Agreement Harbour Authority of Civitavecchia - ARPA Lazio for the monitoring of the quality of the air of the port
A modellistica chain for the meteorological reconstruction of the quality of the air of a harbour zone will be developed

25/10/2011Last month the traffic of the goods in the port of Barcelona is diminished of 4.9%
In the period January-september tons (+4.9% are enlivened 33,1 million)

25/10/2011The port of Seattle accusation a decrease of 5.9% of the traffic of the container
In the first nine months of this year 1.522.907 teu are enlivened

25/10/2011The EU commission rejects the plan of SeaFrance restructure
It is a decision - the minister of the Transports has commented French, Thierry Mariani - "difficult to understand"

25/10/2011Trasportounito has announced the suspension of the arrest warrant of the road haulage waiting for the outcomes of a table of confronts governmental
The accusation to complete an action of piracy turned to the association from the president of the Harbour Authority of Genoa - the general secretary of Trasportounito has declared - "shapes a precedence of authoritarian and intimidatoria drift"

25/10/2011The Italian marine cluster contributes to 2.6% of the national Gross Domestic Product one
The field occupies 477 thousand assigned, pairs to 2% about of the force job of the Country

25/10/2011In the period July-september the container terminal of the DP World group has enlivened 14,4 million teu (+10%)
In the first nine months of the 2011 traffic it has been of 40,6 million teu (+11%)

25/10/2011Piracy, infrastructures, finance and logistics between the topics of "Shipping and the Law 2011"
Lauro: for the employment of the soldiers to protection of the ships the agreements with the Been about to ones lack to allow their boarding and disembarkation and urge to define appropriate rules of engage
24/10/2011Una ricerca dell'olandese NEA conferma la competitività dei porti nordeuropei ed evidenzia le opportunità di crescita dei porti adriatici
L'ulteriore capacità ferroviaria offerta sulle linee transalpine (Moncenisio, Lötschberg, Gottardo e Brennero) consentirà di trasferire volumi dalla strada alla rotaia piuttosto che di ridurre il traffico marittimo sulla costa atlantica

24/10/2011Stolt-Nielsen signs a preliminary agreement in order to buy a terminal for liquid bulk of the port of Moerdijk
It will be yielded by the Dutch Den Hartogh Logistics

24/10/2011Tomorrow to two it meet on the European projects "Eega Beeva" and "Wind & Ports"
Pagliari Dock of will hold near the Chamber of Commerce and

24/10/2011Merlon: the initiative of Trasportounito is "a ham-handed action of piracy"
According to the president of the Harbour Authority of Genoa, the general secretary of the association of the Longo road haulage would have to discharge himself quickly from the Harbour Committee
24/10/2011Il Piano Strategico dei Trasporti del Portogallo prevede la costruzione di tre nuovi container terminal a Leixões, Lisbona e Sines
Investimenti per 2,45 miliardi di euro nei porti nazionali

24/10/2011Trasportounito, "instrumental and excessive the pressures on the haulers on strike"
Today it is first of the five days of arrest warrant of the Tir

24/10/2011The BEAUTIFUL ones have granted a loan of 150 million euros to Wärtsilä Corporation
the deep ones will be employed in the activities of search, carried out development and innovation in Finland, Italy, Switzerland and in other European nations

24/10/2011Interporto Marche emphasizes the opportunities offered to the region from the new configuration of the European net TRIES
Pesaresi: necessary "a fast start of the intense activities for the realization of by pass of Falconara Marittima and the displacement of the port of call goods of Falconara near the interporto"

24/10/2011The Harbour Authority of has signed an agreement with the Interporto of the Central Tuscany of Prato
Friday to from Liguria port has arrived the first ship of Maersk Line

24/10/2011Euronav has closed the third trimester with a net loss of 40,5 million dollars
The revenues are diminished of 24% to 88,5 million dollars

24/10/2011Al port of Cagliari direct disembarkation of coming fruit from South America
To the Sardinian port of call the ship reefer "Caribbean is landed in recent days Star"

24/10/2011In the first nine months of this year the result clearly of Belgian CMB is diminished of 24%
The revenues have grown of 8.5%

21/10/2011Bill on the portualità of the Friuli Venice Julia that increases the prerogatives of the Region
Inserted a specific norm on the project financing that - has explained the city council member Riccardi - the objective has to activate the engagement of the private capital in the project of the "superport"

21/10/2011Interporto of Bologna in new Core network of the transeuropea net TRIES
It is priority node is on the Adriatic-Baltic Sea Corridor that on that Helsinki-TV assistant

21/10/2011Wednesday to Milan will hold an event from the title "Logistic solutions for your values"
Argol Air Logistics and Arterìa will celebrate theirs partnership in the field of the valuable logistics of the goods

21/10/2011Precise minister Matteoli the list of the Italian ports inserted in "Core Network" of the European net TRIES
Sono Ancona, Bari, Genoa, Gioia Tauro, La Spezia, Livorno, Naples, Palermo, Ravenna, Taranto, Trieste and Venice

21/10/2011Monday to Naples lectio magistralis of Ennio Cascetta on the era of the container
It will take part Gianluigi Aponte, founder of the Mediterranean Shipping Company

21/10/2011Monday to Trieste will hold an event on safety in job atmospheres
It is organized from the Harbour Authority and the INAIL

21/10/2011Camillo Eitzen & Co. he sells nine ships to gassiere and the entire capital stock of Eizen Gas to B-Gas
Within end of month it will yield also 20% of Eitzen Ethylene Carriers to Jaccar Holdings, that she will become only owner of the company

21/10/2011Monday will hold an antipollution imposing practice in Alto Tirreno
They will take to part the naval forces to you of Italy, France and Principality of Monk

21/10/2011Today the delivery of the Pagliari Pier to the Harbour Authority of
The area is yielded in exchange from Marina Militare

21/10/2011New initiative de "the Port of the little ones" with the Group Ancient Ormeggiatori of Genoa
Tomorrow a group of children in cure near the institutes Gaslini and Saint Paolo will be received by the genoese ormeggiatori

21/10/2011Reefers star, 2011 is the more difficult year for the market reefer
In the third trimester the company has recorded an accentuation of the losses although decided rise (+33%) of the revenues

21/10/2011Genoa and Antwerp form an alliance in order to develop a net of Port European and world-wide Center
The agencies harbour and the provincial one of the capital of Liguria have signed a protocol the understanding with Havencentrum Lillo and AIVP

21/10/2011The reform on the costs minimums of the road haulage risks to deflagrate in a real crash between categories
It emphasizes Spediporto, that it has promoted an encounter on the topic

21/10/2011The Norwegian Tankers Saga will sell the last ship of the fleet
the Board will estimate the possible change of the activity of the society or its issolution

21/10/2011Seago Line will reshape the offer of services between the adriatic ports and the Mediterranean oriental
Acquired cargo spaces on the ships of the Mediterranean Shipping Company

20/10/2011On the Strait of Messina the EU commission has decided not to decide
Evidently for Brussels the ferries that cross it does not constitute a neck of bottle

20/10/2011In the third Konecranes trimester it has recorded a decrease of the economic results
the new orders have totaled an increase of 22.8%. Lundmark: in the fourth trimester we will start measures in order to reduce the fixed costs

20/10/2011The REGIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE COURT Apulia confirmation the regularity of the nomination of Marian to president of the Harbour Authority of Bari
Rejected which inadmissible and groundless the resource introduced from Guadagnuolo

20/10/2011Started on Monfalcone the work of construction of the cruise ship Royal Princess
It will enter in service in the spring of 2013 and will be the new flagship of Princess Cruises

20/10/2011Trasportounito, the arrest warrant of the road haulage of the next week is an extreme manifestation of protest
We stop ourselves - the association explains - for being able to work

20/10/2011Shtandart TT (Summa Group - VTTI) will construct a new oil terminal in the port of Rotterdam
The work will begin in 2013 and the system will become operating in 2015

20/10/2011Maersk Line adds La Spezia to own Network of Mediterranean ports of call
The from Liguria port will be touched with frequency weekly magazine from the service Asia-Europe AE-11

20/10/2011The port of Long Beach closes a third trimester all negative for the traffic of the container
To september 527,157 teu (- 8.3% are enlivened)

20/10/2011In the third trimester of this year the OOCL fleet has transported 1,3 million container (+6.6%)
The revenues generated from such activity are diminished of 8.3% to 1,44 billion dollars

20/10/2011Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl and Uiltrasporti have asked the institution of a blacklist for the road haulage enterprises that do not respect the rules
Always with greater frequency - they have explained the unions - the "bad job" is driving away the "good job"

19/10/2011In increase the traffic in the port of Bari
In the first nine the 2011 months of the goods has recorded an increment of 20.1%

19/10/2011Tuesdays to Rome the Federation of the Sea and the Censis will introduce the "IV relationship on the economy of the sea"
Italy confirmation leader in Europe for import-export by sea

19/10/2011The EU commission has introduced the new configuration to two levels (Core network and total net) of the transeuropea infrastructural net TRIES
The central net will have to be completed within 2030, that total one within 2050. Previewed total costs of 250 billion euros for the first phase (2014-2020) of Core Network. The appropriation for period 2012-2020 is of single 31,7 billion. Satisfaction of ESPO for the role assigned to the ports

19/10/2011Agreement in order to make of the port of Genoa the access door Europe of Mongolia
It is signed today by the genoese Harbour Authority and Mongolia Maritime Administration

19/10/2011Signed the contract that assigns to 60% of Trieste Passenger terminal to the network guided from Unicredit and Costa Crociere
The quota is yielded by the Harbour Authority of Trieste, that it maintains remaining 40% of the capital of the society

19/10/2011Brussels submits Italy to the Law court EU for the lacked recovery aids granted to Sardinian societies of navigation
the decision of the EU commission goes back to July 2007

19/10/2011The next Costa Crociere winter will ulteriorly strengthen own presence in the Arabic Emirates
In the area "Costa Favolosa" will be placed the new ship

19/10/2011The port of Koper will be connected to Poland with a new railway service
It will be operated by the Estonian society Baltic Rail in collaboration with the Slovene Adria Transport

19/10/2011Results down for Wärstilä Corporation in the third trimester
In the period the new orders are increased of 11%

19/10/2011Down the accidents of the marine ones in the field of the peach
"According to relationship they fishes" of the Inail evidences however as the truth is in "chiaroscuro"

18/10/2011ECGs exhorts the European governments to introduce the incentives for destruction of the cars
Baldissara: the consequences of a new recession would be disastrous not only for operators of the logistics, but also for the automotive industry

18/10/2011Slowly strategic ambitious of development of the Interporto of Novara
Investments in order little more than 120 million euros in first phase 2011-2015

18/10/2011The port of Rotterdam strengthens its role in confronts of the Russian market
Climbed over Amburgo for enlivened volume of container

18/10/2011The participation of the group Beans in Interporto Rivalta Scrivia is gone up to beyond 90%
Riacquisita quota (22.7%) of F2i - Deep Italians for infrastructure

18/10/2011Special mention to the project "Porto Lab" of Contship Italy in the within of the "Containerization International Awards 2011"
APL has adjudicated the prize of "Ocean Carrier of the Year"

18/10/2011Nerli (Assoporti): in Italy the presence of ports also little ones represents "a value for the system Country"
In the financing of the sussiste harbour works the risk of speculations

18/10/2011In the third trimester of this year the traffic of the goods in the port of Taranto has grown of 28.3%
In the first nine months of the 2011 increment has been of 22.3%

18/10/2011The Greek group Attica has taken in delivery the new ship ro-pax Blue Delos Stars
The total investment for the purchase of the ferry, constructed from DSME, has been of beyond 70 million euros

18/10/2011Christened the first two of eight new ships from 13.100 teu of E.R. Schiffahrt
For the moment - it has announced the CEO Schumacher - the two new portacontainer will be the last ships that the company will place under the German flag

18/10/2011In the first nine months of this year the port of Antwerp has enlivened 142 million tons of goods (+7.5%)
The container pairs to 6,5 million teu (+3.1% have been)

18/10/2011Green light to the cession of Siremar to Company of the Islands
the ministry of the economic Development has authorized the acceptance of the supply and demand

17/10/2011In sight an increase of capital for Attica Holdings
To the shareholders the reduction of the nominal price of the actions from 0,83 to 0,30 euros will be proposed also

17/10/2011The EFIP plaude to the role assigned to the internal ports from the European political new for TRIES to them
We hope - it has emphasized Isabelle Ryckbost - than are not visible single on the maps, but that they come very integrated in the multimodali corridors

17/10/2011In september the traffic of the goods in the port of Savona has grown of 8.1%
In the first nine months of this year 10.914.000 tons (+0.1% enlivened)

17/10/2011Saipem has adjudicated new Offshore contracts E&C for 1,5 billion dollars
New activities in Iraq, Nigeria, Sea of the North and Gulf of Mexico

17/10/2011Last August the traffic in the port of Genoa is diminished of 11.4%
In the field of the passengers down it is ferries (- 20.0%) that the cruises (- 13.6%)

17/10/2011Convention to Savona on the protection of the health and safety in the harbour activities
Thursday near the room will hold conventions of the bic Liguria

17/10/2011The Dutch Karin Orsel is the new president of Wista International
Renewed the executive committee of the association

17/10/2011Tomorrow to Civitavecchia the presentation of the "According to Relationship Peach" will hold
Examination of the infortunistico course and the marine lefts in quinquennium 2003-2008

17/10/2011In the third trimester the 2011 profit clearly of NSCSA is diminished of 75.8%
The operating result has been negative for 8,8 million Saudi riyals

17/10/2011Christened a new ship support of the Dutch company Vroon
the unit is constructed by the Spanish yard Astilleros Zamakona Shipyard

17/10/2011Sport twinning to the standard of the social solidarity between Federagenti and Montecitorio Running Club
One will hold on 4 November in sight of the Marathon of New York

17/10/2011Bending of the economic results of Kuehne + Nagel in the third trimester
"the volatility - it has commented the CEO Reinhard Lange - is elevated and the fourth trimester is shown challenging"

17/10/2011The terminal ro-pax of Savona of the Forship has recorded an increment of 14.1% of the traffic fleeting
To the increase it has contributed the new line of the Saremar

17/10/2011Today to the presentation of the book "Turkey knocks to the door - Travel in the country suspended between Europe and Asia"
the author is Carlo Marsili, already Italian ambassador in Turkey

17/10/2011Federmar-Cisal and Marine Italy have signed the agreement for renew of the business integrating contract
It will take effect next 1° January and it will have expiration with on December 31, 2014

17/10/2011To Civitavecchia convention "LOG-IN: formative participations for the integrated logistics and the transports"
Will hold next 27 October

17/10/2011Thursday to Cagliari will open the eleventh edition of the Insuleur Forum
the event has the objective to elaborate a program of sustainable development of the insulare regions to subject to the attention of the European institutions
14/10/2011L'assemblea dei lavoratori del Cantiere Baglietto di Varazze boccia l'ipotesi di cessione dello stabilimento alla Monaco Marine
Interesse la proposta della famiglia Dellepiane

14/10/2011The Greek Stavros Hatzakos is named president of MedCruise
It succeeds to the Italian Giovanni Spadoni

14/10/2011Inaugurated the new terminal you ferry of the Acciona Trasmediterránea in the port of Cadice
the investment is piled to 2,5 million euros

14/10/2011Five ships of MSC Cruises to Genoa in the weekend
This morning "Lyric MSC" has arrived; tomorrow it will be continuation from "MSC Fantasy" and "MSC Orchestra" and Sunday from "Splendid MSC" and "MSC Melody"

14/10/2011Cargotec will supply automated cranes and means to the harbour terminal TraPac of Los Angeles
draft of ten cranes for impilaggio and 17 shuttle carriers

14/10/2011Saturday to Genoa will hold 44ma the edition of the Saint George Prize
The Saint George plate will be delivered to the general secretary of the IMO, Efthinios and. Mitropoulos

14/10/2011Fresh Group suspends the activity of the terminal yields Liverpool Produce Terminal
"the structure - Fresh Group has announced - has not captured the producing volumes of necessary in order to turn out sustainable from the financial point of view"

13/10/2011The Sardinia Region confirmation the intention to extend the operativity of the Saremar fleet to all the year
Cappellacci has emphasized that the experimental phase of the services of the company "has been shut positively"

13/10/2011The port of Los Angeles has closed the first nine months of 2011 with a traffic of 5.884.347 container (+0.2%)
In september 705,624 teu (- 0.8% are enlivened)

13/10/2011Increase of the transport goods in Italy in the first semester, but with signs of slow down in recent months
The data - Confetra explains Strong () - "sure indicate a phase of resumption, but with disomogenei values for merceologici fields and geographic areas"

13/10/2011In the first nine months of the 2011 port of Singapore container (+4.8% has enlivened 22.257.800)
Last month the trafifco it has been of 2.410.200 teu (+7.9%)

13/10/2011Assologistica is named member of the Board di European Logistics Association
ELA reunites beyond 30 associations of the nations of central and western Europe

13/10/2011Christened a new portacontainer from 7.100 teu of Hamburg Süd
It is sixth of a series of ten twin ships under construction near DSME

13/10/2011To september the traffic of the container in the Chinese marine ports is increased of 11.8%
In the first nine months of the 2011 increment it has been of 11.9%

12/10/2011Started the construction of the new port camerunense of Kribi
the start of the activity of the port of call is previewed for 2014

12/10/2011Under consideration a new marine line between Tunisia and Italy
It would connect the ports of Rades and Trieste with intermediate ports of call to Valletta and Augusta

12/10/2011Joint venture BLG-FESCO for the logistics to service of the automotive industry in Russia
The new society will manage the activities of handling of vehicles in the port of Saint Petersburg

12/10/2011Tremonti has signed decrees in order to unblock 50 million for the upset to sea of the genoese yard of Fincantieri
The representatives of the workers have asked the president of the Harbour Authority to make clarity on the future of the area "bulk" of the port

12/10/2011The yard of Turku of STX Finland will construct two great modules offshore
Their realization will demand about 250 year-man

12/10/2011CNA Fita has proposed the suspension of the Sistrum
the association of the road haulage has emphasized the necessity to redefine contents, procedures and costs in order to return effective and really efficient the system

12/10/2011The from Liguria ports are anticipated at the market Chinese in the within of fair CILF of Shenzhen
The president of the port of call breaks Forcieri has illustrated the strengths of the harbour system of the region

12/10/2011Confapi Transports will participate to the manifestation for the logistics and transport CeMAT ASIA
The fair will hold from the 25 on 28 October next ones to Shanghai

12/10/2011A.P. Møller-Mærsk sells the fleet of ships LNG to Teekay LNG and Marubeni
the transaction will have a value of 1.402 million dollars

12/10/2011Published I decree on the relative inquiries to the incidents in the field of the marine transport
Previewed the institution of a investigative Organism on the marine lefts to the directed dependencies of the minister of Infrastructures and the Transports

12/10/2011Inaugurated the yards for the construction of the new port of Doha
It will become operating at the beginning of 2016 and will be completed in 2030

12/10/2011SBB CFF FFS Cargo announces the cut of 200 places of job in the administrative field within 2013
Previewed ulterior savings for 80 million franchi Swiss

12/10/2011Encounter between the summits of the groups Eurokai and Contship Italy and of the Harbour Authority of
Confirmed the will to invest in from Liguria port of call

11/10/2011The Baglietto yards of to the Gavio group
Offer of 18,5 million euros. In the next few days the procedure of two diligence will be carried out

11/10/2011APM Terminals will manage the Skandia Container Terminal of the port of Goteborg
Undersigned the contract of concession of the duration 25-year-old

11/10/2011Indispensable a greater safeguard of the Italian and European navalmeccanica industry
The uncertain future of Fincantieri and the other ship yards. Anti-protectionist obsession of the EU

11/10/2011Freed the rinfusiera Montecristo
Participation of two unit of Marina Militare of the United States and the United Kingdom

11/10/2011Still a interlocutorio encounter on the future of Fincantieri
New reunions in program on 24 October and 9 November. The managing director Bono assures that the company will not close the plant of Sestri West

11/10/2011From the next month to May 2012 the port of Livorno will be opened to the city
In program a series of free initiatives between which guided tours to the terminals, the ship yard Benetti Azimut and interporto Amerigo Vespucci

11/10/2011Conference on the topic "Shipping and the law 2011 in the recent and current markets"
One will hold on 24 October to Naples

11/10/2011Kuehne + Nagel will buy the society of groupage German Drude Logistik
The company has center and offices to the center of Germany

11/10/2011Started a procedure of technical dialogue for the realization of the new dry dock of Genoa
the term for the presentation of the 9 questions will expire next November

11/10/2011Worry of Federmar-Cisal for the impact of the investigation EU on the future of Tirrenia
"the entire event - Pico has explained the national secretary of the labor organization - could have catastrophic implications"

11/10/2011Last month the traffic of the goods in the port of Venice has grown of 24.5%
In the first nine months of the 2011 increase it has been of 3.9%

11/10/2011International conference on the topic "the new harbour economic panorama"
Organized from C.I.S.Co., Genoa Port Center and Facoltà di Economia of Genoa, one will hold on 22 October in the capital of Liguria

11/10/2011Piro (AP Nord Sardinia): "with september we close a dramatic season for the marine transport"
In the three ports of Olbia, Golfo Aranci and Porto Torres are recorded altogether a decrease of 23.2% of the traffic of the passengers

11/10/2011The Imtech group has opened five new offices in France, Morocco and Spain
They have center to the Havre, Saint-Nazaire, Marseilles, Tangeri and Algeciras

10/10/2011The cruise ship Bleu de France will be restored at Fincantieri in Palermo
Will enter the fleet of the British Saga Cruising with the name "Sapphire Saga"

10/10/2011The bulk carrier D'Alesio Group of Monte Cristo was attacked by pirates
It has a crew of 23 people, including seven Italians, 10 Ukrainians and six Indians

10/10/2011Navigation Pearl (Group Louis) has asked the seizure of the cruise ship Rio (formerly Aegean Pearl)
The units will be sold at auction

10/10/2011Last month in the Suez Canal they are journeyed 1,465 ships (- 3.2%)
In the first nine months of the 2011 traffic it has been of 13.186 ships (- 1.4%)

10/10/2011The Panama Canal recorded a new record of maritime traffic in terms of net tons
The Panama Canal Authority has ordered 14 new tugs to Astilleros Armon Spanish

10/10/2011Saipem will a new logistics base and a shipyard in Brazil
Terminal Portuaria de Guarujá acquired, that area would have had to develop a container terminal

10/10/2011The Harbour Authority of Taranto will participate to "Lowers International Logistics Fair 2011" of Shenzhen
Agreement with the port of Shenzhen. President Prete will meet the representatives of the groups Hutchison Port Holdings and Evergreen, shareholders of the Taranto Container Terminal

10/10/2011The fifty-first edition of the Genoa International Boat Show has seen an influx of visitors around 226mila (-13%)
From politics - Assomarinas complaint - no retroactive clarification on the taxation of State fee that penalizes the marinas

07/10/2011New weekly shipping service between the Northern Adriatic and India
Via Port Said is a combination between a line and service line Sermar SCI

07/10/2011The new maritime station in the port of Trieste will be completed by next April 30
The works must be completed to allow the use of the facility for cruise season

07/10/2011On 18 October to Rome the shareholders' meeting of Assoporti will hold
The ESPO general secretary will introduce the relationship on the governance in the European ports

07/10/2011The Federal Maritime Commission investigates to see if the Harbor Maintenance Tax penalizes U.S. ports
Shippers can avoid paying tax by passing the goods through Canadian ports and Mexican

07/10/2011New passenger terminal at the port of Puerto Williams, Chile
It cost about $ 2.6 million

07/10/2011Asama Lazio, positive measures of the Port of Civitavecchia to improve air quality
"We are very pleased - said the president Palomba - also by a desire Civitavecchia environmentally advanced position in Europe '

07/10/2011In the first nine months of this year's container traffic in the port of Kaohsiung has grown by 5.0%
In September, the increase was 3.9%

06/10/2011In the first nine months of 2011 the container traffic in the port of Trieste has grown by 34.1%
In September alone the increase was 73.9%

06/10/2011Saturday to Gioia Tauro the conclusive day of the ninth International Laboratory of Architecture
The topic is "the project of the existing and the southern city - Gioia Tauro, Rosarno, San Ferdinando and the harbour area. Landscapes and passages"

06/10/2011Centralised Terminals and CAO will realize a terminal for producing oil in press of the port malaysian of Tanjung Langsat
It will have an ability to 380.000 cubic metres

06/10/2011Tomorrow kicks off the port of Venice on the European project SafePORT
The project involves the design and implementation of system interventions designed to cope with emergencies and major incidents in the port

06/10/2011Kuehne + Nagel opens its new regional hub in South America Cartagena
It is located in the terminal operator Conteca

06/10/2011Tomorrow to Genoa the intermediate seminary of the project will hold "Wind and Ports"
The initiative faces the study of the wind with the scope to supply the appraisal statistics and the forecast of the wind in the harbour areas

06/10/2011To Savona the general tests of the new underground and submarine system of Spa Cable cars are begun
Realized two tunnel for a total length of 1.600 meters approximately

06/10/2011At the start of the activity of the new passenger rail company Trenitalia Transdev Veolia
On December 11, will begin new daily service on the route Thell night Paris - Milan - Venice

06/10/2011The port of Le Havre expands ro-ro terminal
In the first eight months of 2011 the traffic of new cars and second hand rose by 10%

06/10/2011Stolt-Nielsen has acquired 70% of the share capital of the terminal operator Australian Marstel Terminals
The company operates nine port terminals for liquid bulk cargo in Australia and New Zealand

05/10/2011Confitarma fears a possible weakening of the benefits guaranteed from the international Registry
"We have undersigned more this pact - he has emphasized the president of Friend - and maintained faith in order than a decade to the promises of increase and development obtaining important results. In single 13 years we have renewed the fleet ordering new ships for a total value almost 35,5 billion euros"

05/10/2011The EU Commission wrote to the governor on the assumption of change in the Calabrian Scopelliti Berlin-Palermo corridor
"With regard to the redefinition of the corridors of the transport network - said the chief of staff of the President of the Commission - it should be noted that the current wording is considered indicative"

05/10/2011Cooperation Agreement between the ports of Trieste and Rostock
The goal is to develop intermodal rail along the line connecting the two ports and related economic areas

05/10/2011The Swedish TransAtlantic acquire the entire share capital of the British SBS Marine
The transaction has a value of about 37 million euros

05/10/2011The Propeller Club of London sums up the problems of the maritime and logistics
These include: customs regulations and inadequate, excessive power of local authorities on the works of national significance, assignment of work based on the maximum downward and monopoly FS

05/10/2011The EU commission has started an investigation on the aids of State on the societies of the former shipowning group Tirrenia
The privatization of Caremar, Saremar and Toremar does not re-enter in the field of application of the procedure

05/10/2011Demag Cranes will provide two new self-propelled cranes for the port of Mombasa
The lifting equipment will be delivered by the end of this year

05/10/2011Venezuela Agreement - China to build a new container terminal in the port of Puerto Cabello
For the first phase is planned an investment of $ 520 million

05/10/2011d'Amico International Shipping announces non-occurrence of the condition for the purchase of Fabrizia D'Amato
Invoked the ineffectiveness of the preliminary sale

04/10/2011The new UK London Gateway container port will become operational in the fourth quarter of 2013
Will have an initial traffic capacity of 1.6 million TEUs a year

04/10/2011Sixteen arrests in the investigation of the prosecution of alleged procurement of Florence rigged Trenitalia
The company points out that an internal audit has led in recent years to remove 39 managers and 10 paintings and about 100 companies deleted from the system of qualification

04/10/2011Garozzo (AP Augusta): infrastructure programs must take account of new realities, which are strongly to the fore
Among them - remember - "systems that revolve around Civitavecchia port and around Augusta in Sicily"

04/10/2011Paul Gauguin Cruises bought the luxury cruise ship Le Levant, the Compagnie du Ponant
The unit will be used by December 2012 used in the Mediterranean in summer and the Caribbean and Latin America in the winter

04/10/2011In the first half of 2011, the German ports have handled 144.1 million tonnes of cargo (+6.4%)
The volume is less than 11% from the record level of the first half of 2008

04/10/2011United Feeder Services suspends shipping services between Egypt and Greece
New line between Egypt and Turkey

04/10/2011Preliminary agreement Cargotec - DP World for the supply of 68 cranes for the terminal forecourt London Gateway
The shipping company has ordered the Finnish group Messina eight forklifts, high capacity

03/10/2011Coast (AP Venice): Confindustria calls for the liberalization of protected markets today? Confitarma begins with the technical nautical services
"I am convinced - Cote D'Amico says - that she, like all the other owners do not want to preach good suggestion to liberalize markets and scratching less well preventing even small modest steps toward greater competition in the ports and between ports "

03/10/2011Repetto (Province of Genoa): should create a ministry for the economy of the sea
Presented the project "The chain of the port"

03/10/2011Encounter between the presidents of the ports of Miami and Livorno
Undersigned a letter of attempts

03/10/2011In the first nine months of the 2011 fleet of Corsica Sardinia Ferries it has transported 3.158.631 passengers (- 6.2%)
In september a radical change of direction is recorded

03/10/2011A.P. The corporate functions of Safmarine in those of Maersk Line integrererà Møller-Mærsk
Cut of 240 places of job in the offices of Antwerp, Shanghai, Dubay, Singapore, Capetown and Mumbai

03/10/2011BMW chose the railroad to carry auto parts from Germany to Northeast China
From late November with a daily service starting from Leipzig

03/10/2011The workers at the Fincantieri's Sestri Ponente have decided to indefinitely employment shipyard Genovese
Expressed strong concern about their future employment and for the production site

03/10/2011GEFCO handles the logistics of Epipoli
The products will be stored at the logistics platform of Cerro al Lambro (Mi) and distributed throughout Italy

03/10/2011"K" Line expects financial results below expectations
Reformulated the estimates for the financial year 2011

03/10/2011UCINA and BMPS have introduced an analysis of the course of the nautical field
With the crisis the Italian companies of the section more and more aim for the markets foreign countries

03/10/2011In the first seven months of 2011, containerized shipping to and from Europe grew by 7.8%
In July the increase was 7.4%
Almost total membership-they stress Filt, Fit and Uilt-at the strike days of port workers
Genoa / Rome
Waiting for a fair response in wage terms and protections
Currently 90% per cent of ship arrivals in the port of Singapore are not scheduled
"The effect of the crisis in the Red Sea could be aggravated by the next increase in container volumes," Minister Hon Weng said.
Port Marghera inaugurated the work of the new container terminal Montesyndial
Port Marghera inaugurated the work of the new container terminal Montesyndial
Di Blasio : It is one of the most important and expected infrastructure works for veneta portuality and the productive fabric of the Northeast
It expects the reduction of maritime traffic in the Panama Canal
In the first five months of 2024, the transits of high-fishing vessels were 3,706 (-30.4%)
Port concessions, Financial Economic Plans will have to be drawn up on the basis of a format drawn up by the ART
The State Council has upheld the appeal of the Co. Na.Te. Co. towards the AdSP of Naples for the missed dredgers
The trend of sensitive traffic growth in the port of Bremen / Bremerhaven continues.
The hike is towed by the containers
Maersk Supply Service will be acquired by Norwegian DOF Group
Storebø / Kongens Lyngby
Transaction of the value of more than 1.1 billion
Assshipowners have no doubts : LNG is the useful fuel for decarbonisation of shipping
A catalogue of alternative fuels available in every stopover-Messina highlighted-is not reasonably applicable to Italian ports
The US Federal Maritime Commission puts the HMM under observation
The South Korean company has been included in the list of "controlled carriers"
Spread 41 million euros to improve competitiveness of Italian ports
Maersk withdraws from race to acquire German DB Schenker
Clerc : identified "areas of challenge in the perspective of an integration"
Provisions on the licence plates of new vehicles are likely to damage the activity of port businesses
Assiterminal and ANCIP, do not take into account the issues generated in the context of port operations
The Danish government has set up a working group to ensure that the national shipping industry continues to be a leader
The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach invest in order to equip charging stations for electric trucks
Los Angeles
Allocated 25 million as part of the Clean Air Action Plan
Acica rentals two new ro-pax ships that will ship from 2027 on routes between Italy and Greece
Agreement with Swedish Stena RoRo that includes unit purchase options
The Port of Los Angeles will enhance its capacity in the cruises segment
Los Angeles
Call for proposals for a new terminal and for the renovation of the World Cruise Center
In May, freight traffic in Chinese seaports grew by 3.5%
In May, freight traffic in Chinese seaports grew by 3.5%
The only containers increased by 8.2%
Crystal commissions two new high-end and next-generation cruise ships at Fincantieri
Crystal commissions two new high-end and next-generation cruise ships at Fincantieri
Munich / Trieste
The agreement includes an option for a third unit
Gianluca Croce is the new president of Assagents
Gianluca Croce is the new president of Assagents
Vice presidents have been named Aldo Negri, Roberto De Marchi, Carolina Villa and Maurizio Gozzi.
Paolo Pessina will be the new president of the Federagents
Paolo Pessina will be the new president of the Federagents
The witness passage will take place on October 25, when Alessandro Santi will cease his term in office.
The first July will become operational the first version of the Sardinia Port Community System
The new telematics platform was presented today in Cagliari
Le Aziende informano
ABB completa l'acquisizione del business di routing meteorologico di DTN per la navigazione
La transazione è stata completata oggi, in seguito a un precedente annuncio di accordo con il gruppo globale di dati e analisi DTN
Houthi allegedly targeted two other MSC container carriers
Portsmouth / Tampa
The ships have regularly continued their journey
Commesse for 63.4 million to Somec in cruise ship segment
St. Vendemian
These are units intended for Regent Seven Seas Cruises, Oceania Cruises and Disney Cruise Line
Marsa Maroc will operate the Container Terminal East of the new port of Nador West Med
Marsa Maroc will operate the Container Terminal East of the new port of Nador West Med
Will have an annual traffic capacity of 3.4 million teu
R-Logitech will come out of Euroports and be replaced by a new private majority shareholder
The investment companies PMV and SFPIM have temporarily boosted their shares
Hapag-Lloyd cooperates with ZeroNorth for the energy transition of its fleet
Digital solution for fuel supply and bunkerage planning
In February, Carnival reported revenue and record number of passengers.
In February, Carnival reported revenue and record number of passengers.
The crucieristic group predicts that strong growth will continue in 2025
In the first quarter of this year, the traffic of goods in Romanian ports increased by 16.1%
Strong drop in loads from and for Italy
Paolo d' Amico has been confirmed as president of the Italian Naval Register
Renewed the mandate for the four-year term 2024-2027
Hamburg Commercial Bank has acquired the portfolio in the NIBC's naval credit segment
Hamburg / L ' Hague
It has a value of 992 million
In the first three months of 2024, container traffic in German ports increased by 5.2%
The overall volume of goods decreased by -1.1%
US Secretary to the Navy enthusiastic about the acquisition of Philly Shipyard by Hanwha
US Secretary to the Navy enthusiastic about the acquisition of Philly Shipyard by Hanwha
He is the first Korean shipbuilder to land on American shores and-he specified-I am sure it will not be the last
Grimaldi (ALIS) : to intervene on the European ETS Directive in order not to create a distortion of modal competition and a geographical distortion
We hope that the proposal of the ICS to establish a Research and Development Fund will be taken into account.
Hanwha enters the U.S. Jones Act market by buying American shipbuilder Philly Shipyard
Seoul / Philadelphia
Agreement worth 100 million dollars
Viking orders Fincantieri to build two cruise ships of 54mila tsl
They will be able to host 998 passengers and will be delivered between 2028 and 2029
The traffic of goods in French ports is returning to growth
The traffic of goods in French ports is returning to growth
Increase in the volumes of cargoes handled in all major shades in the first three months of 2024
Filt Cgil and Fit Cisl have staged a strike in ports on 4 and July 5
"The absolute need to reach the renewal of the Ccnl is the absolute necessity," he said.
Okay to the functional rebalancing of the Venice Terminal Passenger concession whose duration has been extended by ten years
Commitment to invest over 19 million euros. Port of Chioggia, approved the concession to SO.RI.MA. (F2I Holding Portuale)
In May, freight traffic in the port of Genoa fell by -0.6% percent and in Savona's port, it grew by 9.6% percent.
Genoa / La Spezia
The Liguria Region has approved the Strategic Development Plan related to the ZLS "Porto and Retroport of Spezia"
Seven days of mobilisation in Italian ports early next month
Uiltransport, irresponsible of the attitude of the data-based parties in the negotiation for the renewal of the Ccnl of ports
Trade unions call for a meeting on the congestion fee demanded by the drivers operating with the port of Genoa
Final free route in India to the project for the construction of a large container port in Vadhavan
Final free route in India to the project for the construction of a large container port in Vadhavan
New Delhi
It will have an annual capacity of 23.2 million teu
The UIRR is dissatisfed with the position of the EU Council on the proposal for a regulation on the capacity of the railway infrastructure
The association continues to call for a more coordinated approach at the international level
Russian (Conftransport) : differentiated autonomy is likely to undermine the competitiveness of the national economic system
It is concerned that the law was approved in complete lack of definition of the Essential Levels of Prestation with reference to ports, airports and major infrastructure.
In the first five months of 2024 the traffic of goods in the port of Trieste increased by 5.6%
Increase generated by liquid bulk bulk (+ 11.6%). In decline miscellaneous goods (-3.4%) and dry bulk (-78.5%)
Extension of the non-start-up allowance for the docks of Gioia Tauro and Taranto airports
Rome / Gioia Tauro / Taranto
The Confirmed Ima confirmed for another nine months
Fincantieri vara to Ancona the cruise ship Viking Vesta
Los Angeles
In mid-2025 it will be delivered to American Viking
Lineage buys the abruzzese supplier of Eurofrigor refrigerated warehouses
At the end the constructive phase of the port of Porto Torres
Entrusted to a Technical Advisory Panel on the issue of the greatest costs of opera
In China, the keel of the new ro-pax has been laid down. GNV Virgo
It will be the first ship of GNV's fleet to be powered by liquefied natural gas
In Genoa, the World Day of Ausile Navigation
On August 22, IALA will assume the legal status of intergovernmental organisation
SFL Corporation orders the construction of five container ships from 16,800 teu
Commits the value of a billion dollars to New Times Shipbuilding
In 2023, Fratelli Cosulich recorded financial performance second only to those records of 2022
OMT (Accelleron) acquires the OMC2
The Company manufactures high precision fuel injectors for marine, stationary and rail engines
Last year, freight traffic in Dutch ports fell by -7.6% percent.
The Hague
Reduction of volumes in all major merceological compartments
Chantier Naval de Marseille will retrofit two other cruise ships of AIDA Cruises
They are part of the class "Sphinx"
Genovese De Wave has acquired Inoxking
The Company manufactures steel furniture and refrigeration systems for the maritime industry
The downturn of container traffic in the port of Piraeus continues
Hong Kong
Overall, the volumes handled by the COSCO Shipping Ports network have been increased.
MSC gets 97.71% of the capital of Gram Car Carriers
In the coming days the acquisition of the remaining shares
Hapag-Lloyd reiterates its own terminalist division
A Hanseatic Global Terminals make 20 container terminals in 11 nations
ADNOC Logistics & Services orders in Korea 8-10 new liquefied natural gas vessels
Abu Dhabi
They will be built by Samsung Heavy Industries and Hanwha Ocean
Kombiverkehr is alarmed at the reduction of DB Cargo services for intermodal transport
Frankfurt am Main
The company is looking for alternative partners
MSC ready to acquire 15% of ADR in Genoa Airport
The shipowner group has submitted a binding proposal to buy
Fincantieri will build a fourth NFS submarine for the Italian Navy Navy
Commits of the value of 500 million euros
Four major critical areas in view of the entry into force of the FuelEU Maritime Regulation
Workshop on the theme of the Young Group of Confitweapon
Technical Varo of the second of the four GNV ro-pax ships under construction in China
The "GNV Orion", of 52,000 tons tsl, will be taken over in the summer of 2025
Visual Sailing List
Departure ports
Arrival ports by:
- alphabetical order
- country
- geographical areas
Assshipowners have strengthened their structure
Insertion into the organic of Simone Parizzi, Mattia Canevari and Cesare Crocini
Japan's MOL acquires 25% of the logistics company Tanzaniana Alistair Group
Port of Ravenna, over four million euros destined for new mediums of less environmental impact
A ban on the replacement of the means currently operating in the quay
Rosetti Marino, new committed for offshore EPC activities worth more than 400 million euros
It envisages the realization of the topside of the gas production platform that will be installed off the coast of Libya
They return to grow the revenues of the FedEx express courier
In the coming months, a continuation of the current positive trend is expected.
Assagents analyzes the impact on maritime traffic of the geopolitical crises in place
On July 9 Adria Ferries will inaugurate a new ferry line between Italy and Montenegro
Biweekly service between the ports of Ancona and Bar
State Railways and Eni continue cooperation in the field of alternative fuels
Mitsui O.S.K. Lines will have 72% of the capital of Gearbulk
You will acquire an additional 23% held by Halberton Holding (Jebsen family)
The Young Shipowners Group of Confitarma launches the website ItalianSeafarers
Presented the training opportunities offered by the companies and the ITS foundations
In 2023, passengers on MSC Crusere ships nearly doubled.
The Explora Journeys business also started in August.
EQT Infrastructure VI fund buys Constellation Cold Logistics
Stockholm / London
Owns and operates 26 refrigerated warehouses in Western Europe and Scandinavia
UPS sells logistics company Coyote Logistics to RXO for more than a billion dollars
Charlotte / Atlanta
In 2023 the asset ceded generated a turnover of 3.2 billion
CMA CGM restructure services in the Mediterranean
Changes to the Euronaf and TMX 2 lines scaling several Italian ports
The only retroport of the port of La Spezia is that of Santo Stefano Magra
The Spezia
Shipping agents and shipping agents and customs officers who say no to the hypothesis of other corridors said.
Warriors (AdSP Livorno) : The TDT terminal must maintain its own merceological vocation
We expect Grimaldi to develop plans to promote a real growth of containerized traffickers.
Emanuele Grimaldi has been re-elected as president of the International Chamber of Shipping
Emanuele Grimaldi has been re-elected as president of the International Chamber of Shipping
Confirmed for another two-year term
Lorenzo Giacobbe is the new president of the Young People's Group of Assagents
It will be joined by Vice Presidents Pietro Abbona and Andrea Pompei
The ports of Trieste and Monfalcone are allied with those of Cartagena, Riga and North Sea Port
Report on work in liguri ports
It was carried out by the Italian Academy of Mercantile Academy
Intermodal transport of prefabricated in concrete from Tuscany to Sardinia
Collaboration between the Baraclit Group, the Logistic Pole of the FS Group and the GMake Group
It continues the growth of containerized transhipment traffic in the ports of Algeciras and Valencia
Algeciras / Valencia
In May in the two shelves the transshipment containers increased by 8.4% and 12.0%
Kombiverkehr, in 2025, will double in Germany the costs of using rail lines for the transport of goods
Frankfurt am Main
Krebs : in the worst case we will stop transport
They rise to 88 the companies associated with Assiterminal
Membership of seven new companies
Brothers Cosulich acquired the genovese Slavetti Enzo
It operates in the field of production and sales of hardware products for the shipbuilding and nautical industry
Likely sinking of the renaissance Tutor attacked by the Houthis
Signaled the sighting at sea of debris and hydrocarbon chiaths
EU Council agrees to its position on new regulation on the European Maritime Safety Agency
Also adopted the general approach on the regulation on the use of the capacity of the railway infrastructure
Italian Ports:
Ancona Genoa Ravenna
Augusta Gioia Tauro Salerno
Bari La Spezia Savona
Brindisi Leghorn Taranto
Cagliari Naples Trapani
Carrara Palermo Trieste
Civitavecchia Piombino Venice
Italian Interports: list World Ports: map
ShipownersShipbuilding and Shiprepairing Yards
ForwardersShip Suppliers
Shipping AgentsTruckers
The assembly of Assagents will be held in Genoa on June 25.
Event entitled " Mari inquieti. Routes and conflicts : the incognition of traffickers "
Conference on the safety and optimisation of the flow of passengers in ports and borders
Organized by the ICSA Foundation, it will be held on June 12 in Rome
››› Meetings File
Houthis Mount Biggest Month of Attacks on Ships This Year
Megapuerto de Chancay: Autoridad Portuaria decidió retirar demanda por exclusividad del futuro terminal
(Latina Noticias)
››› Press Review File
FORUM of Shipping
and Logistics
Relazione del presidente Stefano Messina
Roma, 2 luglio 2024
››› File
The Council of State has also rejected the appeal from the Gioia Tauro oil company
Joy Tauro
The port institution had rejected the concession instances put forward by the company
Mitsubishi Shipbuilding will build the first two Japanese ro-ro ships to methanol
They will have a capacity of about 2,300 motor vehicles
MSC restructure links between the Western Mediterranean and Canada
Merger of two services
New Mediterranean Service-East Coast USA of the MSC
Will have weekly frequency
On June 24, the Port Community System of the ports of Campania will be activated
The digital platform will be equipped with additional tools by 2026
In 2023 the traffic in goods in Greek ports grew by 1.0%
The Piraeus
Passenger in growth of 6.4%
In 2023 the turnover of MIS-Mai Intermodal Service grew by 28.5%
Aquanegra Cremonese
Handling 2.3 million tons of cargo
Last month container traffic in the port of Long Beach decreased by -8.2%
Long Beach
In the first five months of 2024, there was an increase of 10.0%
Spearport, contingent arrivals in the port of Genova to a number of vehicles that can actually be served
Continues the growth of prices of new shipbuilding
We reduce the consistency of the container order portfolio
In May, container traffic in the port of Los Angeles fell by -3.4% percent.
Los Angeles
Waiting for the recovery of growth in summer
The assembly of Assagents will be held in Genoa on June 25.
Event entitled " Mari inquieti. Routes and conflicts : the incognition of traffickers "
The work of consolidation of the first tank of the Darsena Europe has arrived at 60%.
Completion is expected by the end of the year
Piacenza has resigned as Extraordinary Commissioner of the AdSP of the Western Ligurian Sea
Genoa / Rome
The subenters Admiral Massimo Seno
The means of the Trieste Coast Guard rescue a motonave of the APT Gorizia
Rescued from 76 people on board
The Italian Sea Group has completed the divestment of the Viareggio nautical yard
Marina di Carrara
It was sold to Next Yacht Group for 21 million euros
Eni has ceded 10% percent of Saipem's share capital.
San Donato Milanese
The counter-value was about 393 million euros.
Restored full navigability in the access channel to the port of Baltimore
Assoports and SRM publish a new update of the report "Port Infographics"
Focus on maritime trades and fleets, alternative fuels and the employment of women in ports
Renewed the Board of Directors of Maritime Stations
Indication of Edoardo Monzani's confirmation to the role of president
In May the revenues of Yang Ming and Wan Hai Lines grew by 46.2% and 40.1%
Keelung / Taipei
In the first five months of 2024 recorded increases of 27.0% and 17.5%
Port of Genoa, Spediporto and Fedespedi call for truck drivers to freeze congestion fee
DFDS will sell its own mini cruises to Gotlandsbolaget
Copenhagen / Visby
The divestment will include the ships "Crown Seaways" and "Pearl Seaways" built in 1994 and 1989
Second report from the Fedespedi Studies Center on the Suez Crisis
In the Mediterranean, take advantage of ports closest to Gibraltar
Finsea renews its identity brand identity
The structure of the group split into three main business units : Finsea-Shipping agency, Finsea-Land transport and Finsea-Global logistics
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio
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